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Recommendations and tailoring content to you at Pornhub

Last Modified: March 11, 2024

Who and what our recommendations are for and why we do it

At Pornhub, your user experience is important to us.

Given the nature of our services, this means we want to get tailored content, like videos, photos, and GIFs, to you while respecting your privacy, safety, and the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. To do this, we’ve developed methods that give you what you want while keeping you safe and within the legal parameters of where you live. If you want safety and privacy specifics, check out our Terms & Conditions, Trust & Safety policy, Privacy Policy, and EU DSA pages.

Here’s a look at how we deliver a top-notch user experience to you:


How we recommend relevant content and ads

To deliver content and ads that suit your preferences, we offer different recommendation options for you to explore:

  • Hot, hottest, and featured videos

  • On our HOME page and in the Hottest section, you can browse the hottest porn. These videos are featured by an algorithm for their high quality.

  • To feature videos, we consider per country, the video’s views, ratings, comments, favorite markings, and total time watched.

  • To sort these featured videos, we use the same factors as above, together with the time we featured the video. You can also sort chronologically by the time we featured the videos by selecting Featured Recently, where applicable.

  • Hot, hottest, and featured videos may differ by country. On the Hottest page, you can switch countries in the Country drop-down menu.

  • Recommended

    • We provide videos that could be interesting for you on a dedicated page.

    • Our recommendations are based on metadata of the videos you watched, how you interacted with these videos, and popular videos in your region based on views, ratings, comments, favoriting, and total time watched.

    • You can sort chronologically by most recent recommendations, as well as by relevance to you, which we determine based on the factors described above.

    • If you prefer non-personalized recommendations, we offer these as hot videos on the help page, as described above.

  • Shorties

    • Shorties is a scroll-based experience on our platform and promotes vertically filmed videos. We consider the video’s views, upload date, likes, and dislikes to select the most interesting videos.

  • Related content

    • On the video and GIF pages, we show related content. To determine the content you may find most relevant, we consider the metadata of the videos you watched, how you interacted with these videos, and popular videos in your region based on views, ratings, comments, favorite markings, and total time watched.

  • Random

    • Let us surprise you. We provide content that we selected randomly.

  • Trending searches

    • We display trending searches based on the frequency of recent searches by other users in the same country as you.

  • TrafficJunky ads

    • Where we deliver dynamic advertising, we use the following factors to identify advertisements that we believe may be most relevant to you:

      • Geographic location,

      • Date and time,

      • Context the ad is placed in,

      • Demographics,

      • Previous interactions with ads or content,

      • Operating system,

      • Browser settings (model, version, and language),

      • Internet connection, that is, IP range, internet service provider, connection type, and region.

    • If you deactivate Targeting/Advertising Cookies, we do not use demographics or previous interactions with ads or content to find the most relevant advertising for you.

    • Where applicable, Targeting/Advertising Cookies can be switched off at any time by going to the footer of the website and choosing Manage Cookies

    • Where we provide personalized services, we may analyze the information you supply, as well as your activity on Pornhub so that we can offer a more relevant, tailored service. For instance, we could use your favorites list to provide personalized content recommendations or ads. If you do not want to receive these services, you can switch off the recommendations toggle on the "recommended" page or via the bar at the left of our page.


How the sorting of content works

We want to make sure that you always see the content that you enjoy most. To enhance your user experience, we provide a variety of sorting options for you to choose from.

Where available, you can switch options in the upper right corner. Sorting can be based on how we recommend relevant content and on the following options, where applicable:

  • Homepage sorting: Content on the homepage (HOME) is sorted based on the collective behavior of users to show videos that were watched and enjoyed. We also account for if you liked or watched a video, and what’s the hottest and trending content. If you don't want recommendations based on your viewed content, you can turn Personalized Recommendations off on the hamburger menu.

  • Most recent and newest: Content is sorted by publication date.

  • Most viewed: Content is sorted by number of views. Where applicable, you can customize the relevant time frame and country for the views.

  • Top rated: Content is sorted by the number of likes and dislikes. Where applicable, you can customize the relevant time frame for the ratings.

  • Longest: Videos are sorted by length.

  • A-Z or alphabetical: Content is sorted by name or title.

  • Most subscribed: Content is sorted by number of subscriptions.

  • Number of videos: Content is sorted by number of attributable videos.

  • Most popular:

    • Categories and Channels: Content is sorted by number of views. Where applicable, you can customize the relevant time frame and country for the views.

    • Pornstars, Models, and Community: To determine the most popular content creators, we consider views, the number of times the pornstar or model is searched, and subscriptions.

  • Top trending or trending:

    • Pornstars and Models: To determine the top trending content creators, we consider the popularity of a creator’s content within a specific time period.

  • Most relevant: Most relevant content is shown based on keyword search results, such as matching tags, model and pornstar names, titles of content, and categories to the search entry. We also show newer content first, specifically content with more engagement.

More options on how you can customize our recommendations

On the homepage for Pornhub, you can select the Hamburger menu icon, and you can turn on or off Personalized Recommendations. If you turn off this feature, the videos you watched and how you interacted with these videos don’t influence any content recommendations we show you.

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