067 – Tina’s Homework

I was up feeling fully refreshed in plenty of time for Tina’s arrival at 6 and although she mentioned being early I didn’t think for one minute she’d be that eager for a telling off but she caught me unaware and arrived 15 minutes early, I hadn’t even had time to get dressed as I opened the door still sleepy eyed in my silky robe.. “Oh sorry sir.. am I too early” she said looking at me standing in my robe.. I hadn’t even had my coffee yet.. I looked up at her with a frown on my face.. “Well yes Tina, I’m not dressed and I haven’t had my coffee yet..” I snapped but I couldn’t fault her timekeeping.. “Oh come on in then but excuse my appearance will you.. I’m not prepared” I said disgruntled as the sad face girl who could do no right at the moment gingerly walked into the kitchen.. I tried to be nice.. “Would you like a coffee Tina?” I asked lowering my tone somewhat and she looked up at me scared to speak as she sat with her knees glued together and her hands clasped on her lap.. “If it’s not too much trouble sir.. I don’t wanna put you out sir and I’m sorry to catch you unprepared sir” she said softly carefully choosing every word.. I poured the coffee and as I turned to hand it to her she glanced down and saw my swinging morning wood under my robe.. I could see as her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a silent gasp that she’d seen it but being in deep water already she held back, “Thank you sir” she said taking the cup from me and placing it on the table…

I pulled a chair out and sat down by the side of the table facing her and took a sip of my coffee while Tina nervously sat there looking down and while I’m sure it was coincidence but she was looking right at my groin area where I was trying to conceal my morning wood.
She looked up as she took a sip of her coffee.. “That’s a nice robe sir.. is it silk?” she asked in a softly spoken voice forcing me to look across at her.. “Thank you Tina but we’re not here to discuss my robe.. I shouldn’t even have it on” I said sharply and the shock horror look on her face forced me to add.. “I mean I should be dressed Tina not naked” I said just to put the record straight which did lighten the atmosphere.. “I knew that sir” she said keeping her somewhat sad demeanour.

I got a makeshift folder out and opened it looking at papers contained within before closing the file and looking straight at the nervous subject sitting opposite me.. “Three weeks Tina.. no homework.. why?” I asked bluntly as I looked at how smart and pristine her uniform looked, button done up and tie in place and clean fresh little ankle socks, she’d obviously made an effort to impress not that it’ll have any bearing on the punishment.. she nervously looked up at me as I sipped my coffee.. her knees were so tight together they were trembling.. “Um.. I don’t know sir.. I’m sorry sir” she said hoping for a quick slapped wrist and she’d be on her way.. that wasn’t going to happen.

“Ok Tina.. we’ll dig down on the reasons in a bit but right now the fact that you have blatantly refused to do your assignments, you need to learn Tina and this refusal requires punishment I’m afraid” I said sternly as I glanced down at her clutching her hands together.. she nervously looked up at me.. “But sir.. I’ll improve I promise” she pleaded but all to no avail.. “You’re not too big for a slapped bottom Tina and I think six of the best is adequate punishment don’t you?” I said as she bowed her head further..
After a few seconds she slowly raised up, tears in her eyes.. “But sir.. please.. I didn’t know the answers sir.. not a spanking sir.. that’s mean” she said still pleading her case but again I wasn’t listening..

“I take no pleasure out of this Tina believe me.. you’ll benefit in the long term.. no stand up please” I said not listening to her pleas.. I pushed my chair back to accommodate Tina and I put a little footstool to the side so she was at the right height to bend over my knee and as she bent down on the stool she was still pleading her case.. “But sir” was all I heard as she bent over my knees and as she reached out to put her hands on the floor to support herself she had inadvertently pushed my robe open and I could feel my cock pressing against the bare flesh of her stomach as her stretching had pulled her shirt out of her skirt.. Tina was silent as she waited for the first blow and as I looked down at her raised arse with her skirt riding up exposing the bottom of her cheeks and with her legs slightly parted to the width of the footstool I was almost ready to start.. wait.. I didn’t want her skirt to cushion the punishment so I reached out and gently raised up her skirt exposing her soft white cotton panties which were nicely wedged into her crack and the tightness of her gusset between her trembling thighs caused my cock to pulse pushing against her bare belly..

