068 – Tina’s Homework Part 2

The session was going well and I was pleased that Tina had regained her enthusiasm and was taking a keen interest and her subtle glances waiting for my robe to slip was both cute and arousing.. “Can I ask another question sir?” she asked looking up at me.. “When you demonstrate masturbation with students sir.. do you get naked and how long does it take sir? It took the creepy guy ages sir and he wasn’t naked he just had his shorts pulled down sir” she asked and I got the impression she wasn’t as disgusted as she’s making out..
“All questions are good Tina and you carry on asking.. it’s important that we bring you up to speed with the assignments you’ve missed now to answer your questions, I feel it’s important to give the student the best possible experience so being naked allows them to see the aroused males body in its entirety.. I give them every opportunity to look, touch or feel.. it’s a very hands-on process Tina.. would you like me to show you?” I said softly and she looked up at me with her eyes widening.. “What? Show me? You mean get naked sir.. really? Wow!!” she stammered unable to contain her excitement as she sat upright in her chair waiting.. “I’d love that sir.. please" she asked as I prepared myself.

I didn’t want to come across too excited and eager to get naked for Tina and try to remain at a professional level, “Now remember Tina” I said softly standing up letting her see the flag pole under my silky robe which was in front of her face.. “This is for educational purposes only.. I think you’re ready and I hope it’s a better experience than the creepy guy in the woods” I said making light of the situation.. she smiled up at me.. her eyes wide as I loosened the tie letting my robe fall open.. Tina gasped in shock horror at my exposure.. my cock standing loud and proud with half my bellend exposed.. “Holy shit sir.. Wow!!” she gasped as my robe slipped to the floor leaving me standing in front of this young innocent schoolgirl naked as the day I was born with a throbbing erection.. Tina was lost for words as she surveyed the sight in front of her eyes.. my balls full and hanging down and my veiny rod pointing towards her wide eyes.. “As you can see Tina, the penis when erect stands firmer and increases in size and the testicles hanging below which contain semen.. the white stuff.. appear full and heavy.. this is a natural state of arousal” I said softly explaining the layout.. she was mesmerised and couldn’t take her eyes off my pulsing prick fascinated by the way it bounces all on its own.. “Hehe.. that’s funny sir” she commented as she watched the magical movement.

“It looks much better than the creepy guys in the woods sir.. looks bigger and harder sir.. does it always get that hard sir?” she asked and as she leant in to get a closer look she fanned out her shirt which being already untucked led to a nice albeit brief look down her shirt.. Mmm.. she still sat with her legs just enough apart to tease.. “Why is the skin only covered half of the tip sir.. looks funny” she asked softly looking at my partly exposed helmet.. I decided to explain and wrapped my fingers around my shaft pulling the skin right back exposing the swollen purple head in its entirety.. “OMG Wow sir.. Oooh sir” she sighed before I could start.. “The foreskin acts as a protective shield for the helmet Tina and pulling it back like this exposes the sensitive head and during masturbation the skin rides up and down like this..” I said gently running my hand up and down my shaft to demonstrate.. “Oh wow sir.. playing peek a boo sir” she said giggling as I gently wanked myself in front of her face.. “That looks so nice sir watching you do that.. are you going to shoot that stuff too” she asked as I got into slow and gentle rhythm.. “Yes Tina.. it’s important to demonstrate the full masturbation process to the climax so please be patient” I said softly however I was so turned on I didn’t think it would take too long to finish the process and the only question was where to shoot..

Unbeknown to Tina but as she watched my gentle jerking wide eyed and open mouthed she seemed transfixed on the demonstration and I don’t think she realised I was inching closer and closer until her warm lips actually touched my oozing bellend to the point that my precum transferred to her lips, she quickly licked her lips experiencing the taste and then opened her mouth just enough to accommodate my swollen helmet.. OMG her gentle suction certainly aided the process as I continued to wank into her mouth.. oh it was so gentle it made my knees weak..

“Now you’re going to feel a warm sensation in your mouth very soon Tina.. don’t be alarmed.. it might come out fast and there might be a lot of it but pretend you’re drinking a warm smoothie and gulp it down as fast as you can” I said as I reached out and ran my fingers through her hair as I reached the peak and as I felt my hot creamy smoothie shoot violently into her mouth she did exactly as instructed and gulped my warm seed down her throat even faster than I could spurt.. oh it was pretty intense and Tina did brilliantly keeping up with supply and as my cock started to soften she pulled back savouring the taste in her mouth watching as my cock flopped downwards.

