
I knew I probably shouldn’t have interrupted him, but I did anyways…

He was sitting in the chair facing the screen when I quietly walked in, hair skewed every which way as if a storm had come through and only hit that one spot in the room. I was smiling by the time I reached the back of his chair and placed my hands on his shoulders. “Mmm..?” he said glancing back. “How’s it going sweetheart?” I asked softly. “Like shit,” he grumbled. I tsked and began massaging his shoulders and neck. I could feel the sigh leave his body as my fingers probed gently around the back of his skull. Soft happy sounds were coming from him as my fingers inched up higher to the wild display of hair. Fingertips pressed and massaged and nails slightly scratching and massaging, another big pleasurable sigh from him. I pressed my breasts into his shoulders as I leaned into the effort.

There is that point when the energy changes from one thing to another and I watched with delicious fascination as his body went from languid appreciation to sexual awareness, like a sudden wash of color across a grey landscape. Hands came up to clasp my wrists pulling me around and into his lap. “What have we here?” eyebrows raised, he looked at my state of undress. I wore only a loosely closed white cotton button-down and a pair of very moist pink silky panties. I’d been edging for an hour and I was so wet the moisture had soaked through. “Naughty, naughty kitty.” his fierce eyes bore into mine as he slid one hand down into my panties and discovered the ocean that was my pussy.

“Fuck!” He yanked off the underwear and pulled me into a blistering kiss all the while exploring and teasing my wet folds with those clever fingers of his. I was whimpering and squirming on his lap as he fingered me and ravaged my mouth, hand buried in my hair. As quick as lightning he flipped me onto my stomach and gave me a couple of stinging swats on my behind. I squealed and had to grab the edge of the desk to prevent myself from falling. He spared nothing in those swats and goddess help me I wanted more. “I know, I shouldn’t have come in here and distract you.” I said breathlessly, so turned on. “No. You shouldn’t have,” His fingers found my wetness and he slid several in, curling his fingers lightly to tease my g-spot. I cried out and almost jumped out of his lap, the stimulation was so intense. A quick glance and the intensity of his focus nearly made me cum. A long groaning plea coming out of me, “I’m sorry, I promise I won’t do it again. Please…” Honestly, I wasn’t quite sure what I was begging for, him to release me, or him to give me release?

He pulled his fingers out of me and sucked them, a shiver of bliss across his face, eyes closed, eyes open - looking intently at me. I could feel how flushed my face was, both sets of lips bruised from his attention. He pulled me up and set me on the desk, pulling me by my thighs to the edge. A quick fumble and his cock was out. Oh, how I wanted to go down on my knees and worship him. But the look in his eyes had me sucking in a sharp breath. I could not look away as he sunk all the way to the hilt in me, the pleasurable stretch so exquisite. He pulled me tight against him, flexing his cock inside me, knowing this drove me wild. I dropped onto my back as he pushed aside my shirt and plucked at my already hard nipples.

“You want this, my naughty kitty?” he ground in a circle against me still buried deeply. My thigh gripped tightly in one hand and the other braced beside me on the desk. “Fuck, yes!!” I nearly shouted. A wicked smile crossed his face and he pulled almost entirely out of me then slammed back in and began fucking me hard. I grabbed his forearm and the edge of the desk to anchor myself, panting and gasping at the pleasure/pain of the deep intense pounding I was getting. Gods how I wanted this man in all his erotic glory. No shame, no fear, no compromise of who he was, just raw primal self. He spared nothing in his mating with me. I could feel all that he was and gloried in it. He grabbed my other thigh and pulled me closer as I stretched my arms overhead to grab the opposite edge of the desk. He bent down and suckled my tits through the shirt and fuck… I came, but he didn’t stop. No he kept going and I could see how flushed he was, how close to his own release. I levered myself up on my elbows “Gods baby, you are going to split me in two with your cock.” I whispered, as the new position did something interesting inside of me. One hand released my thigh and grabbed the hair at the back of my head and he kissed me like it was the last kiss on earth. I whimpered against his lips as he began shuddering and gasping into my mouth. Hard swell of cock and he was spurting into me. He continued to kiss me while gasping and groaning into my mouth. I could do nothing but hold on to this crazy, intense, beautiful man. We were both panting and sweaty, when he let me go and leaned back a bit, both hands planted tiredly on the desk on either side of me, eyes blinking a bit, jaw working, head rolling. A wry smile my way, then he was gently lifting me up. “I didn’t break anything on you did I?” he asked, we both laughed. “No… no, I’m fine, I’m actually really good.” I said, on a happy sigh and I meant every word.
Опубликовано Teasyme
3 года назад
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кому: TITLOVER13 : You are so welcome!
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very hot ! I love the detail . I always like to read a naughty , hot , sexy , story written by the women involved , especially when you can tell she enjoyed it. keep it up. thanks for the hard on !  ( . Y . )
кому: freddyswinger : I'm waiting.... hurry!
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Amazing! Felt like I was there... I wish!
кому: Teasyme : The Overwhelm. Ugh...
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кому: Undercherry : Exactly.... love it... love the overwhelm... the surrender to that edge...
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Somehow these urgent encounters...where the danger is that you bite off a tad more than you can chew...I really 'get' where you are coming from in this one. x
Damn that was hot
"...that point where the energy changes from one thing to another"
Wow. I love this
кому: scribe29 : Thank you, my big, hunky, lusty, muse....! xxx
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wow... so evocative... the energy of the storytelling matching the energy of the love making... urgent, focussed, vital... and equal. And always that smile... a foible... humanity... makes it real and precious. Love it. x
кому: Just_pick_a_name : But somehow it is letting me read this story and comment on it...
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I'm not sure what happened but we suddenly are not friends anymore!