I knew she could feel it, how could she not but was too scared to mention it for fear of further punishment and as I reached down grabbing the waistband of her knickers and pulling them up tighter exposing more of her fleshy cheeks I landed my first blow.. ‘Smack’ straight down on her right cheek and held my hand there feeling the burning sensation of her soft skin.. “Ouch!!” she cried out as I gently circled my hand in her buttock before withdrawing and preparing myself for another shot.. “Smack” I came down harder and again holding my hand in place feeling the heat and again her cries of “Ouch!!” rang around the kitchen and I circled her cheek again before slowly running my finger into her crack as I withdrew.. “I bet you wish you’d done your homework now Tina.. don’t you?” I said sternly and all she could muster was a faint.. “Yes sir”..

I reached into the waistband of her panties.. “What are you doing sir?” she gasped fearing the worst.. “I’m pulling your knickers down Tina as the last four will be on your bare bottom” I replied as I carefully peeled her panties down over her bulbous flesh fully exposing not only her rounded arse cheeks but her hanging lips between her legs.. “This isn’t right sir.. please sir” she protested and I had to put my arm on the small of her back to hold her down.. she soon settled knowing there was no way she was going to escape the indignity of a spanking.. of course the extra pressure on her back only succeeded in pressing my throbbing boner harder into her stomach however she was in no place to complain.. “Smack” I came down with the third blow and again held my hand in place with my thumb pushing into her crack as I slowly moved my hand downwards applying sufficient pressure for my thumb to feel the tightness of her sphincter as I briefly brushed over it toward the gap between her thighs and as I finished the stroke by teasing her hanging lips she let out a gasp as she bit her lip.. “Sir?” she said questioning my inappropriate touch but I ignored her pleas.. “Three to go Tina” I said as I looked down at her scarlet cheeks..

“Soon be done” I added as I came down hard again.. “Smack” which was quickly followed by a muffled “Ouch!!” and again I circled my hand absorbing the heat and again but much slower ran my thumb down her crack but this lime I lingered around her hole gently pushing before finally running down between her legs feeling the moistness of her hanging lips.. her moans couldn’t be disguised as her breathing increased content to suffer the indignity of my touches.. “Two to go Tina.. I hope lessons are being learned" I said as I came down hard again.. “Smack” but this time I used my other hand to widen her cheeks exposing her dark and shaded butt hole and as my thumb slid down the open trackway she again gasped as my digit loitered around her sweaty dirt box.. I twisted my hand around and keeping my thumb in place eased my fingers between her shaking legs feeling the moisture between her hanging skin and gently exploring looking for the pink opening and hearing her softly groaning with very weak protests.. I finally pulled away with her arse cheeks glowing and her body trembling on my lap.. my cock at straining point pushing hard against her bare belly and I could feel the precum oozing out.. one last finale.. “Smack” came my hand for the sixth and final time..

“You know I won’t be able to sit down for a week after this sir” she grumbled as I ran my hand softly over her reddened cheek keeping them spread apart while my fingers ran down her widened crack again stopping at her puckering hole, the darkened creases glistening with bubbles of nervous sweat as my finger gently rubbed them into her softening sphincter which in turn allowed me a little penetration causing young Tina to gasp.. “Sir? I don’t think that’s appropriate sir.. Oooh sir” she said as she tried to wiggle free but only succeeded in my finger pushing further into her dirty hole.. “This is punishment Tina, deal with it” I said as I slowly removed my finger from her arse and eased her knickers back up her legs pulling them tight forcing them to wedge into her crack before running my finger up and down a couple of times ensuring they were tightly in place.. “All done Tina now get yourself up and sit down” I said opening up the fictitious folder as the shaking girl got up off her knees, gave me an out of character smile and sat down carefully.. “Sir that was a bit harsh.. I’m scarred for life now sir” she sighed softly as she resumed her position knees together and hands clasped on her lap with her head bowed her eyes glancing across at the visible bulge in the front of my robe.

I looked up at her.. “So Tina, let’s talk about anatomy and in particular the reproductive system which you appear to be having issues with.. what is it you’re struggling with?” I asked now wanting to help her overcome her difficulties.. she let out an immature giggle as she looked up at me.. “It’s everything sir, I’m not sure about boy bits sir and what they do.. I struggle with it sir” she revealed a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry sir.. I should’ve told you sir” she added as she looked up.. “That’s ok Tina.. I can help you, let’s start at the beginning.. have you seen a male penis before?” I asked softly as this subject needed to be handled carefully and Tina gave me a very coy look.. “Yes sir, I seen a boy at school sir and some old man in the woods hehe” she said softly like she was embarrassed, I could understand the boy at school but the old man in the woods I had to question.. “Old man in the woods Tina, what happened there?” I asked curiously and she smiled.. “It was some pervy man sir who flashed me.. Eeew it was disgusting sir” she said elaborating.. “Was his penis soft Tina or was it erect?” I asked and again she gave me a confused look.. “What’s erect sir? Is that like when it gets big and hard… like yours there sir” she said with a giggle pointing down at the visible tent pole in my robe.. “We’ll yes Tina but you shouldn’t have noticed that” I said shocked that she’d noticed.. “Couldn’t help it sir it was sticking in me when you smacked my bottom sir” she said with a giggle and I had to apologise, “Ahh sorry about that but we’ll done for observation” I replied with a smile.. “He was erect sir.. very erect” she concluded so at least she’d seen an erect penis, that was a start at least.

