Please treat everyone with the kindness and respect we all deserve as hunan beings in this crazy world. Be genuine, be honest, be emphathetic to everyone, it is truly a very cruel world out there. In regards to me, please just be honest with me. I am not looking to make friends with people who only care about themselves and are very self absorbed. I have recently be burned by one of these people who acted like they were a true genuine friend only to go on and use me for their personal benefit and then move on to the next sucker they can lie to. So far this only applies to one person, the rest of you have been so honest and genuine with me and I appreciate your friendship during times like these more than you can possibly know. Thank you to all my friends who check on me, include me in their life, your messages, phone calls and real actual support and caring for a friend, it means the world to me right now and you all are helping make it through this mess. I truly appreciate all of you, even if it is just a like or a comment, thank you so very much. You all are the only ones who are able to put a smile on my face these days.Thank you to all the kind, wonderful people out there, please know you are immensely and tremendously important to me 🙂