230 – Zoe’s Day off part 2

“I love your little white knickers Zoe, they fit really well” I said as I sat up straight edging my head closer to her displayed crotch.. “Mmm and you smell so nice too” I added as I inhaled her musky aroma, Zoe seemed to like compliments and being made to feel special.. she looked down at me.. “Aww babes, that’s so nice of you to say, I’m so glad you like me” she said softly as I built up her self-esteem focusing my eyes between her smooth thighs.. “Would you mind turning around, I’d love to see how they fit at the back” I asked softly knowing how much she was enjoying my thorough inspectio… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 1 ano 2

081 – A Day In The Woodland

After Karen left I sat down with a beer and thought through the events of the day, the morning bus ride meeting Reg, a man of my own heart who lived riding the bus and then following the gym fit girl with the amazing arse into the store.. I was still kicking myself for not taking that further but now I have a friend to keep guard I’ll be more prepared in future. Then there was the rushed blow job from Karen which for a ‘blow and go’ was exciting in itself before moving on to the little back street pub where young Molly’s transparent dress made lunch a high point and I hoped that she’d get in t… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 4

084 – A Day In The Woodland Part 4

We walked very slowly as Sam could see my legs were still a bit wobbly and she was very understanding of the situation.. “How many did you have Mr Frank?” she asked and when I told her I had three she gasped.. “I’m surprised you can walk at all then.. I only seen daddy have two before and that makes him weird” she said with a giggle however I have to admit I was acting out a little.. “This is me” I said approaching the front door.. “Thank you so much for seeing me home Sam.. so kind of you” I said smiling as I held on to the door frame and she gave me a bit of a funny look.. “Oh I’m not done y… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 2

067 – Tina’s Homework

I was up feeling fully refreshed in plenty of time for Tina’s arrival at 6 and although she mentioned being early I didn’t think for one minute she’d be that eager for a telling off but she caught me unaware and arrived 15 minutes early, I hadn’t even had time to get dressed as I opened the door still sleepy eyed in my silky robe.. “Oh sorry sir.. am I too early” she said looking at me standing in my robe.. I hadn’t even had my coffee yet.. I looked up at her with a frown on my face.. “Well yes Tina, I’m not dressed and I haven’t had my coffee yet..” I snapped but I couldn’t fault her timekeep… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 1

068 – Tina’s Homework Part 2

The session was going well and I was pleased that Tina had regained her enthusiasm and was taking a keen interest and her subtle glances waiting for my robe to slip was both cute and arousing.. “Can I ask another question sir?” she asked looking up at me.. “When you demonstrate masturbation with students sir.. do you get naked and how long does it take sir? It took the creepy guy ages sir and he wasn’t naked he just had his shorts pulled down sir” she asked and I got the impression she wasn’t as disgusted as she’s making out.. “All questions are good Tina and you carry on asking.. it’s importa… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 2

My daughter in laws secret

One day I stopped by my son's house to see him and his wife Lela said he was out of town for work. I couldn't help but notice how she was dressed , tight short shorts and a tank top. She always wears a bra so there was no nipples showing but those shorts showed off her gorgeous legs. Lela is five foot two and ninety five pounds , two years ago she started modeling for a clothing company based out of Florida. They market clothing that young women wear, like the shorts she is wearing. She started getting tattoos to help her get modeling jobs. Her right arm is completely sleeved and both her thig… Ler mais

Publicado por woreout há 2 anos 7

My New Assistant - Her Story Part 4

My new assistant - her story part 4 I had landed a new job as the assistant to the owner of a small architectural firm. The Boss, Mr. Anderson is a very attractive man about 40 years old. He is wealthy and confident and I love serving him. I have sucked his dick on several occasions. He has discovered that I am a transgender girl and have a penis. This seems to excite him. Mr Anderson asked me if I could stay after work on Friday. He said it was not work but that a friend of his was coming and he wanted me to join them for dinner. He explained that he and Charlie were friends in college and… Ler mais

