084 – A Day In The Woodland Part 4

We walked very slowly as Sam could see my legs were still a bit wobbly and she was very understanding of the situation.. “How many did you have Mr Frank?” she asked and when I told her I had three she gasped.. “I’m surprised you can walk at all then.. I only seen daddy have two before and that makes him weird” she said with a giggle however I have to admit I was acting out a little.. “This is me” I said approaching the front door.. “Thank you so much for seeing me home Sam.. so kind of you” I said smiling as I held on to the door frame and she gave me a bit of a funny look.. “Oh I’m not done yet grandad.. Mum said to get you inside and make sure you’re comfortable so I ain’t going anywhere yet” she said as she held on to my arm helping me through the door.. “Silly question but where’s your shirt.. surely you didn’t go running like that” she asked and I really had no clue and shrugged my shoulders.. “Oh I’m sure mum will find it and return it” she said as she walked me into the lounge sitting me down on the sofa..

“I’ll let mum know that you’re home.. but your legs are shaking.. I’d better get her advice” she said pulling her phone out as she looked down at me in my little white shorts.. “I’m a bit concerned sir” she added as she sent a text through to her mother.. “I’ll go get you some water” she said softly and I could see genuine concern on her face as she turned away to head to the kitchen and just looking at the back of her shapely thighs was giving me a twinge.. no wonder my legs were shaking.
Sam was just like a mini version of her mum, no tits but a shapely figure and as I looked at the shortness of her skirt I figured she was part of the ‘knickers’ brigade as I saw no sign of shorts.. I hoped she wasn’t rushing off.
She returned with a glass of water for me and saw me sitting back on the sofa with my legs still shaking a bit.. “Here you go grandad.. get this down ya” she said holding her hand out to help me sit upright and handed me the pint of water.. I don’t know what all this ‘grandad’ was all about but Sam had a good sense of humour and I liked it.. “Thanks Sam, I can only wish I had a caring granddaughter like you” I said smiling and proceeded to drink the water right down and handed her back the glass.. “I’m learning about caring for the elderly at school sir which I think is why mum told me to get you home and comfortable.. I’ll get you some more water and we’ll flush that beer out of you” she said and as she turned away again the sight of her sweet thighs made me twinge again.. so lovely and while she was gone her mum must have called as I heard her voice on the phone albeit a one-sided conversation.. “Yes, very shaky” followed by a few “Ok’s” and then followed by an “Ok mum, I done a bit of that at school” and then “Yes I promise” finishing with an “Ok then but don’t wait up”.. she then returned with another glass of water and a smile on her pretty little face..

“Was that your mum on the phone?” I asked as she handed me the water and as I started to drink she explained.. ”Yes it was, she’s a bit busy helping James with some homework but told me to give you plenty of water to flush out your system and if the shaking persists to try massage.. I done that a bit at school and I know it should help stabilise your legs and get the blood flowing.. and she made me promise not to come home until I’m satisfied.. do you have any oil?” she said explaining the procedure.. “Oh I see.. that’s very kind of you Sam.. not only do I have oil I also have a table set up in my spare bedroom” I said and she looked excited.. “For real sir.. that’ll make it easier.. I never done this on a real person before, only a dummy in class” she said excitedly as I finished the glass of water.. “Why don’t we go give it a go grandad and let the water filter through” she said smiling as she helped me to my feet holding on tightly to my arm and then changing to putting her arm around my naked waist as we walked slowly to the door.. “You go up first Sam and I’ll crawl up behind you” I said softly as we got to the bottom of the stairs.. “The room is on the left and should be ready for use” I said as she started up with me on all fours behind her and straight away confirming she was indeed part of the ‘knickers’ brigade as I looked up the back of her short skirt at her white cotton panties wedged into the crack of her arse.. what a lovely sight and I have to say she was very patient with me as I slowly made my way up.

