Brittany part 3

The next morning came gently. The light slowly entering our southwest facing room. I woke feeling a bit chilled and sleepily watched the light seep in among the fluttering curtains. The clean fresh ocean air revived me a bit, but the previous days activities and excesses had left me very mellow. My lover had rolled to his side facing away from me in the large bed so I scooted up to him and cuddled into his back kissing his shoulder gently. He grumbled appreciatively then turned around and pulled me into his arms, my head resting on his shoulder, another happy grumble, and he promptly fell back asleep. I grinned against his chest - men are so predictable in these situations. Women are by our vary natures not nearly as predictable. I was sleepy but restless, a bit hungry, jet lagged and massively needing to use the bathroom from all the wine and water I consumed the previous night so I extracted myself carefully from arms and legs and grabbed my robe to go to the bathroom. On the way there I spied the swimming pool below, such a temptation, and who was I to resist?

He found me in the pool swimming laps in the nude. I saw him shuffle sleepily out of the house wrapped in a fluffy white robe, two steaming cups in hand. He looked very smug when he saw that I was nude and watched me quietly for a little bit. A big splash later and I was caught up into his still sleep warmed arms. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and leaned into a blistering good morning kiss, again it gentled to something sweet. I think both of us were a bit worn out. I’m not ashamed to admit that my stamina wasn’t nearly as good as it had been in my youth. What I’d traded in quantity certainly I made up tenfold in quality though. He held me tightly against his body, eyes roaming my face and shoulders and glancing down where my very generous breasts pressed against his chest. "Gods woman, I want to eat you up." I smiled happily at him,
"Good morning to you as well, oh great conqueror of my pussy. The good news for you is I’m the pre-breakfast appetizer." He chuckled then hummed happily as he buried his face in my neck. The non-verbal communication between us was something like this;
"I woke and you weren’t in bed. I missed you."
"I’m sorry love, but I needed to adjust my middle-aged clock, and the pool was so inviting looking. Besides you looked so happy and relaxed I didn’t want to wake you."
"I forgive you, but I will make you pay in some manner, most likely pleasurable for the both of us."
His lips gently traced the line of my neck and shoulder. He was that lean strong body type that always surprises you unexpectedly when you experience it. He held me tightly to him, pulling my legs up around his waist, then proceeded to walk up out of the water with me around him. He set me down near the towels. "Damn, that was impressive." I said delighted to discover this new thing about him. He was a wonderful many, many layered being, like a perpetual flower that changed colors and textures as each new petal opened. He grabbed a large towel, wrapping me in it while pulling me toward him for a lush kiss. "We WILL revisit the pool in this manner, just not this morning." He said firmly as he began to towel himself off. "Okay...?" I said very curious what he had in mind. He just gave me an inscrutable look from under his brows while continuing to towel off. We snuggled up together in matching fluffy robes, on a reclining couch and watched the shore birds dip and dive along the skyline while sipping our morning tea. You couldn’t see the beach from the house, but there was a very nice path down to a lovely private cove that I had eyed this morning. "Have you been here before?" I asked. "Yes, a few times." He said, eyebrows lifting as he took a sip of steaming liquid," it’s always refreshing and peaceful." "You’re friend has impeccable taste," I said and then after a long pause I added, "and wads and wads of cash to burn it seems." He grinned at me, "Indeed." I laughed. He was welcome to keep his friends identity a secret. Goddess only knew, they were probably someone famous considering the circles he ran about in. I appreciated the opportunity to live like the very wealthy for a moment or two. I wasn’t poor, but I wasn’t rich, very comfortable would be a better description. "You have excellent taste in friends darling," I finally said after a few minutes quiet between us, sipping tea and watching the morning begin.

It was always like this between us, a breath in and then a breath out. We had a fantastic balanced synergy between us. I would have lamented not meeting him earlier in life, but then we would probably not have had this compatibility. Life makes us the person we are today and without all the joys and sorrows, surprise and tedium that come before, we would not be who we are in this very moment. To wish for a different past is futile because I would not be who I am today, and who I am is someone I like. I was wistful though, because one can be a bit wistful about time, particularly because neither of us were in the blush of youth and in fact had past that some decades ago. We had hit that stride in mid-life that made things more clear and more difficult. The idea of joining our households was daunting. I lived on the far-far side of the "big pond." I had a life, people, and career there, he lived closer to here, but also was full of the responsibility of his own "kingdom." I wanted more of him, but the price was possibly more than either of us could pay. Nonetheless, this was good and I was going to relish the time we could spend together as the gift it was. It felt to me that much of this trip was about relishing the present moment, and in being grateful for the time we did have together. Someday, perhaps there would be more, but for now, this is what we had, greed had no place in it.

"How about a beach day?" He asked sensing how tired I was. "Yes, please? I need to go a bit easy today. I am afraid my aging bones just don’t bounce back like they used too." He grinned down at me. "You could have fooled me last night." I snorted, "Well, I am a bit crazy and you do bring out my most lusty crazy self darling. I haven’t seen you in nearly 6 months, so I had a lot of pent up energy for you." Frowning, I pointed my finger up under his nose."And NO, I’m not done with you by a long shot Mr." He grabbed my hand and bit my finger, his eyes flaring with lust, "Good." The next thing I knew he had me on top of his lap fingers digging into the tangle of hair at the back of my neck while he made the sweetest love to my mouth with his. The softest brush of lips back and forth, back and forth. He was without a doubt one of the best kissers I’d ever met. Soft nips and suckles, sweet whispers of my name, of wants and wishes, interspersed with hums of appreciation and groans of desire. I think few people truly appreciate the power of a kiss the way he did. The incredible tender hot lust that it can convey, the emotions translated in a way words can never truly capture. Our bodies have their own language that goes beyond words. Sadly we live in a world that has gotten caught up too much in the head and the hands in a way that leaves the rest of us out. This was a chance to sink into my body's wisdom and let it guide me.