Publicado por MassMan669 há 2 anos 4

The Aftermath

Rosie came from a broken home and never knew her father and she had an older half-sister Ellie who was 3 years her senior having just become a teenager which probably explains why she was wearing oversized knickers as they were probably her sisters, they still shared a bedroom in a rundown 2 bedroom flat and their mother Cheryl who was only 27 herself did what she had to in order to make ends meet and I can only imagine what that involved. I was learning a lot about Rosie and her family as we sat and chatted which as she had time she was happy to share her story and I was even happier to liste… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 5

Annie The Pizza Girl

I finally got up and had a long shower and decided to do some washing and as I went into the guest room I found Nikki’s panties she was wearing yesterday and after nearly knocking myself out with too many deep sniffs I put them in the wash with my dirty laundry including my tatty old shorts, I find that not wearing underwear my shorts get a few tell-tale stains which need addressing so I found a big old vest that I hadn’t worn in a while and put that on and as it came halfway down my thighs I felt I didn’t need to wear anything else, it felt good wearing what, for all intents and purposes, was… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 2

My Step Sister - Part 11

My Step-Sister - Part 11 Roger and I emerged from the spring league hockey game into the warm april air. Although it was eight oclock there was still some light in the sky. Looking at our phones we saw messages from our girlfriends, Chrissy and Suzie, that they wanted us to come over to Suzie’s house. When we arrived, we saw two beers on the table - which meant that Suzie’s parents were away - and a note that said “Bedroom.” We popped open the beers and went down the hall to Suzie’s bedroom. In the room we saw our girlfriends naked, sitting on the bed talking. They were cross legged and faci… Ler mais

Publicado por MassMan669 há 2 anos 3

Exercising With Leah

My face was just inches from her fleshy arse cheeks and it was so tempting to just yank those shorts down but I wanted to display a certain amount of decorum even though my cock was at the highest level of discomfort but with my fingers working overtime Lee was enjoying the feelings, “Maybe I should do some tongue exercises prior to working on the hips Lee, what do you think?” I said enthusiastically as I gave her arse cheek another squeeze and taking a deep breath she turned her head, “Oh that sounds like a good plan Frank” she sighed basically giving me the green light but before I pulled he… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 2

Delivery Of My Order

I made up a large batch of squash for the girls as I knew Jane liked it and was sure her sister would like it too and who knows, they may have bladder issues that need addressing before they leave, I sat with a beer in just my tatty old shorts and tried not to get aroused before they arrived. It was just after 4pm when a car pulled up out the front and I was on my 3rd beer and had got a bit of a buzz going and it was Jane who got out first and opened the boot of the car, I have to say that although she wasn’t dressed in her business attire she did look nice in a short sleeved button from shirt… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 2 anos 1

A Favour For Kim

Kim sent me a text just before I was going to bed asking if I was free in the morning as she’d had a reply from a girl interested in the house share advert she’d placed and wondered if I could be present to offer some moral support as she’d never done anything like this before, apparently the girl who was named Lucy was only 18 and looking to move out from her parents’ house to gain some kind of independence and she did ask me to dress appropriately as she planned to introduce me as her father just for the crack. I text her back telling her it was no problem and would wear a tee shirt and shor… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 1

A Favour For Kim Part 2

She sat in beside me and again was showing a lot of thigh which I was sure was on purpose but I was glad she didn’t change clothes and as I pulled away she took a deep breath, “Thank god that’s done daddy, thank you so much for all your help” she sighed softly as she looked down to see my bulge softening. “Look at me, whatever must you think.. my dress has two buttons holding my dignity together” she said as if I needed an invitation to look be did anyway and I had to smile, “That’s two buttons too many” I said laughing and she put her hand back on my knee, “Well daddy, we’re not home yet” she… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 1