She stood at the top of the stairs watching me closely as I crawled up, her legs slightly apart and as I looked up I could see her panties weren’t particularly tight in the gusset and as I focused I could see a few stray hairs poking out the sides.. “Take your time grandad, mums not waiting up anyway so no rush” she said and surely she must have known the view I was having and I just hoped I didn’t get to the top with a boner which so far so good although her mother had already drained me twice albeit I don’t remember the first time.. “Nearly there Sam” I said as my hands got to the top step and bless her if she didn’t crouch down spreading her legs for balance to reach out and help me.. my head was right between her knees giving me an even closer look between those soft and smooth thighs.. “Come on grandad.. I got ya” she said as she gripped me under my arms pulling me upwards and totally underestimated my weight as I had no strength in my legs and as she fell backwards laughing I landed with my head up under her skirt and my face buried in the soft cotton of her knickers.. I couldn’t resist a quick sniff of her musky aroma which sent my head back into orbit and we both ended up giggling at our mishap.. “OMG Frank.. I’m so sorry” she said in a panic as she tried to move herself and as she finally stood up she managed to help me to my feet and we inched our way to my treatment room.. Sam remained as professional as she could especially as she was learning this at school and with this being her first real life experience she didn’t want to screw it up and was putting all she’d learnt at school to good use.. I was impressed even though I was still in a mess.

“Let’s get you on your belly first and I’ll work on the back of legs first” she said as she helped me clamber onto the table.. “This is impressive grandad.. mum never said you had your own table” she said softly as she looked around the darkened room.. I told her to light some candles rather than put the lights on and as she did that she inhaled the scent.. “Oooh this is so awesome grandad.. when you’re better I’ll have to book a massage myself” she said softly as I made myself comfortable on the table still with my shorts on as I didn’t want to scare the poor girl.. “So how come your brother has homework and you don’t?” I asked as she found the oil and walked around the table and with my hands by my sides she stood by my upper thigh and I could sense she was a little nervous with me being her first live subject.. “Oh he had some course work to do I think that mum helps him with” she said softly as she ran her hands down the back of my thigh and I was impressed with her touch.. “But it’s ok, I get to practice my caring so it’s all good, how does that feel grandad” she said with a giggle and I felt my legs widening with the pressure of her touch plus a little help from me which she noticed.. “That’s it grandad, widen your legs it’ll help me get to the insides” she said as I widened my legs further knowing that she’d have a good view inside my shorts however being with only candlelight my unintentional exposure wasn’t too obvious but as she worked her way up my thigh stoking top and inside it wasn’t going to be long before I tested her true professionalism..

“It feels great Sam, you have a great touch.. so would you do this to your real grandad.. and I don’t mind you calling me grandad or even daddy.. I don’t mind” I said softly through the ‘V’ shaped headrest.. “Aww thank you.. I’m nervous as it’s my first time and it’s nice to know you like it daddy.. (I was loving this girl).. I do care for my grandad sometimes but never massaged him.. same as daddy when he’s been on the beer” she said and as she was getting closer to the top of my thigh I felt her push her leg against my hand and as it was right at the hemline I felt bare flesh and boy was it soft.. “You’re a very caring person Sam, you’re mum and dad must be so proud, you seem a very loving family” I said having a very good idea what ‘caring’ is all about and then I felt her hands reach the top and with my legs spread wide forcing my balls out the legs there was definite contact as her hands slid by and like a true professional she carried on like it was perfectly normal.
“Yes we’re a very close family and we all care for each other.. I like calling you daddy (her leg pressed harder against my hand and I wiggled my fingers forcing the back of my hand to rub her thigh up under her skirt).. it adds affection.. don’t you agree daddy” she said softly as she continued rubbing the top of my leg with her fingers making a more prominent and purposeful touch as we carried on this lovely conversation.. I was feeling totally relaxed and all this inappropriate touching was starting to take effect.. it was so nice and Sam was starting to open up.

