They took away my boob pic avatar

Yes, that really was me, and no I will not share my face or any other details on here that I don't feel like sharing. I'm beginning to think this is not a site for me anymore. So I may be removing my account. I'm so sad, because this used to be a fun flirty sexy space. Now it feels very corporate. Boo!… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 9 мес. назад 8

Brittany in Spring part 4

One of the requirements for me in any relationship is that my lover must be a good cook. I know, that is oddly specific, maybe even ridiculous, but I will tell you that the best lovers I have ever known have in general been good cooks. I don’t know why, but there is some mysterious connection there. Perhaps it’s that they savor sensations just as much as they savor flavors? A lovely mystery that will remain so beyond my lifetime. My sweet lover cooked me the most delicious breakfast while I packed us a picnic basket. I went overboard, and the basket was heavy. Still, it was good to have plen… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 1 год назад 1

Slowly returning to the moist dark....

Ah my lovely horny fuckers -- how are you? Humble apologies that life has been such that I am not on here as much (rhyme intentional) but, I come back renewed and focused on more erotic fun. I hope to post a story or poem soon. Hugs and wet licks up your sweaty thighs....! Drop me a line to let me know how you are doing and what sort of naughty fun you have been up too? ( Or to share a story or two.) ;)… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 1 год назад 1

Womens version of escape into porn...

So... men often come on porn sites to get their fantasy and sexual needs met, but did you know that a lot of women read romance books for the porn factor? I bet guys didn't really think about that much. There are many, many flavors of "romance" books out there and they cover the gamut that you find on here, though often more obscurely. The fact that women read these books says to me (as a woman myself) that women love fantasy, and sex just as much as men. Sadly, our Western, puritanical culture often vilifies our interest in sex. We are whores if we love sex. We are the evil seductress, the mi… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 2 года назад 11

Brittany part 3

The next morning came gently. The light slowly entering our southwest facing room. I woke feeling a bit chilled and sleepily watched the light seep in among the fluttering curtains. The clean fresh ocean air revived me a bit, but the previous days activities and excesses had left me very mellow. My lover had rolled to his side facing away from me in the large bed so I scooted up to him and cuddled into his back kissing his shoulder gently. He grumbled appreciatively then turned around and pulled me into his arms, my head resting on his shoulder, another happy grumble, and he promptly fell back… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 2 года назад 6

Brittany in the Spring - part 2

I lay contentedly in the arms of my lover, the sweat cooling on my skin, appreciating how he pulled me close, hand splayed between my shoulder blades, fingers gently stroking my hip, face buried in my hair as he breathed me in with a contented sigh. A little answering murmur from me and we drifted in sleep. When I woke up a little while later, he was not in bed, but I could hear him in the bathroom. Slowly and sleepily I got up, sticky wet residue coating my thighs and pussy as I padded nakedly toward the noises, passing my thoughtfully arranged suitcase as I went. He was so very attentive to… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 2 года назад 3


Your warm moist sweetness draws me in A waft of Eden on a cold winter night The golden apple of Mt Olympus Heavy in the kitchen It feels like Tuscany in the Fall Compelling me with untold riches My heart lifts, as I inhale you I can live without you But it is a lie I tell myself To guard against this deep wanting Because your sweetness is like no other The complex mystery of your aroma Its hint of forbidden knowledge It all seduces me... To. Taste. You.… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 3


I knew I probably shouldn’t have interrupted him, but I did anyways… He was sitting in the chair facing the screen when I quietly walked in, hair skewed every which way as if a storm had come through and only hit that one spot in the room. I was smiling by the time I reached the back of his chair and placed my hands on his shoulders. “Mmm..?” he said glancing back. “How’s it going sweetheart?” I asked softly. “Like shit,” he grumbled. I tsked and began massaging his shoulders and neck. I could feel the sigh leave his body as my fingers probed gently around the back of his skull. Soft happy so… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 14

Mistress of Dreams

The air is deepest void cold I pull the cloak of woven dreams tighter around me as I walk along the dock towards you. You? You stand waiting on the vessel that will take us, watching my approach, galaxies birthing in your gaze. I am The Mistress of Dreams. You are the Master of Possibilities. I do not know where we will go, but it is always together, each journey fresh and exciting. You reach for my hands as I step onto the barque. Arms gather me close and cradle me to your warmth, my head rests upon your chest and for a blissful eternity we are still, we are one, deep breath in --… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 2

Brittany in the Spring.

