missing Sir

I am really starting to get back in the groove of exercising again. It feels really good too! I want to do it for myself but I also want to be fit and sexy for my Sir. I will do my second weigh in tomorrow and see how the numbers say I am doing. I am thinking clearer though and I really see how quickly my body goes downhill when I am not living healthy. A huge incentive for me. It really helps to know that My Sir is experiencing these changes with me and that makes me feel closer to him. I have not seen Sir since last time I wrote. I was supposed to see him on Tuesday but could not go so… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu

A quiet night

On Friday night, I stayed overnight at Sir's place. We had a relaxing and quiet night in. It was nice to snuggle and watch movies. I enjoy just being with Sir so being able to cuddle his leg in my favorite way for the whole night was a nice treat. It makes me feel so loved and at peace when I have my head in his lap and he is rubbing my back or stroking my hair. It is the best!!!! It was really nice to cuddle him when we went to bed too. Sir is so warm that I keep having to turn over and put the cold side of my body against him to stay warm. When he gets up to go to the bathroom I wake up beca… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu


Wow. It has been an emotional couple of days. For the first time ever I really pissed Sir off. My insecurities will cost me a wonderful man if I can't keep them in check. I questioned Sir's feelings for me again and he has had it with my lack of faith in him. I have questioned him and have made it a goal to stop. I know we are meant to be together but I question him anyways. Who am I to question the path he is choosing for us? I think I worry that I am not enough for him. But now my worry has got me into trouble because he said he was now questioning if we are right for each other. When I wa… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu

more control and things I need to work on

It has been only one day since I was with Sir but I miss him already. We are getting to spend time together every few days but I have to admit I want to serve him daily. I want to take care of his every need always. I feel so good when I am in the presence of my Sir. We are having a wonderful journey so far but I feel I have lacked in a few areas and I need to work on this. I feel I have not been respectful enough to him and I need to remember I must always remember he owns me and he tells me what to do. I want this more than I want any individual life decision. I need to stop raising a disagr… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu


I haven't blogged for a week mainly because I was really sick for several days and then spent New Years with my Sir. We had a great New Years together. We are starting to get comfortable around each other and I like how confident Sir is. The control feels really good. It was hard to go a whole week without being together but he really made up for it when I was well enough to make the trip to see him on Monday. We went out shopping when I got there. I had no idea where we were going or what the plan was but it is ok because I trust my Sir. The drive there was very nice because we both talke… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu


Well the holidays are over and my Sir attended my family Christmas celebration and met all my family members. It was so great spending the day with him. I want to spend every day with him. I think about him always. Some interesting things have happened over the last few days. First we have had some trouble with my crazy ex Dom. But my Sir is handling it with the confidence and control I admire. It feels so good to know that Sir cares enough about me to not walk away but even more than that Sir is protecting me. My Sir told me not to worry that all battles eventually come to an end and I am… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu

Santas little cum slut

The last few weeks and especially the last few days have been a whirlwind for me. It is a crazy time of year and a crazy time to try to start building a relationship because building requires time! Add in 3hr round trip of travel time and it could make for a stressful start.... But strangely I am happier and more at peace than I have ever been. It is like Sir is my light (not just at the end of the tunnel) but guiding me through it! Don't get me wrong the distance sucks!!!!! But we are managing to have quality time together a couple times a week. I want to be at his side, following his lead a… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu


Last night I went to see my Sir. I was much less nervous this time and only excited. I got to his apartment and did the dishes while he showered....it felt so natural! When he was done we talked and cooked and ate. It was really nice. We are able to remain in our roles and respectful to each other while talking and joking around. So then our discussion turned serious. He told me there was something he needed to tell me. My heart sank! What he told me was a surprise but not a shock. He was dishonest about something when we met and felt the need to come clean. Dishonesty is the biggest danger in… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu

our first time

I am so full of emotions and things I want to say. Saturday night Sir and I took a big step in our journey. This step as thoughtful and caring as the last. Sir and I have not known each other for long and yet I feel such a strong connection to Him. I feel almost like I loved Him in another life. I feel like this relationship is God breathed and that He the reason we were brought together. At night after I arrived Sir took my hand as we both knelt down together. It was the first time we had ever held hands! I was nervous about praying with him and as soon as he grabbed my hands all my anxiety w… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik slaveofmaster5150 11 lata/lat temu 2