“Oh very much so.. I believe in total openness.. (her hands started to work back down to my knee).. I’m all into closeness within families and you calling me daddy is special” I said still feeling the softness of her thighs and as she adjusted her position to run long strokes up the inside of my thigh my hand twisted upwards up her skirt and to the inside of her thigh and I could all but feel the hanging hairs and then as she pushed slowly forward up my thigh her body moved towards my outstretched fingers and there was definite contact with her loose white cotton gusset.. she just carried on like nothing was happening and as her strokes got to the top of my thigh her fingers slipped inside my shorts and definitely made purposeful contact with my nuts before they changed direction they ran under my shorts slowly across my buttocks while my fingers pressed against her gusset trying to sneak inside her baggy knickers, one hand then pushed back inside my shorts slowly towards my arse crack while the other ran up the inside of my thigh and I felt her pushing harder against my fingers which were now feeling her pussy lips through her knickers.. “How am I doing daddy? (her fingers had reached my crack and her other hand was definitely feeling my balls).. do you like it.. are your legs feeling better” she asked in a true professional manner..

“Oh yes Sam.. you’re doing fantastic.. this leg is definitely feeling better, maybe you should work on the other” I said feeing my cock stiffening and I had to adjust slightly which forced her finger into my crack and pressing against my sphincter.. Mmm.
“Of course daddy and I’m so pleased you are getting some benefit” she said as she pulled away and walked around the table to the other side and as she oiled her hands I made sure I was comfortable.. she started the same teasing procedure again working her way up my thigh and again her thigh was pressing against her thigh and with a quick wiggle I soon felt the cotton of her panties which by this time her hands had reached the top and with one hand feeing my nuts and working towards the base of my cock the other was working my glutes with her fingers running into my crack.. good job my shorts were loose giving her full innocent access.
“We’ll get this leg done and then turn you over, I learnt that the front can be harder and needs more work.. is that ok daddy?” she said as I felt her push harder against my fingers and before she pulled away I’m sure I felt her moist lips.. “Ok daddy, I’ll help you turn over” she said being aware that I wasn’t as stable as I should be and as I got comfortable with my hands by my side she oiled her hands up as I widened my legs and with my cock rigid and angled I was as comfortable as I could be even though slightly embarrassed by my erection which even in the dim lighting was plain to see.. Sam never mentioned it but I’m sure she saw it.

As she started working on my thigh she stood in close to the table and again pressing against my hand but this time it was the palm of my hand making contact with the inside of her thigh and I had far better movements and my fingers very quickly found her hanging gusset.. her fingers had now reached the top of my thigh and starting to work inside the thin fabric, luckily my cock was angled the other way so her fingers only ran through my pubic hairs and balls.. “So tell me Sam, when do you have to care for your daddy? Surely he’s in good health.. he works a lot, right” I asked as my curiosity got the better of me and as she carried on rubbing the top of my thigh with plenty of inappropriate touching I found my fingers slipping inside her panties feeing her moist, hairy muff, she sighed as she began to answer, “Usually when he’s had beer, I help him to bed” she replied as she worked her way back down my thigh, I think she was keen to get onto the other leg and although I was too I’d just got my fingers inside her knickers..

“Oh wow, I bet that can be difficult, doesn’t your mum help?” I asked as she started to make her way to the other side of the table.. “Nah.. she’s usually helping Jamie with his course work” she said as she oiled up her hands, she stood close to the table but a little further down for some reason and as she started working up my thigh I had an itch on my nose and I brought my hand up to scratch it which made Sam laugh but as I returned it I placed it outside her body and the palm pressed against the back of her thigh just under her fleshy arse cheeks, I left it there feeing the softness of her skin while she worked up to the top of my thigh and I figured there was no way she could work inside my shorts without contact with my pulsing boner.

"I see, so do you have to undress him and put him into bed?” I asked not expecting an answer but as her fingers ran into my shorts they slid under my erection which ran across the top of her fingers.. “Oh yes daddy, that’s what being a good carer is about.. he’s a pain to get undressed too but I don’t put his pjs on him, that’s far too difficult” she said as she continued with one hand pushing under my cock and the other inside the leg almost cupping my balls, as she was moving the hand under my cock it was raising the waistband and as I moved my hand slowly up to her fleshy arse cheek giving it a gentle squeeze and feeling the soft cotton wedged into her cheeks I felt my cock pop out the top of my shorts exposing the swollen helmet along with a good couple of inches of shaft as it straightened up, “Oops.. we seem to have had a bit of an accident daddy.. it’s ok.. I’m your daughter” she said with a giggle as she continued pushing her fingers into my pubes making clear contact with my dick..