Meeting Dane’s Mum

Dane’s mother arrived and for a woman in her 30’s she didn’t look to shabby in her light coloured summer dress which when she stood at the door introducing herself caught the sunlight and became almost transparent clearly showing the outline of her tiny panties beneath, she was a slim woman with mousy hair and a nice smile and I could see straight away she wasn’t wearing a bra and my thought process was she had just thrown something on to come and collect her son. “Hi, I’m Sally, Dane’s mum, is he ok.. what happened?” she asked in a bit of a frantic voice, I told her it was nothing serious and… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 1

AirBNB Sam And Her Niece Part 2

Morning came far too soon but I was excited for the day ahead and with total silence in the house I knew that my guests were still out for the count and with my head still banging from last night’s wine I knew it was going to be a groggy start to the day but with a ‘go with the flow’ attitude I knew it would all work out fine even without me forcing any issues, I was comfortable being naked with my guests in my own home and if they didn’t feel comfortable then it was all ok, I knew it was their first time with someone outside their family unit so if they did strip down then great but if they d… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 5

Setting Up A PC for Jodie.

I got a few tools and spare cables together as there is nothing worse than not having something that’s needed and I’d set up a few computers in my time I was confident I would have everything needed, I slipped on a pair of sports shorts and a tee shirt and set off for the short walk to where I was hoping that Jodie lived. It had just turned 3pm when I found the house and as I walked up the path I saw this excited face peering out the window obviously waiting for me to arrive. “Are you Frank?” she said excitedly as she opened the door and I looked at this small framed girl in a checked blue an… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 5

My First Gloryhole Experience

So as I'm sitting in my 5th period math class I can't help but overhear Cindy Jacobs and Gwen Patterson conversing back and forth. At first it just seems like their typical mindless gossiping but as I catch bits and pieces of their conversation I hear the term "glory hole" and suddenly find myself focusing more and more on it. I try not to look interested as I hear tem talking. They occasionally glance at me to make sure that I'm not paying them any attention. I take some comfort in the fact that these two, perceived as the biggest sluts in school, would never suspect that I have probably had… Ler mais

Publicado por anamikasexybitch há 3 anos 97

Millie Returns

Word of mouth is always the best form of advertising as a satisfied customer always brings business and I will always take extra care when someone is referred to me as I know it will have a knock on effect so I was knocked out by the review that Beth left me on my site, she really played on the family friendly aspect without giving too many intimate details and I found it well written and informative which could only help prospective customers. Millie was due today for a cleaning session so I didn’t worry about sorting out the guest room as it will give her something to do and just a tidy up a… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 6

AirBNB Beth And Grace

I was very methodical when placing my advertising in various naturist publications putting emphasis on single mothers or single females as although I don’t have a problem with males I have found a lot of time wasters in that category plus I have a system in place to weed out the time wasters so I felt with my new pictures and profile I had got it as good as I could and thanks to Sadie for all her hard work. Obviously I was still offering normal AirBNB but it gives the customer the option of a naturist experience should they wish to go down that route at no extra cost so I felt I was catering f… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 3

Sadie The Photographer

I was having a quiet day updating my ‘Odd Job’ advert and also renewing my AirBNB listing as it had gone quiet on that front and it suddenly occurred to me that I really should update my photos and although I could ask Jackie who would be more than willing to help I thought I would shoot a text through to Mrs Webb to see if she had any students who had an interest in photography. After sending the text Sue quickly responded telling me to leave it with her while she spoke to a few students to find a suitable candidate. It wasn’t long before Sue text back to say she had a student that she had s… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 4

Sadie The Photographer Part 2

“Shall we go down and hook my phone to your computer sir, then we can see how they look and if you need anything else” Sadie said as I pulled away from her and although still hard I decided to go along with her plus I was excited to see the pictures especially if she could download directly to my PC, “Sure, why not” I replied helping her up off the bed. Her shirt was still open and she made no effort to do it up which was nice and although her little bee stings were somewhat hidden, I did get a glimpse, “Shall I remain naked Sadie?” I asked and she looked down at my now semi erection and smile… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 1

