230 – Zoe’s Day off part 2

“I love your little white knickers Zoe, they fit really well” I said as I sat up straight edging my head closer to her displayed crotch.. “Mmm and you smell so nice too” I added as I inhaled her musky aroma, Zoe seemed to like compliments and being made to feel special.. she looked down at me.. “Aww babes, that’s so nice of you to say, I’m so glad you like me” she said softly as I built up her self-esteem focusing my eyes between her smooth thighs..

“Would you mind turning around, I’d love to see how they fit at the back” I asked softly knowing how much she was enjoying my thorough inspection.. she giggled softly.. “Ok babes, I likes you looking at me, makes me feel all tingly” she said going into another fit of soft giggles and as she turned I was amazed at how lovely and symmetrical her arse cheeks were, her knickers fitted like a dream with just a slight hint of butt munch showing off her little cheeks to perfection, she even clenched her cheeks which enhanced the vision, I leant into within an inch and took a deep sniff of her cotton filled crack and if the weed wasn’t enough to make my head spin the sweet smell of her arse certainly pushed my desires up a notch or three..

“Well Mikie, you gone silent.. do you like it” she said as I inhaled more of her sweetness.. “OMG yes Zoe.. you have a wonderful arse babes, and the smell is outstanding” I said which made her giggle more and she even bent slightly pushing back on my face.. “Really Mikie, you’re so sweet babes” she said as my nose pushed into her crack allowing me another deep sniff, she found my admiration enlightening to say the least.

“Maybe you’ll let me examine you too.. this is fun babes and so relaxing” she said softly and the nice thing was there was no rush, everything was natural without any hidden agenda, we were having a chilling day getting to know each other intimately.. it was so nice.. “Of course you can Zoe” I replied taking one last deep sniff filling my head.

Zoe stepped forward and turned around, her baby blue eyes looked red and glazed as she smiled warmly and as I stood up my arousal was in plain sight angled and pushing hard against my waistband, she giggled softly as she glanced down at it as she wobbled to take her seat.. “Oooh mate, that looks so uncomfortable babes” she said almost falling onto the bed, her perky breasts bounced as she regained her balance and having been sat for so long my legs were trembling as I stepped towards the open door to get some fresh air.. “You look nice from the back Mikie” she sighed softly as I felt her eyes on me, “Nice physique and Mmm.. lovely legs too” she sighed with a soft giggle and I could sense the excitement in her voice as I slowly stepped backwards towards her, her arms reaching up to my shoulders feeling my skin.. “Wow babes, such nice skin too.. do you mind me touching” she asked as she took a deep breath.. “God no Zoe, I love your touch.. so soft and.. Um.. nice” I said as I felt tingles running down my spine.

As her hands came down the small of my back towards my shorts the pressure building up at the front was becoming unbearable and with a sneaky little tweak I pulled out the front of my shorts letting my manhood pop out the top, oh the relief I felt as her hands gently ran across my buttocks pushing a finger down my crack.. “Oh Wow Mikie, you have such a nice bottom” she said with soft giggles as her hands finically ran down past the hem and down the back of my legs to the backs of my knees, I could feel her breath on the small of my back as her hands turned inwards and started to come up the inside of my thighs, I widened my legs to give her free access as I sighed in anticipation as she neared the tops.. “I love the feel of your skin Mikie” she sighed softly as her fingers inched tantalisingly close to my bollocks hanging down inside my shorts.. “Thanks Zoe and you have a great touch” I replied as I felt the warm sunshine on my exposed helmet.

Her fingers inched inside the legs of my shorts and I gasped softly as she cupped my nuts.. “Mmm babe.. your balls feel so full.. Wow” she sighed as I felt her fingers touching the base of my throbbing cock, my balls still in the palms of her hands, my head spun and I had to use all my willpower not to shoot my cum there and then and luckily she slowly withdrew her hands with perfect timing easing them back up my arse cheeks to my waistband.. “God this is so relaxing babes, mind if I take the shorts down, I’d love to see you totally naked and free.. can I Mikie” she said excitedly as I felt her getting a grip on my shorts and with my cock already exposed there was no barrier to overcome..