“So you put him to bed naked” I asked with a giggle as my fingers started exploring her crack and the occasional slip between her thighs.. “I also learnt that massaging the stomach can help.. shall I massage yours daddy? she asked as I gave her arse another squeeze and I was all for that.. “Should we take my shorts off Sam, I’d hate to get them oily” I suggested and she glanced up at me in the gloomy light.. “That’s a good idea daddy” she said as she reached for the waistband and as I lifted up my arse she slipped my shorts off leaving me now totally exposed with a throbbing boner laying halfway up my belly.
“This is much better than working on a dummy daddy” she said looking down at my naked body as she oiled up her hands.. “Do men always get erections? Sorry to ask daddy but I’m curious” she said as she started running her hands over my upper stomach making sure she didn’t make any inappropriate contact and with my hand still up the back of her skirt and firmly placed on her fleshy cheek I could feel her ever so subtle movement as she pressed back.. her question deserves an answer.. “Not always Sam but it’s a normal reaction and nothing to be scared of, even an old man like me gets them for no reason at all” I said with a chuckle as her hand slowly moved down to the danger zone.

“Oh that’s ok then, do you mind if I just hold it out of the way while I work on your stomach.. I need to be thorough” she said softly still being little miss professional, “Of course not Sam.. you do what you have to do” I replied as I squeezed another handful of arse before inching my fingers between her legs slipping inside her baggy panties which had now slipped out of her crack, somehow her movements had resulted in her panties slipping down allowing my fingers easy access.
She reached forward wrapping her fingers lightly around my shaft and as she lifted it up she had to tighten her grip due to the excess oil and her fingers slipping and this resulted in her inadvertently pulling my foreskin back exposing my shiny bellend oozing precum, she held it aloft while her other hand slowly ran back and forth through my pubic region.. she was getting so wet between her legs that my finger accidentally slipped between her hanging lips and into her young teenage cunt.. I heard her moan softly under her breath as she seemed to force herself down pushing my finger in further, I wasn’t complaining.

“Yes I do daddy, getting him naked is a task in itself because the beer always seems to give him a boner and getting his trousers and pants off is a horrendous job” she said as she gently squeezed my cock and with so much oil on her hand it was difficult for her to keep a grip and her hand kept sliding down my cock, she pushed it up again but it still kept sliding back down and it was like she was unintentionally wanking me which of course she wasn’t.. it was akin to my finger accidentally penetrating her warm soft cunt which was totally unavoidable.
“So how did you manage it in the end Sam?” I asked softly intrigued to know how it ended and was so enjoying her rubbing my stomach while trying to keep a grip on my cock..

“What happened was I got on my knees to perform the simple task of unzipping him which was fine with his trousers and they fell down easy but then when he’s in just his boxers his legs buckled and he had to hold on to my head for balance, I couldn’t move and he was all wobbly and he pressed himself against my face and because he had an erection daddy I couldn’t get his boxers down” she said as her fingers explored my nether regions while still slipping around on my cock and after pausing to nut more oil on she must have misjudged the amount because as she grabbed my cock again I felt the oil running down the shaft… “Oh shit daddy.. I’ve overdone the oil.. I’m sorry daddy” she said as her hand slipped down my shaft and she cupped my balls scooping up the excess before returning to the shaft while continuing rubbing my belly, I thought it’s gonna take some rubbing to soak all that oil up.

My finger was still well and truly wedged inside her and as I wiggled it she moaned softly as she continued her story: “He was wiggling trying to keep his balance and I tried to move my head out the way while all the time tugging at his boxers but then his penis popped out the fly and was right up in my face.. I was horrified at first but knew it wasn’t his fault.. he could hardly stand daddy.. bless him” she said in a now stuttering voice as my finger started squelching inside her as I was getting more turned on not only by her story but what we were doing to each other.. her stance widened and she seemed to bend towards my hand which somehow allowed a second finger to accidentally penetrate her causing a much louder groan as she pushed back on me.. “I’ll have to rub all this oil in now daddy, won’t I?” she said as she moved her hand all over my cock rubbing the precum into the tip.. “Yes you will” I replied giggling as she then continued her story and she worked hard on my throbbing meat.. “He was still very wobbly on his feet and I’d learnt in class to be calm in all situations but with his penis exposed and hard there was no way I was gonna get his pants off so I had to improvise and as he had his back to the bed I figured if I could lay him down the problem would be solved” she said as she increased her stoking to a definite masturbation.. she didn’t even realise she was doing it as she rubbed the oil into my dick and with my fingers squelching she couldn’t hide her orgasm.. “OMG fuck daddy.. sorry daddy” she cried out panting for breath as I felt her juices running down my fingers..

