Aerith gets Cloud to give up in FF7

Cloud and Aerith are in a hotel in nebelheim, as Cloud sits down exhausted, Aerith sits behind him and touches him on the shoulder, smiling and trying to soothe his worries.

Aerith wants to live a peaceful life, without fighting or hardship (had a change of heart due to fear) while Cloud is still determined to save the world. Cloud: We have to save the world from Sephiroth, and the corrupt Shinra corporation! Aerith: (Chuckles) Oh Cloud, why can't you accept that both Sephiroth AND Shinra are too much for us to handle? Cloud: How can you say that!? We can't just give up! Aerith:… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 16 ore fa

I am blessed by orgasm, let 'sin' win.

I'm sorry, no really I am, to all the 'self control' videos I watched by well meaning religious people, but where's the peace in not masturbating? Orgasm is a pleasure I refuse to let go, so what if it is a lack of self control? It's through masturbating that I keep my peace, I'm too weak willed to stop, yes, I am blessed! The religious people who encourage masturbation, are the ones who smelled the coffee, they tend to smile more and are at peace with themselves. They're the ones, who more likely than not (not always) also accept millions of years of evolution, instead of myths. I am taking… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 1 giorno fa 1

Orgasm & science has won & so have shemale

99.9% of people happily fail no fap, 97% of scientists accept evolution and it's proven we are masturbating apes, but there's still those who rebel against science and masturbation etc... Likewise, there are those who have a problem with shemales, most of which just want to live peaceful lives, and yes it's true that they are among the least likely to attempt or succeed at no fap. Wouldn't it be better if religious conservatives, laid down their arguments and let sleeping dogs lie? Why poke the Hornets nest? When you can have peace? Many shemales have penises that are much bigger than those o… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 2 giorni fa 12

Nature blessed women with all the orgasms...

All, and I mean all men should be envious and aroused by female multiple orgasms, as most men empty their sacks and enjoy those heavy eye lids and yawning, the women haven't even started. Most men don't experience as much sexual pleasure as women. Facts. We worship and sniff their asses, while they have all the pleasure, I don't understand why more women don't get turned on by men being envious of their pleasure? It's baffling to me, because if I was a woman that would be my number one fetish, teasing and mocking men for trying to have as much pleasure as I could, chuckling away while I had a… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 3 giorni fa 1

We Evolved To Orgasm, And Feed The Earth

As a lady called Veronica Bartra once said (on here to me), "We all came from the earth, and we are animals who masturbate and joyfully orgasm until we return back to the earth. I have no problem with becoming plant food." She was an agnostic, who believed in science, would chuckle at those who were against masturbation, and she was a heteroflexible who liked huge shemale dicks. She knew that orgasm was nature's gift, she told me that I would never stop masturbating or cumming to porn, and chuckled at my attempts to have multiple orgasms, "Phwoar, just explode and give into nature. Multiple… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 6 giorni fa 7

Relapsing to porn = peace!

People can talk all they like about the wrongs of porn, (like I have in the past) but after trying to help porn addicts, I came to realise something. 99.9% were relapsing, so over time I gave up, I'm here to tell you no fap is nonsense, it's like fighting a losing battle against our evolutionary desire to masturbate. Listen, people are basically smelly apes (great apes) nature's greatest masturbators, so I smelled the coffee and gave up. There's no peace in going against porn, you will only relapse harder and harder. The odds are stacked against you, why fight against the tide, when you can o… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 7 giorni fa 5

Orgasm, proof we are related to apes...

Yes, it's true we didn't directly evolve from apes instantly, but we did branch off from them and we are great apes ourselves. I used to deny this like a surprising number do, but like many church goers (I stopped going recently) I smelled the coffee so to speak. Religious conservatives need to let go of creationism (like the pope did), and realise that science beats religion, or an over literal interpretation of it. Being anti science and not accepting evolution, has also led to an 'anti masturbation' culture amongst religious people, but most people now accept we are smelly apes. In the uk,… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 9 giorni fa 3

Let BBC'S get all the sex, it's nature..

Really, after all said and done it's the women who are the real winners when it comes to sex, not men so much... This is due to the vast majority of women having no refractory periods, they are naturally sexually superior to men, it's not balanced but that's how it is. Facts. And, at the same time thanks to evolution, most women prefer bigger penises and blacks *usually* have the biggest, if you are small or average even down below, then stand down... Give up, unless you meet a proper loving lady, but even the 'proper' women prefer big dicks (if they were being honest...) Like many have said,… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 9 giorni fa 25

I see porn for what it is, yet here I am....

It's a weird feeling, I have experienced the 'highs' and lows of porn, I used to help porn addicts on here, but ended up the same. I see porn for what it actually is, a business that makes money out of people's lusts, fetishes and even insecurities, as well as loneliness as is the case with me. The people who are in relationships have the least excuse, because they have someone, so they do it out of perversion and lust more than loneliness. Porn is one of the most corrupt and vile businesses there is, that does damage to many people including the porn stars themselves sometimes. Let's put it… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 15 giorni fa

Ten questions, share if you like?

Okay, so keep you're answers as short or long as you like... These are questions based on whether you agree or disagree, what you prefer etc. *On a deserted island, what three items would you want to have? (My answer, a knife, a spear and a water container/purifier.) *Do you think people who practice no fap are happier, or those who masturbate? (Those who practice no fap would be far happier giving into orgasm.) *Millions of years of evolution, a young earth or neither? (I do lean towards evolution, but they're both wrong in different ways.) *Do you think you're a smelly ape (in basic term… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 20 giorni fa 3

Funny, how people think they can quit porn?