“Oh yes Zoe, please do.. I am at your mercy babes” I said gasping as she started to teasingly ease my shorts down exposing my naked arse, her fingertips lightly running down my cheeks as my fleshy rear became exposed just inches from her face, I could feel her breath.. “Oh yes, Wow.. I love your arse Mikie” she sighed softly as my shorts came down my legs slipping down to my ankles and with her fingers quickly returning I felt her pulling my cheeks wide exposing my darkened shaded ring.. “Damn babes, I love it.. WOW!” she sighed and I could hear the excitement in her voice as I felt her breath between my cheeks and then as I felt the warmth of her tongue gently lick up the crack my knees trembled and I had to struggle to keep my balance, my cock pulsed so hard I felt like grabbing it and cracking one off there and then, I refrained and enjoyed the feeling of her tongue flicking my ring albeit briefly.. “Damn you taste so good babes” she said as I felt her hands on my hips gently turning me around, my cock nearly hit her in the face as I stood facing her, her eyes lit up at the sight of my throbbing manhood.. “My god Mikie, that’s huge.. and so young too” she sighed as my cock pulsed in front of her eyes, my swollen bollocks hanging down.

“That’s bigger than my daddy’s Mikie” she said as she reached out wrapping her fingers around the veiny shaft feeling the hardness, my knees trembling and now I was struggling to keep my balance.. “I think you’d better lie down babes, I want a close look at this thing” she said with a soft giggle and as she stood up giving me room I could see her nipples had expanded even more.

I laid myself down on her bed and she shuffled to the end widening my legs towards each corner and as she knelt on the end she ran her fingers lightly up my thighs towards my pulsing dick, she teasingly looked up at me with her baby blue eyes widened, “Breakfast is served babes” she said jokingly as she bent down wrapping her fingers back around my shaft as her head lowered slowly towards my nuts.. I laid there and it was like I’d left my body and was looking down as I felt her tongue start licking my smooth balls flicking each one in turn as she pulled my foreskin back exposing my swollen purple head, she sucked my nuts gently as we made eye contact.. I think she wanted to see the enjoyment on my face as she teasingly sucked on my nuts, I could feel her saliva running down into my crack.. she was good and very attentive and as she slowly ran her tongue up my shaft I could see the look of lust in her eyes.. “Is that good babes, you like it?.. you have a lovely cock babes.. Mmm” she said softly as she raised my weapon circling the tip with her tongue scooping the droplets of precum that had oozed out the tip.. this was so much better than the hurried blow job in the cafe, Zoe knew this too and was really taking her time.

She was edging me bringing me to the brink and changing her technique at the last minute which although frustrating was equally wonderful as she took me deep into her throat spewing her saliva down my shaft before pulling back and running her tongue down my shaft to my balls and she even lifted up my knees getting her tongue into my crack, she was really feasting and my whole body was shaking as she came back up to the tip swirling her tongue around teasingly still looking up at me with her lustful blue eyes.. “Your cock is so tasty Mikie.. I want your spunk babes” she said excitedly as she slowly took me back into her mouth and as I felt the tightness of her throat I felt my body starting to tense up, the end was near and she was ready for my explosion and as I straightened my legs I felt the trembles running through my body..

“Yes Zoe, oh god yes.. OMG ZOE YESSSSSS” I cried out as I felt my cock exploding in one of the most intense orgasms I think I’ve ever had… “Mmmmmmmmmm” she cried out as my hot creamy spunk fired into her mouth, she took me deeper as I felt the suction swallowing quickly as spurt after spurt shot down her throat, she reached up cupping my balls massaging every last drop as my cum slid down her throat, the look in her eyes was priceless as she sucked the last few drops breathing through her nose until there was none left and my cock started to soften and as it finally flipped out of her mouth she smiled licking her lips.. “How was that babes” she said softly as I gasped for breath, my body still shaking as I gripped the headboard above my head.. “Fucking WOW Zoe, just fucking wow” I replied as her smile widened.

As I lay there recovering she slid back off the bed and I could see the dampness forming in the tight gusset of her panties, “Time for another smoke” she said with a giggle as she walked around the side of the bed sitting down looking at my naked body.. “You can stay naked babes; I love seeing you naked” she said as she fired up another joint while I caught my breath.. what a way to spend a Saturday.