“Oooh, right.. where was I? Oh yeah so the great idea of mine was to get him on his back and what I wasn’t expecting was that he still had hold of my head so as he fell he pulled me down on top of him and daddy, your not gonna believe what happened” she said with breathless excitement in her voice.. I dreaded to think.. “What Sam? What happened” I asked anxiously as I continued to finger fuck this little beauty.. “His penis only ended up in my mouth and with him holding my head I couldn’t move.. I nearly choked daddy” she said as she bent further pushing back harder on my hand but what was more interesting was her head was getting closer to the cock she had oiled up.. surely she wasn’t going to demonstrate what happened next.. “I tried to pull up daddy but the pressure on his hands was too much and I went back down again, I wasn’t going to give up and tried again only to come back down and I could feel his penis at the back of my throat, I thought I was gonna die daddy” she sighed and I could feel her breath on my bellend.

“Shall I show you what it was like daddy?” she suggested as her mouth got closer to the tip.. “Please Sam, go ahead.. I’d like to know what you went through” I replied with excitement and as she bent further she twisted her body a little to get a better positing and as I looked I could see my arm up the back of her skirt and as I reached my other hand over I was able to flick her skirt up exposing my hand between her legs and my fingers inserted deep in her teenage cunt.. her panties were halfway down her arse and I had an idea.. “Sam, it might be more comfortable for you to show me if you climb up on the table, there’s room for your knees either side of me.. what do you think?” I suggested and she looked at me through the gloom.. “Should I take my skirt off first daddy? she replied agreeing to my suggestion and as I pulled my fingers out of her she reached around to unzip her skirt and because she didn’t unzip fully as she pushed her skirt down it took her knickers with it leaving her totally naked from the waist down and OMG she did have a nice arse.

She came around the head of the table and easily got onto the table with her knees either side of me leaving me looking up at her hairy minge and her glistening hanging lips.. “Oh wait a sec daddy.. your belly is oily.. let me lose the shirt” she said and as she reached for the buttons she lowered herself down on me and as I reached up grabbing her arse cheeks I was able to guide her down onto my face.. OMG I loved her musky scent as she wiggled for comfort on my face and as her shirt hit the floor she bent down taking my slippery cock in her hands.. my tongue was exploring her hanging labia as she wrapped her lips around my helmet letting my cock slide into her mouth, I pulled her arse lower which forced my tongue into her wet pussy as she pulled up from my cock.. “I figured out that if I sucked on him he would eventually ejaculate and therefore his penis would soften and I’d get his pants off.. I’ll show you daddy” she said softly as she went back down on my cock squeezing my balls as she did so.. it was invigorating to say the least and as my tong found her stiff little button all he’ll let loose as her orgasm ripped through her body.. “Mmmmmmmmm" was all I could hear as she slurped at my oily cock while I gave her multiple orgasms with my tongue and my finger which was searching her crack.. she was determined to complete the demonstration and I wasn’t going to disappoint her and as I felt the fluttering in my stomach my cock started pulsating shooting my hot creamy cum deep down her throat, I could hear her gulping it down not wanting gravity to take control and then as my spurting stopped she sat herself up which forced her harder onto my face forcing my tongue to penetrate further..

“Once he’d ejaculated daddy getting his shorts off was easy and I was able to get him into bed to recover” she said concluding her story… “How are you feeling now daddy?” She asked forgetting she was sitting on my face which was partly my fault as I’d still got hold of her arse cheeks keeping her in place.

To Be Continued…
Publicado por britguy
há 2 anos
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what a good girl sam is think she has a new Daddy to look after mmmm
Daddy likes ❤️