“Do all the girls get the smoothie sir?” she asked with a giggle but trying to keep to the seriousness of the subject matter and again I felt she deserved my honesty.. “I can’t stress enough the importance of taste.. if I said, ‘taste my cum’ you’d be horrified and blatantly refuse calling me a creepy old man, right?” I said matter of factually and she nodded her head.. “Eeew.. Damn right sir” she said back.. “But if I said ‘drink my nice warm smoothie through this big straw’ it sounds more appetising and your more inclined to try it.. am I right Tina?” I asked and she couldn’t argue.. “Oh right sir.. so do they all get one sir?” she asked again as I seemed to have digressed.. “It’s in the best educational interest for the students to experience touching and feeling the male genitalia and it is encouraged that they experience the ejaculation process by tasting.. they all get the opportunity Tina.. it’s just like a smoothie isn’t it” I said smiling.. she briefly glanced up.. “Yes sir.. I liked the smoothie sir.. why has it gone down sir?” she asked looking back down at my sorrowful flaccid dick giggling..

“After ejaculation Tina the male penis will soften to recharge the batteries, this can be instantaneous or it can take time but it allows us to concentrate on other areas of concern” I said as I took a step back and looked down at her legs which had widened considerably to accommodate my closeness.. “Other areas sir?” she asked as she closed her legs to a more acceptable position and looked up at me.. “Your legs Tina.. as lovely as they are you’re exposing a lot of them wearing skirts as short as that.. does it bother you that creepy old men might try to exploit your privacy and look up your skirt hoping to see a glimpse of schoolgirl panties..” I asked as we both looked down at her legs and I had just a tiny glimpse of white but that was more down to the shortness of her skirt than her leg spreading, she actually sat quite ladylike.

“It can be a bit of a pain sir and I think the creepy guy in the woods was looking up my skirt as I sat on a log minding my own business.. I dunno sir.. I think it kinda excites me to think an old man would take such an interest..” she explained as I sat back down with my bits hanging between my legs.. “I’ll stay naked Tina as then you can monitor the recovery period” I said which she acknowledged.. “Ok sir cool” she said glancing down at my hanging bits.
“Do you think my skirt gives away the wrong signals then sir.. the school make us wear them sir albeit with shorts under them but nobody does sir” she asked as her attire became the topic of conversation and whether it was giving off the wrong signals..

I looked down and focused on the tops of her thighs and even with her knees touching I could see the white of her knickers.. “Let’s try an experiment Tina” I said moving my chair squarer and back just a little.. she nodded her head in agreement.. “Let’s pretend I’m a creepy old guy sitting opposite you on a train.. you see me looking down at your legs.. you can’t close them any tighter but you know the shortness of your skirt could still expose your underwear.. how do you feel Tina?” I asked trying to get an idea of what turns her on or grosses her out.. she thought for a minute.. my eyes still subtly focused on her legs although not making it obvious.. “We’ll sir.. I’d be grossed out that some creepy old man was looking up my skirt and I’d be tempted to move but something inside excites me sir and I feel special so I’d stay sir and maybe I’d show him a bit more” she said opening her legs a little to show the inside of her creamy thighs.. “So what you’re saying is you would get excited and tease the creepy man.. a win/win for both of you” I said staring more intently at her soft white gusset which she seemed to enjoy.. “I guess you’re right sir.. thank you” she said softly realising that we’d discovered something she enjoyed.. “How’s the penis recharging process going Tina” I said sitting back to let her inspect between my legs.. “Aww not much change yet sir” she replied sorrowfully looking at my flaccid hanging cock.

“That’s alright Tina because this leads us nicely on to the subject of vaginal stimulation which was another week you missed but for this I will need your participation” I said as she sat back in her chair glad to have got the missed subject of male masturbation out of the way.. “OK sir.. what do I need to do?” she asked hesitantly.. “Let me explain” I said softly making myself comfortable.. “The vagina has millions of sensitive nerve endings that give ultimate pleasure to the female resulting in orgasm which is the female version of cumming and you have to experience an orgasm to fully appreciate the feeling.. now vaginal stimulation can be administered by touch, taste and finger.. finger is especially good for arousing the nerve endings inside the vagina as of course the penis in its fully erect state.. in order to demonstrate this fully I will need to get up close and personal to you and there may be some inappropriate contact however please be assured that this demonstration is for educational purposes only” I said and she nodded her head in approval and understanding.. “Ok sir.. I know it’s to help my education.. I wouldn’t do it if you were creepy sir..” she said with a smile..