I sat up next to her and she passed the joint and I could see her savouring the taste of my spunk in her mouth.. “Mmm.. I love the taste of your spunk Mikie.. your girlfriend must love it too” she said softly as again looked down at my flaccid cock hanging down between my outstretched legs, I giggled.. “Oh I don’t have a girlfriend Zoe, I kinda like being free and single.. no drama that way” I replied putting my arm around her shoulder giving her a hug for comfort..

“Really? Well I’m just glad I have you here for the day.. your such good company and I love you being naked.. it’s so refreshing” she said sincerely as I looked at her puffy tits with nipples still erect and a nice warm breeze floated in through the open door covering our bodies.. I smiled at her.. “Yeah Zoe, I like being here too and I love your openness as well.. (I glanced down at her damp knickers as she sat with her legs slightly parted).. and I love you in just knickers too” I said making her smile.. it all sounded so comfortable being with her and it was only lunchtime.

“I’m often in just my knickers Mikie, I love the feeling although.. (she started giggling again).. these are a bit wet now.. Oooh what have you done to me” she said giving me a playful nudge as she passed the smoke.. I laughed along with her as I put my hand on her knee pulling her legs wider to take a look.. “Mmm, they look so sexy Zoe.. maybe after we’ve smoked this you might let me have a closer look.. I’m feeling a bit peckish” I said smiling as I focused my eyes between her outstretched legs clearly seeing that her moist gusset was becoming transparent and showing her squashed lips imprisoned beneath and as I focused I could see she had no stray hairs poking out, her lips looked smooth.. her baby blue eyes sparkled at the thought..

“Can I let you into a little secret Zoe” I said with a cheeky grin and she smiled.. “Oooh I do like secrets mate, is it a naughty one?” She asked softly as I prepared myself for a kinky reveal.. “Living at home with my mother and little sister I’ve developed a panty fetish, I love the musky smell and I love the taste and dare I say it Zoe, yours look so inviting” I told her and she nearly choked on the smoke at my honesty.. I don’t think she’d come into contact with this scenario before.. “OMG really.. your mum and sister eh.. that’s so cool.. a bit weird but so cool.. I kinda like that babes.. wait a second” she said passing me the smoke and reaching across to her laundry bag..

“These are the shorts I wore yesterday when we met.. what do you think of them” she said handing them to me and I could see as I opened them out some soiling in the crotch.. “Mmm nice Zoe.. can I have a sniff?” I asked and as I held up the inside of the gusset to my face the poor girl gasped as I took a deep inhale smelling her rather pungent aroma.. “OMG.. WOW.. you really do like them don’t you.. damn.. even your dicks getting bigger.. you must have so much fun at home.. wow” she gasped in total disbelief at my actions.. they did smell nice and as I started to lick the soft cotton she just couldn’t believe what she was seeing as my cock started to respond.. “That’s so kinky Mikie.. I think I’m in love with you” she said watching my every move..

“Can I ask something.. do you sniff and lick them while they’re still wearing them?” she asked as I opened her mind to a whole new experience, I pulled them away from my face feeling the area where her pussy sits, I couldn’t lie, why would I.. “Um.. yes I do Zoe.. does that gross you out?” I responded taking another deep sniff, my cock still rising.. she smiled as her eyes again widened.. “Fuck no mate, I ducked my daddy’s cock didn’t I and I think if mummy hadn’t caught us I’d have done it again, maybe even let him fuck me.. who knows.. I love it Mikie.. I’ll have to save them up for you” she said laughingly,

“I bet they love it too huh.. well mate, I’ll give you a treat then, I’d like you to do it with me.. do you want that babes” she said excitedly as I put her shorts down feeling my head spinning like crazy at the euphoria that was running through me.. “God yes.. time for you to lay back and relax” I said as we finished off the smoke.. “Wow.. I never expected this.. you sure you don’t want a girlfriend Mikie” she said excitedly and I just smiled thinking the jury is still out on that one but one thing was for sure.. this could be the start of a deep and meaningful friendship with plenty of benefits.

To Be Continued…
Publicado por britguy
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brake her in mickie
Is Zoe ready for you…