This industry is more popular than ever, everyone from priests to doctors are relapsing to it, so what chance did you think you had of quitting? None, or a 99.9% chance against, I'm someone who used to help people off porn, and tried to expose it for what it is, but found myself struggling against the high tide. I usually cum to BBC, but have other fetishes too, but blacks always have the biggest dicks so... I helped porn addicts, but they all relapsed, so over time I smelled the java and gave up, my penis thanked me and I was more contented to let porn win. That's my advice, give up and enjo… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 21 giorni fa 6

I'm happier with a 41 to 42 waist, and porn..

I am currently healthy, I exercise and don't smoke or drink, I also have a good diet overall, but I have always had a slow metabolism... And at 37 I know I won't ever have a 38 waist again, but I am happier this way, I mean sure if I went nuts with the exercise I could lose a stone but it wouldn't make me any happier. I don't have many sweet things, but I would much rather eat a golden bar and have an orgasm over doing sit ups... I find myself more contented with a little extra padding, it's a comfort really, like knowing I will always relapse to porn. Life's too short to spend hours in the g… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 23 giorni fa 8

Ape penises need orgasm...

To think in this scientific age, there are people who still rebel against nature, and go against masturbation... I much prefer orgasm to (and evolution) to self control, that's my peace, I shall carry on cumming and enjoy this guilty pleasure thank you. I don't have it in me anymore to go against mainstream science, so I have waved the white flag. Much easier. Others can believe the earth is flat, young or made of cheese, I prefer fossil evidence and masturbating like my ape relatives. Everytime I squirt, I am reminded of the blessing of orgasm that evolution has bestowed on us, I will take th… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 29 giorni fa 9

It's easier to let BBC win

So here I am, a guy who's struggled with loneliness ever since my early 20's, who's only had one short relationship, cumming to huge black penises. It's one of my guilty pleasures in life, as I am too timid to quit porn, so have chosen the easy way out, every time I try to quit porn I relapse and it's tiring trying to quit. It feels better to carry on with what's already been established, at least I keep my peace this way. And if you ever quit porn, you'll have a very difficult battle on your hands, something I know little about as I have always given up. No fap? Enjoy your next relapse. Let… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 1 mese fa 13

I'm Defeated by women's asses

Everytime I explode to women's asses, I am defeated by porn, and women always know best. Men who cum to women's asses are more contented than those who don't, I have for many, many years. The only reeking real ass I have cummed on and in, belonged to my first ever girlfriend at 34, it was then that I realized the reality of relationships. Women's asses are in charge, and is one of the reasons many can't quit porn. There's joy in defeat however, and waving the white flag, I just prefer the white stuff. Primates are the world's bigger masturbators...

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Pubblicato da simpsonss345 1 mese fa

Quit porn? Um, no I prefer my peace.

Nature will make you relapse, just like it does with our ape cousins, just give into nature. I prefer to accept science and spurt, those who manage to live without orgasm are struggling against their own bodies, just realize your smelly penis evolved to orgasm regularly. You'll be happier if you give up, and keep explodin' to women's reeking asses... Shemales and such people are blessed, because they're weak willed masturbators, seeing them would make the anti masturbation lot see what they're missing. I admit that I am too timid to quit porn, this is both a blessing and a curse, it's just th… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 1 mese fa 6

Nofap Adherents, Obey Nature....

I think shemales are perfect to show those who rebel against millions of years of masturbation, the blessing of obeying nature. They are among the least likely to attempt Nofap, let alone succeed at it, as they prefer orgasm and peace. Religious conservatives, and anyone who's anti masturbation in fact, should be cumming like Apes in a zoo. And if (not likely) anyone who's into Nofap reads this, just remember, us masturbators are more contented than you, we prefer peace through stinking orgasm. Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 1 mese fa 6

Don't Be Angry, Cum To Black Horse Dicks

Just accept it, most women are quite turned on by huge dicks, (it's nature) and I like most men have a penis that's nowhere near as big as black monster penises. I'm not gay at all, but how any guy could see a black penis that size and not cum to it is beyond me, I accept that my penis is genetically inferior to huge black ones. It's a relief to wave the white flag if anything, to accept my penis hasn't been as blessed by evolution as some, my penis isn't small but it's not as big as most black people's. If I was a woman, I would prefer BBC no question. And if you don't think it's true that b… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 1 mese fa 16

Sorry Cous, I Relapsed like 99.9%

My cousin has joined the minority who have quit masturbating, but he knows I would rather blow my load, it's a guilty pleasure that I can't measure. It's true I would grow more spiritually if I quit, but emptying my sack is an earthly blessing! I doubt I will ever have the self control he has over his body, I would rather cum like other apes than hold it in, he's almost accepted evolution now, and said he would start cumming if he accepted science. He should sniff the coffee, because he's British and everyone and their dog masturbates here, and have some peace and quiet.

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Pubblicato da simpsonss345 2 mesi fa 4

If A Lady Doesn't Love You, Let Her Go Black

Any woman on earth who is into open relationships, or cheats on their partner etc, doesn't really love you. In fact, I would say avoid these women like the plague, because they're just doing what suits them, lust has taken over love in other words. Let's face it, this world has never been more corrupt, lustful or hypocritical than it is now, the only upside to seeing this side of women is that at least you know to find someone else. Or remain single, some men for example have been dumped because their penises weren't big enough, you can't blame these women, as you can't fight evolutionary desi… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da simpsonss345 2 mesi fa 10