We both became far more relaxed and the punishment was now a distant memory as I got Tina to open up about what she knew about the male reproductive system and her body language had improved as she talked with her hand making a gesture with her hand what the old man in the woods was doing.. “Oh he was masturbating Tina.. disgusting in public I know but that’s how men derive self-pleasure” I said as we embarked on an ‘adult’ conversation.. “Just out of interest Tina and because you experienced this depraving behaviour.. did the old man ejaculate in front of you” I asked and straight away saw the confusion in her face.. “That’s when he shoots his sperm out of the tip at the point of orgasm.. that’s extreme pleasure” I added quickly to clarify my meaning.. “Oh that sir.. hehe.. yes he did sir but it took him a while though sir” she said finding it quite humorous but making me wonder how long she watched him for.. “Well Tina, sometimes it happens quick other times it doesn’t" I said giving my explanation which to my surprise she seemed rather interested in, at last I was getting some constructive feedback.. I knew she had the potential..

“Why do creepy men do that to innocent young girls like me sir.. it’s weird isn’t it.. exposing yourself like that not to mention disgusting.. have you ever exposed yourself to young girls sir?” she asked having a subtle glance down at my bulge which was quickly loosening the tie on my robe and the problem with silk is it slides over your skin so at this rate full exposure was imminent.. “Good heavens no Tina and I don’t blame you for asking as there’s a lot of creepy people about but apart from professional demonstrations I have not publicly exposed myself” I said which seemed to please her..

“I knew you wasn’t creepy sir.. but what do you mean about professional demonstrations sir? That sounds interesting.. is that what the old creepy guy was doing.. demonstrating?" she said with a giggle but I was pleased she’d lightened up from her spanking and was asking very valid questions.. they all deserved honest professional answers irrespective of their personal nature..
“Yes Tina very similar to the old creepy guy except I do it in a controlled environment with the students consent for educational purposes.. not jumping out of the woods beating my meat” I said with a giggle keeping the atmosphere light which is what it should be but my statement certainly caught her interest.. “Wow sir, that’s so cool.. you’re too nice to be creepy sir” she said feeling more relaxed to the extent that her knees were no longer apart and I was having a glimpse at the female reproductive system albeit covered in soft white cotton and she was so wrapped up in our conversation she was totally unaware of her own exposure..

“So let me see if I understand sir.. if a student wanted to know about male masturbation techniques would you.. Um.. demonstrate for her sir?” she asked with a curious look on her face and like I said.. I needed to be open and honest with her..
“Very valid question Tina, if I felt a demonstration would benefit the student then of course I would masturbate in a tasteful and professional way” I explained and I could see her eyes widen.. “Wow sir, that’s so cool.. would you shoot the white stuff too sir?” she asked showing genuine interest and as I felt my cock pulsing I felt my robe slipping a bit further and only just decent.. again it was important to be honest,

“Yes Tina, it’s important to demonstrate the full process including ejaculation.. I also encourage the student to feel the ejaculate to experience the warmth and consistency as well as taste it” I explained professionally and could see the look of horror on her face.. “Eeew sir.. that sounds disgusting sir.. I couldn’t imagine tasting that creepy old man’s stuff sir.. it’s gross” she said which I totally understood, “I feel it’s important for the student to experience the taste of semen in a controlled environment, it’s an acquired taste Tina.. you never know you might like it” I said with a chuckle which she did see the funny side of and was still curious to ask questions.. “This is so amazing and interesting sir.. do you enjoy cumming for young girls sir.. does it make you feel good?” she asked and I told her it’s not about my enjoyment it’s about educating the student.. “Oooh that’s so cool sir.. you really are a kind man sir, so thoughtful” she said still unaware she was exposed.

To Be Continued….
Publicado por britguy
há 2 anos
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what a good girl catching up on her home work mm