“Ok.. I think the best is if you just pop on the table here in front of me and lay back I can then pull up the chair and be comfortable” I said as she stood up allowing me to grab her slim waist and hoist her up onto the table.. she laid back with her legs hanging over the edge.. “Now just relax Tina.. unfortunately this is not a quick demonstration.. in order for you to obtain maximum benefit attention to detail is paramount and this can’t be hurried..” I said as I slowly ran my fingers up the top of her thighs circling around the top and sneaking inside and slowly down towards her knees widening her thighs as I went.. her breathing increased as she softly moaned.. “Oooh you do have a good manly touch sir” she sighed as I repeated the process but this time pushing her skirt up towards her waist fully exposing her soft white cotton panties.. Mmm.

My fingers trembled as I ran them lightly over her pubic mound and a short gasp as I flicked her little lady nubbin and gently pushed down her soft gusset feeling the moisture forming.. she moaned softly with her eyes closed as my fingers explored between her soft, smooth thighs inching my fingers into her loosening gusset feeling the warmth of her hanging labia.. I ran my fingers back down the top of her thighs to her knees and widening them further slipped my hands inside and up the back of her thighs quickly reaching the mounds of her fleshy bare arse cheeks with her knickers still wedged in her crack.. I pulled her towards me and she instinctively wrapped her legs around my neck pulling me closer and in the direction I wanted to go and as my face made contact with the soft cotton and I inhaled her musky aroma it was enough to send a signal to my cock which was starting to respond..

My tongue quickly got busy licking and nibbling at her soft white gusset sending shivers through her body as my fingers squeezed her cheeks exploring her crack.. I took my time ensuring I covered as many nerve endings as I could albeit through the thin material of her knickers… I pulled her tight rubbing the damp cotton over my face lost in the moment of lust.. my demonstration may not be text book but it achieves its objectives..
I squeezed her cheeks apart as Tina gyrated in a teenage frenzy allowing my fingers access to her sweaty arsehole while her gentle gyrations forced her gusset aside freeing up access to her sweet succulent young cunt.. oh the aroma of sweetness filtered upwards tinged with a hint of musk as my tongue gently licked her fleshy labia lips with a few sprouting hairs spoiled the smoothness.. she wriggled almost uncontrollably as my tongue explored every nerve ending at least twice resulting in one of the wettest and most intense orgasms I’ve ever seen in someone so young.. squirting her warm juices filling my mouth and feeling sliding down my throat.. tick that box mister and move on..

Tina was gasping for breath as I pulled up smiling down at her.. “You’re doing great Tina” I said encouragingly.. “Showing excellent reaction to outer stimulation culminating in a strong orgasm, I’m going to stimulate your inner nerve endings now so don’t be alarmed if you feel something enter you.. it’s just my erect penis Tina.. and it’s for educational purposes remember” I said as I guided my swollen helmet towards her dark pink open flaps.. it was like a magnet drawing me in and as penetration was made I felt her warm and wet hole tighten around my shaft.. oooh it went in well and I was soon balls deep thrusting hard into her groaning body, the table shaking with our quick lustful thrusts as I demonstrated internal vaginal pleasures varying my speed and technique to show her variety.. it wasn’t long before her whole body spasmed to another monstrous orgasm spraying my balls with her nectar adding lubricant to her already squelching hole.. I was really at her now making sure she got the best experience and I muffled my grunt as my cock exploded deep into her belly.. “OMG sir.. that’s so hot” she murmured breathlessly as she felt my seed shooting deep into her.. a big smile came across her face as my spurting subsided..

“So now you’ve experienced vaginal stimulation Tina together with internal ejaculation.. well done for making up your second missed week..” I said encouragingly as my cock softened and I pulled out reaching down and putting her panties back into place.. “What’s the third week I missed then sir?" she asked catching her breath and sitting up letting her little skirt just cover her knickers.. “I may as well right all my wrongs now and get fully up to speed sir.. I got time sir.. don’t matter if I’m late sir.. I’m in a lesson anyway hehe” she said and she did have a point.. it would be good to start Tina off with a clean slate and as I sat looking between her legs which were at head height I found it difficult to divert my gaze to explain the final missing week..
“It was optional anyway Tina due to the subject nature, some students may have found it disgusting and gross but they all completed it.. even the practical Tina so you still have a chance to redeem yourself” I said as she teased by wiggling her legs in front of my face.. “What was the subject sir.. if everyone one else done it sir I best give it a go and get it over with sir.. I won’t be in any more trouble then sir, right” she asked and I could see her keenness to wipe the slate.