(apologies for the lack of accents on the French, my computer was being difficult) My lover had invited me to a glorious week on the coast of France. I was so ready to leave the work world behind. The schedules, the stress, the endless necessities of facts and figures, and polite smiles to stupid ideas that ruined and warped hours of creation left me wanting to run away… So, I did, and this is what happened... I stepped out the doors of the Aeroport de Pleurtuit-Dinard and there he was, that devilishly attractive man leaning against a gorgeous sports car. Just looking at him in the flesh m… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 5


My muse, she rides me hard. The words spring forth in my mind and I am helpless to do anything other than her bidding and write them down. There is no hunger, no sleep. I must commit them to paper or digital form. Even when I must do daily life they are there crowding at the edge of my awareness, demanding attention. I wonder if any of you lovelies experience this?… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 5

Spring sleepies...

Today is a good day to crawl back into bed with a warm, sleepy man with a huge erection and no hurry to get anywhere....… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 2

The muse returns

My heart catches in my throat What longing I have for you! Where have you been lover? How is it I let you go? It was in the little lies I told myself The daily monotony The way I twisted for others I pushed you down To the deepest part of myself But there you waited for me Silent, biding your time You knew I would come back When the lies no longer held me When the sky and budding leaves called me When the monotony had to break And When my sweet yoni remembered That you are my wellspring And when I thirst I can always take a long draught from you… to be renewed.… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 2

To shave or ... not to shave my pussy clean?

Hello my dear sexy friends. I'm pondering a smooth set of nether lips. I wonder what your opinions are on this? Should I shave or not? Please comment and let me know your thoughts....… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 32

The fun with gay porn

I think what I love about men who like to have sex with other men is that they just don't hold back. They really own their pleasure. It's really a turn on to see a man getting into his orgasm and to be so free. Heck it's beautiful with whatever flavor of sexuality you identify with. I love seeing people in their pleasure. Is it corny to say that it's heartwarming and sweet, even while at the same time it is raw, erotic, and powerful? I don't think the two contradict each other, do you?… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 4

What every woman over 50 wants...

I think we all want to be seen as still valuable and relevant in this world, to our selves first and foremost, but then to others as well. Do I make the grade? What the heck IS the grade anymore? And and some point -- we figure out that the lush blossom which is our intrinsic self is still there. She is still just as juicy, powerful, and gorgeous as she ever was. The colors are deeper, more nuanced and the scent is by far headier and more enticing. We are not fading, unless we let the world speak for us. No, the truth is that we are gaining in our power and our beauty. So, here's a toast to ag… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 3 года назад 10

She awakes...

I feel like a mythic thing being woken by the sharp, wanton kiss of Winter this year, soft, liquid, dreamy, and warm. Poetry - sexy stories - I'll be adding stuff on here. :D Lusciously yours, Teasy… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 4 года назад 1

Dirt and other good things

I admit it. I have neglected my garden, as in the real one, not the proverbial one. But no longer, and there is something very erotic about digging into soil and inhaling that rich scent. The sweet feeling of perfect dirt which crumbles and makes one excited about what will spring forth. The sweet tenderness of green things delicately poking their heads above the ground, swelling buds on vines and shrubs a like. I always feel horny this time of year -- a deep longing to join in all the juicy bursting potential of life. There are many gardens I will be tending this year and not all of them are… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 9 лет назад 4

Phases of the Moon

I am split One side dark The other light A constant flow Into tomorrow from the past Or reverse the order It doesn’t matter Because I keep sliding Into desires dark and hidden Or passion clear and bright Back and forth between you two I am pulled Like the ocean tides and The image of Yin and Yang I keep changing my visage While remaining completely still The seed of my hunger for the other face always present in this very moment.… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 9 лет назад 4

Summer eve

And so this summer eve filled with heavy heat and Isis' barque overhead sailing cross the diamond sky beckons me to sweet repose to join you in a dusky stroll where reality can buckle and roll into desires sweetest treat of tangled sheets upon a bed and lovers moans and soft sighs passion unfurled like the most fragrant rose… Читать далее

Креатор: Teasyme 9 лет назад 4