His robe slipped open and his rapidly hardening cock pulsed with unbridled lust against my mons. I was so focused on our mouths that it took me a few minutes to realize just how hard he was. We slowly pulled away from each other my hands on his chest, his sliding down to my shoulders and gently pushing back the robe a bit. My breasts were so tender from all of his play the night before, something he knew about me, so he gently plucked and fondled the nipples until my slit was glistening with arousal. I had tilted my head back, panting and breathing heavily while u*********sly rubbing myself against the base of his cock as I enjoyed his suckles. A moment to catch my breath looking down and I saw the entranced emotion on his face, all the unspoken words, all the longing. I rose up a little and grasping the base of his cock carefully guided it to my moist entrance. He shoved our robes open, and grasping my hips slowly pressed me down onto him, both of us groaning in pleasure. I loved how he stretched me, and how the fat head of his cock and it’s thick mushroom top rubbed up against sensitive spots inside of me. The soft delicious pleasure of him hitting the very bottom of me, the pressure of the ridge of his soft heavy scrotum pulling against the very back of my cleft. He pulled my face down for another sweet lovemaking to my mouth as he began to thrust lightly up into me. We both were moaning as we languidly made love in the warming, early morning air. Long slow deep thrusts and grunts, whispered words of encouragement.
"You like that big cock in your pussy?"
"Yes, more… uhh…please baby, please!"
"Fuck woman you drive me wild. I want to fill you up, shoot everything I have into you."
"Gods yes, please… stuff my pretty hole, make it yours. Paint me white on the inside with your cum"

A short laugh from him then a long groan as I reached behind to fondle his balls. He pulled me forward and began sucking and kissing my sensitive tits again. I felt his thumb on my clit as the hand on my back slid down to wrap around my hips and he began thrusting in earnest. I was shuddering and moaning as he found that perfect angle. Fuck me was he good! I was cumming in about 5 minutes, fingers digging into his shoulder and the back cushion of the couch as I cried out and my pussy fluttered all over his deeply thrusting cock. He didn’t stop or break his rhythm as he gently worked me through my orgasm until my body was starting to go limp and he was kissing my lips again with all of his soul. I returned the kiss with my whole body which caused him to groan and thrust harder into me. I could feel the muscle at the base of his cock start to contract rhythmically then he was shuddering wetly into me shouting my name over and over, hands gripping me tightly against him. He continued to hold me close pressing me down on him, he had clearly missed me dearly.

" You wreck me baby, you wreck me, and I don’t think I want all the kings horses nor all the kings men to try to put me together again." He whispered as he tucked a strand of my wet hair behind my ear. He carefully lifted me off of him, the wet gush making us grimace a bit. "I think you succeeded in painting my pussy and possibly my entire inside white." I said looking at the shiny pool around the base of his cock. He glanced down and grinned back up at me. The next thing I knew he’d picked me up and running to the pool jumped in, robes and all. I bobbed up laughing and gasping as he pulled me toward him. He was an incredible swimmer, he made me look like an drowning idiot flailing about when I swam. A quick kiss on my lips and he tossed his robe up on the side of the pool and proceeded to swim 8 laps quickly as I just watched him while still holding onto the side of the pool. As soon as he was done, he came to me and grabbed me into another blisteringly hot gentle kiss, then pulled me up out of the pool with him. "Gahh…" I said pulling the robe off of myself and letting it drop in a soggy squelch. He was laughing softly as he held my hand and pulled me back to the towels so we repeated our earlier drying off experience. "Now I’m truly hungry!" I said enthusiastically, "But I have no robe…" I said mournfully looking at the soggy messes by the pool. He gently wrapped me in the towel and using it, pulled me against himself, wrapping arms tightly around me he whispered into me ear, "They have plenty more. Let’s go wash up and make breakfast baby. I want to hit the beach today." A quick kiss on my nose, he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. He was gloriously naked and I appreciated the view as we went up and sorted ourselves out.
Опубликовано Teasyme
2 года назад
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Hello Tom, welcome to my friends! 
кому: Teasyme : Yes! You absolutely nailed the depth of him inside you, and that is one of the wonders that I think about, how it must feel for a woman to have your man fully, fully inside you, and it is so apt that you speak of this. You also speak of 'the very bottom of me': these are very resonant images. Also, your mention of 'the very back of your cleft' has me dreaming because I just adore the perineum. The pressure of a warm tongue at the back of your cleft, lapping across your willing opening, perhaps whist fingers are doing something wonderful above... One of my great fantasies is to bring a woman to climax this way, to feel her back arch and the tensions charge through her body and breath as her orgasm approaches.
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кому: Undercherry : Love that you get me. It's about the deep intimate connection between two lovers, the sensations of that deep glide... sigh...
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"I loved how he stretched me, and how the fat head of his cock and it’s thick mushroom top rubbed up against sensitive spots inside of me. The soft delicious pleasure of him hitting the very bottom of me, the pressure of the ridge of his soft heavy scrotum pulling against the very back of my cleft."This is a beautiful, vivid passage, especially the 'pulling against the very back of your cleft' bit. So much more than anatomy...
wow.... feeling every moment.... very detail.... love it xxxx
very very nice