“No more trouble Tina and no more spankings” I said with a giggle.. “The final week was anal gratification Tina and I was surprised that everyone was keen to complete.. oh apart from one student who thought anything to do with her anus was disgusting.. she wouldn’t even try.. again the practical demonstration involves close contact and some very inappropriate contact however it’s important and strictly for educational purposes Tina” I said reassuringly and she nodded her head

“Do people really put there penis in bottoms sir? That sounds disgusting.. Eeew!!!” She said softly screwing up her face and I had to chuckle at her response.. “Why you laughing sir?” she added certainly not seeing the funny side of the situation.
“Oh it’s not just the penis that can give pleasure in the anus Tina.. in order to achieve easy penetration the anus needs sufficient lubrication which is administered by the tongue licking and sucking.. I know it’s not pleasant Tina which is why I made the lesson optional” I said softly as she froze in her position on the edge of the table.. her legs still wide enough to allow me an extended view of her crotch.

“I dunno sir.. will I be the only girl to pass? I don’t wanna be that girl sir.. it can’t be nice for you demonstrating either sir having to lick the girls bottoms.. Eeew sir” she said actually feeling for my sacrifices.. “I know Tina.. believe me.. it’s not but I have a duty to my students to give them the best education” I said as she relented and decided to complete the final lesson.. “Ok sir” she sighed so I helped her off the table and bent her down widening her legs just a little and pulled up my chair close behind.. her skirt hanging just enough to show the bottom of her fleshy cheeks and the tight gap between her smooth thighs.. I took a deep breath in order to remain professional.. Tina took a big intake of breath as I gently lifted her little black skirt exposing her still reddened cheeks perfectly rounded with her panties wedged nicely into her cheeks.. my cock pulsed at the endearing sight and my hands trembled as they ran lightly over her young teenage cheeks. “Very good Tina” I said breathing deeply hardly able to contain myself as my fingers fumbled in her waistband..

“I’m just going to remove your underwear” I said softly as I slowly eased her soft cotton panties over her bulbous cheeks slowly exposing her dark shaded crack.. as her panties reached her thighs I slowly eased my hands back up forcing my thumbs to widen her moist cunt lips showing me the dark pink tunnel which for this exercise wasn’t needed so I continued to inch my thumbs up to fully widen her cheeks.. “OMG.. her little dark hole pouted at me with little beads of sweat clinging to the dark creases of her sphincter.. I studied every pigment as her tender body lay still in anticipation of what was to come.. Tina felt exposed and arched her back almost pushing herself back and I’m sure she could feel my panting breath as my face got closer to those soft and fleshy mounds.. I could barely contain myself as my tongue tasted her quivering skin.. “OMG.. Oooh” she sighed as my tongue slowly licked around her forbidding entrance poking the dark creases softening her up and trying to ease my wet muscle inside her..

Tina had one of the most delightful arses I’ve ever had the pleasure to lick and she took to rimming like a duck to water.. her body was soon squirming as my tongue made entry and there was definite pressure with her pushing back.. “Oh my god sir.. Damn that’s Mmm good sir” she sighed as my cock throbbed in my hand under the table.. I felt that no commentary was needed and with her arse now dripping with my warm saliva it was time to complete the lesson and gently rose up guiding my swollen cock head between her dripping cheeks.. “OH FUCK SIRRRR!” she cried out as I slowly pushed penetrating her tight little arsehole but as I eased further into her anal canal the pain soon turned to pleasure and with gentle thrusts I was soon balls deep inside her with the table rocking.
I could see her gripping the edge of the table tightly as I pumped her from behind and as I reached down squeezing her cheeks I could feel the tightness of my thrusts and I knew that my climax completing the demonstration was forthcoming.. I had to muffle my grunt disguising it with a cough as my hot creamy cum fired deep into her anal canal..

Tuna just laid there purring as I slowed my thrusts down letting my spurting find its way allowing me time to subtly find my breath and Tina’s response was priceless.. “Wow sir” she sighed.. “I never realised that would feel so good” she added as she caught her breath while my cock started to soften.
As I slowly eased out watching her arsehole close up trapping all the goodness inside I finished off my gently kissing each cheek.. totally inappropriate but I couldn’t resist and easing her panties back up into place ensuring a nice tight fit and gently replacing her skirt.. “There you go Tina.. all caught up now.. well done” I said softly as in stepped back allowing her to take her seat back on her chair while I slipped my robe back on ensuring professional decency during the debrief.

To Be Continued…
Publicado por britguy
há 2 anos
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Tina all serviced and upto date what a great girl mm
Brill I look forward to your tails!