
My muse, she rides me hard. The words spring forth in my mind and I am helpless to do anything other than her bidding and write them down. There is no hunger, no sleep. I must commit them to paper or digital form. Even when I must do daily life they are there crowding at the edge of my awareness, demanding attention. I wonder if any of you lovelies experience this?
Опубликовано Teasyme
3 года назад
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кому: Teasyme : Yes my wording was slightly out. I meant to say the act often feels thankless and fruitless for me, but in fact it rarely is, because it is only in beginning that we have the chance of finding words that are true to the feeling.
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кому: Undercherry : I don't know that I would agree that it is a thankless nor fruitless task. For me it's always been because I MUST write, and create poetry. Each new piece a beloved c h i l d - b i r t h e d from my deepest self, cherished and cuddled. If no one else loves them it doesn't matter because they are mine and I love them so! 
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Be grateful for them, darling T. The words and the Muse and their insistence. That urgency to commit of the self: this is one of the essences of creativity and it is so important to try to do it justice, even though it is a thankless and often fruitless task.
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