Brittany in the Spring.

(apologies for the lack of accents on the French, my computer was being difficult)

My lover had invited me to a glorious week on the coast of France. I was so ready to leave the work world behind. The schedules, the stress, the endless necessities of facts and figures, and polite smiles to stupid ideas that ruined and warped hours of creation left me wanting to run away…

So, I did, and this is what happened...

I stepped out the doors of the Aeroport de Pleurtuit-Dinard and there he was, that devilishly attractive man leaning against a gorgeous sports car. Just looking at him in the flesh made my pussy salivate and pout with longing.

He of the lanky build, piercing eyes and wicked laughter, but most of all that brilliant mind of his which birthed words to call forth the deepest desires. I often found myself dreaming of him and waking up in the middle of the night, wet and wanting with my fingers tracing down my abdomen. Finally, I could quench this thirst I had for him. “mine...,” chanted a visceral voice deep inside me. A big smile formed on his face as he lifted his aviators up and pushed off the car to come toward me. We met half-way arms sliding around each other into a melting hug, “You actually made it…” he whispered into my ear then kissed my lips. “How could I not?” I answered against his lips. The French, bless them, did not gawk, love after all is their coin and they spend it freely, two people kissing passionately on the curb was nothing of note.

He drove us around winding roads, lined with tall waving fronds of grass, lush fields and amazing views until we came to a stop at a beautiful old estate. “Very nice, however did you find this?” I murmured, quite impressed with his resourcefulness. “A friend owed me some big favors. It’s his place.” he grinned sideways at me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me, ravenous for him. “I want you… really bad, right now…” I whispered urgently against his lips. A wry smile from him, hand sliding down my back to fondle me,”Patience, my lusty kitten.” I sighed letting go of his shirt. Yes I could be patient. I did not want to be patient, but I would - for him.

Lovers come and lovers go and then there is that - one. The one that lights you up from the inside and brings about the aha moments. Aha - this is me, aha - this is you, aha - I am falling out of myself, aha - this is the passion poets write about. When I was with him the world completely changed. The colors were brighter - crisper, scents more arousing, feelings were more intense and everything tasted better. He was the spice of life for me and I intended to partake of as much of his essence as he was willing to give.

Large, old, stone front, stained glass with heralds atop them on the inside common doors. High ceiling and neoclassical architecture and good taste everywhere, plus a long gorgeous terrace with a view and pool. Our room was at the corner second floor of the house, floor to ceiling windows, doors out onto a private balcony, and a magnificent view of the ocean and cliffs across the small bay. The room was creamy and light, a complement to the ocean breeze drifting in. Soft elegant shades and crisp white bedding in a large four poster bed with d****s. A fireplace and heavy chairs, matching sofa in brocade, a bathroom with a shower and bath big enough for two. This was so overwhelmingly perfect and luxurious that I had to stop to breathe in the ocean air for a minute. As I stood there on the balcony door threshold, my lover settled behind me sliding his arms about my shoulders, pulling me to him. “Do you think it’ll do?” he whispered into my temple? I felt a smile lift the corner of my mouth, “Oh, yes. Yes, I think this will do quite nicely.” Turning around I wound my arms around his neck, our eyes speaking volumes as we gazed at each other. The slowest lowering of his head - the instinct to rise on toes in me, our lips met with the softest of touches. His kisses… I could write poems about his kisses…

The soft mingling of our breath, your lips against mine
Is like the sun rising in the Spring
New grass reaching up
To be held in it’s warm embrace
Dance of light and shadow
Caressing hungry vital things within
I am the prayer - you are the divine, answering

One hand cupped the back of my head the other slowly unzipped the back of my dress. It slid to the floor. He slowly stepped back to look at me. I loved watching how his lust rose, the slight flush and tension, the intensity in his stare. I felt lush and beautiful in his gaze as eyes traveled from head to toe and back up again. His hands reached for mine bringing me gently toward the bed. He pulled me down on top of him, fingers digging into my cheeks, sliding under my panties and pushing them down. My hands traced everywhere while our mouths explored the texture of each other. Legs coiled, bodies rolled, clothing sc****d off of hips and shoulders, the sinuous dance of exploration and passion weaving us into a single being.

Jaws, neck, ears, collar bone, tongue, teeth, lips, nipples, stomach, hipbone, shaft, thigh and that tender spot in the crease of the leg. No spot was left unexplored as we slowly and intensely mapped our lust on the others body. He worshipped me like a queen and I revelled in it as he traced my labia and clit with that wicked, clever tongue of his. I sighed and moaned and delved my hands into his hair, gripping and squirming as he explored me.

When I cried out joyously in release he ferociously slid up and into my body while I continued to shudder. The stretch and pressure of his cock only enhanced my orgasm. My back arched and I grabbed his forearms as he braced himself and stilled above me to watch me continue to unravel. I could feel him pulse in me which caused my body to stutter in answering waves. “Beautiful,” he whispered as he dropped to his forearms. A passionate kiss and I felt another flex in his cock making my body jitter in response.

He began to move, slow, deep, relentless, I’d never been made love to like that before and I could feel something amazing rising up in my body, igniting a starburst of sensation in the back of my head which whispered down to the arch of my feet and back up, it just continued to pulse through me increasing in intensity. I was panting and words were spilling out of me in a babbling confusion of languages as this amazing energy swamped my senses, until there was only him and me - the universe was us and we were the universe. He moved faster and I felt as if his shaft swelled even larger, going just a little deeper in me, my body saying yes, opening more for him. His impending release caused the slither of sensation to increase and then, and then, there it was.

A hot repeated spurt of fluid and the flex of his cock head against my cervix, the ragged breath in my ear and the starburst sensation exploded from my pussy to my crown and back down through my feet. I moaned, arching, he shouted and we held on as if we would be blown apart by the sensation. I could feel a pulsing in my core while I was shuddering intensely from pleasure. He held still - our bodies welded together as one for long minutes, the sensation so gorgeous and intense. We gasped for breath, hearts hammering in rhythm with each other. Slowly he rolled off of me, pulling me into his arms and held me tenderly, kissing me sweetly. I was still jittering a bit and he chuckled, then whispered into my temple, “I call this a great start to a very good week.”
Опубликовано Teasyme
3 года назад
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кому: Teasyme : A good man and a hard man :wink:
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кому: freddyswinger : You are a good man then. 
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He worshipped me like a queen and I revelled in it as he traced my labia and clit with that wicked, clever tongue of his... 
How i identify with that!
Lust loosening in luscious luxury.... Mmmmm!
wow... so beautifully minted... so clear and immersive like cool lake water....and damn hot..... LOVE it