Jogger In The Park Part 2

So there we were both under the sink and Jackie not only had hold of the waistband of my shorts but the tip of my cock was slowly slipping between her warm lips as she tried to get into position and I could feel her tugging at my shorts as she tried to pull herself further under the sink however with my legs spread wide there was only so far my shorts would come down however she did succeed in exposing the majority of my cock before she was able to wrap her lips around the shaft and I could definitely feel the suction, “Oh yes Jackie, you’re doing great” I said softly as my breathing increased… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 1

Jogger In The Park

After Mrs Webb left with lots to think about after I made my offer of helping some of the inexperienced students get to grip with the Care in the Community programme I decided to take a shower and run up the café for a well-earned breakfast, I decided to wear a normal pair of shorts and my running vest and as I reached the café Doris greeted me, “Oh hi Frank, good time to call as we’re not busy” she said and apart from myself there was one other woman sitting inside who judging by her clothing was a jogger as she had a pair of rather tight yoga shorts and a sports bra, couldn’t have been more… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 6


I had just returned from school and walked into an empty house I shouted out “Mom” no answer I quickly removed my shirt , trousers underwear standing naked in the kitchen I gently started to rub my erect penis. I admit I fancied my Mother long auburn hair which hung over her shoulders I fantasized about my Mother sitting astride me riding my erect penis with her long hair brushing her two breasts. I just to the point of cumming when my Mother walked it watching as I ejaculated over the kitchen floor. She said nothing just reached for some tissues and wiped my sperm off the floor she raised t… Ler mais

Publicado por zuletango há 3 anos 2

Claire 3

I looked around as the class waited for the lecturer all my fellow students looked to be in the same condition as Lucy and myself. First weekend away from home and parental control it ‘s happy time and by the looks we all made the most of it. I know Lucy and I had spent most of Saturday night and early Sunday Morning in bed we didn’t sleep much if at all I should also add at this point all Sunday evening as well. The professor arrived looked around shook her head and asked if we knew the treatment for hangovers no one had the courage to raise their hand. At least Lucy and I had finished our a… Ler mais

Publicado por zuletango há 3 anos


Lying naked in bed my hand gentle stroked my breast I felt the nipple harden to my touch the other slid over my smooth flat stomach it slid between my legs and slowly rubbed my clitoris. I felt vagina get moist has I rubbed myself I inhaled the sweet smell of my musk raising under the bed clothes from my now wet vagina. My breathing changed to short sharp pants as I reached my orgasm my legs snapped shut clamping my hand between my thighs I rolled on my side the intensity of the orgasm took me by surprise. I heard my Mother call ‘Clare time to get up it’s going to be a busy day’ I lay still m… Ler mais

Publicado por zuletango há 3 anos 2

Taking Patty

I could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. I knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighborhood and had seen her walking by her house occasionally. Her name was Patty, I learned when one of the girl's friend had said her name when she laughed at something the girl said. Patty was flashing me! I watched her closely, and soon realized she was fully aware of what she was doing. Not only aware but making… Ler mais

Publicado por bianca44 há 3 anos 10

Millie’s Sleepover

We finished our Pizza and I gave Millie a glass of my homemade squash which she absolutely loved complimenting me on a refreshing drink to wash her food down, she looked up at the kitchen units trying to work out a safe way to check the top of the cupboards, “You will help me wont you sir?” she asked and I told her that rather than struggle with my ladder which wasn’t the safest piece of equipment I owned I would suggest she climb on a chair and then I would help her up onto the counter tops and with her being a small girl she would be able to perform the task and take the necessary pictures s… Ler mais

Publicado por britguy há 3 anos 4

Sarah the First Time

My wife Jen left me three years ago; obviously she said it was my own fault but I’m still not altogether sure why. She said that there was no one else involved but it wasn’t long before she was shacking up with another bloke. Jen had won custody of my daughter Sarah; I was only her step dad but she didn’t know that. As far as she was concerned I was her dad; she comes round to stay over the weekends a couple of times a month; she’s free to come and go anytime though really. I have had sex with a few women since I have been on my own but mainly one night stands although one lasted a couple of… Ler mais

Publicado por delmohawk há 3 anos 9