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The Last Communion of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

by SacerdoSS
In 1802 old Anne Catherine Emmerich entered the convent of the Augustinian nuns in Dülmen. At that time she was 28 years old. She had always desired the life of a religious sister and lived her deep faith in great austerity and holiness. She made sure never to unworthily approach the sacrament of Holy Mass. As an Augustinian sister she was able to perfect this holy life by strict observance to the rule of life.
In 1813 she bodily received the stigmata, the holy signs of Christ’s suffering. In the years that followed she had many visions of the lives of Christ and Mary which were faithfully written down. She stayed in bed most of time and offered up her sickly condition and stigmata in union with the suffering of Christ for the conversion of sinners. After of suffering and mystical visions Anne Catherine died in 1824. This is the true story of her passing from this world to the glory of the next.
When Father Ludwig woke up on the 2th of February 1824 he expected an uneventful day. He had been appointed to the parish of Dülmen only two weeks before and was still getting used to the place. In fact Ludwig had been able to postpone mingling with the local population for until that day. In recent years his faith wasn’t as strong as it had been when he was ordained ago. He was struggling with the vow of celibacy. In his last parish he had gotten involved with several married ladies which made that the bishop had moved him to Dülmen. 
When he sat down to have his breakfast he heard nocking at the door and when he opened he saw that it was one of the servants for the Augustinian convent: “Please Father come quickly, Sister Anne Catherine is very sick we believe she needs the Communion of the Sick immediately. Almost all the rest of the nuns are in retreat and there is hardly anyone there to help her!”
As he had no other choice Ludwig followed the man to the convent to see what the panic was all about. He had heard about this Anne Catherine Emmerich, a supposed seer who had received the stigmata of Christ. Just his luck to get involved in some obscure affair like that.
When he arrived he found the corridors of the convent deserted. He was greeted by one young sister, Maria Lucrezia who had just arrived from Italy. She was a young sister, he guessed her age to be 19 or 20. “Thank you for coming on this winter morning Father. I wish we didn’t have to disturb you like this but sister Anne Catherine has severe headaches. Her bandages were and she says that Our Lord commanded her to receive Holy Communion as soon as possible. I am sorry for all this”. As Ludwig gave his cloak to the servant he allowed his eyes to move over Maria Lucrezia’s body, she was a nun and graced with a beautiful body. He couldn’t help himself to let his eyes rest on her ample breasts that seemed to be squeezed tightly in her habit. “No problem my dear. Please lead the way” he told her quickly before she would notice his staring and growing bulge in his soutane. The servant had excused himself as he had many other chores to attend to.
As they walked through the quiet empty corridors Lucrezia chatted freely with him “They sister Anne Catherine is a mystic. I just made my first profession but all throughout the novitiate the sisters talked about her. They say that I am really privileged to be send here to her convent. But this is the first time I will meet her. Do you believe she really has visions?” The question made Ludwig uncomfortable. He had no intention to show his scepticism to this young sister but at the same time he had no energy for any pious pretence. “We’ll both meet her for the first time. I suppose we can see for ourselves what the truth behind these stories is. If she is a saint we are bound to notice it”.
Anne Catherine’s cell turned out to be a small and dark room heavy with the smells of sickness and . The window was closed shut and the curtains drawn. The saintly nun was a small and frail creature seemingly asleep in her bed. She was wearing bandages around her head and wrist. The bandages around her head were dark with old . The sight made Ludwig uncomfortable but the bizarreness of the situation also strangely excited him with a strange sense of excitement.
Maria Lucrezia opened the curtains to get some more light as Ludwig bend over the mystic. “Sister Anne Catherine can you hear me?” He asked softly but got no response. “Can you hear me?” He asked louder but again no response. Maria Lucrezia stepped closer to the bed and shouted “Sister Emmerich wake up!” as she shook the sick nun. 
Emmerich startled awake and said “Who are you? I was in the middle of a mystical journey to Calvary where I kept Our Lord company during His passion. How dare you to disturb me with your earthly worries?”. Speechless at this proclamation Ludwig was at a loss for words but Maria Lucrezia blurted out “Are you really seeing visions? In the novitiate in Rome they kept going on about you. Is it true?” But Anne Catherine didn’t replied as her eyes glazed over and she started into the distance.
Ludwig’s surprise increased when Lucrezia continued her series of questions “Can you just answer me? From the instant my parents me to the convent I have heard you are the jewel of our order. After all this talk at least I deserve an answer”. But saintly nun remained silent. 
Ludwig tried to calm the by taking out his pix with holy communion to indicate that the ritual was about to start but Lucrezia seemed caught up in her emotional frenzy “At least show me those stigmata! Let me remove the bandages” she said as she began to pry loose the bandages around Anne Catherine’s head. “I don’t think this is wise” Ludwig said but secretly he was curious. Lucrezia assuaged his worries by pointing out that all the other nuns are on retreat and nobody will see it so the priest let her continue peeling of the bandages.
The bandages stuck to her head and were crusted with so they didn’t come off. This however didn’t deter Lucrezia and she kept pulling slowly removing the bandages from Emmerich’s head. The mystic still seemed to be somewhat in trance but her moans were clearly caused by pain. It was a distressing scene but Ludwig felt intrigued. 
Lucrezia seemed to take pleasure in tearing loose the bandages “Almost gone, a little bit of pain shouldn’t worry you sister as you have shared in Christ’s suffering for years” and with that she tore lose the bandage taking some skin with it. The bandage revealed a series punctures that seemed to have been made by a crown of thorns. “So it is true!” Lucrezia exclaimed and immediately turned to the bandages around Emmerich’s wrists.
The saint snapped out of her trance and glared at Lucrezia. “What are you doing? How dare you to hurt me like that?” and weakly she tried to push the young Italian nun away. “Hold her!” Lucrezia shouted to Ludwig and without thinking the priest restrained Emmerich’s weak arms as Lucrezia tore lose the bandages. It revealed a big hole in each ones of her wrists. “She has the wounds of Christ!” Lucrezia screamed in a mocking way. 
Ludwig stared in shock when Lucrezia immediately started to roll up Anne Catherine’s gown. “What are you doing!” he shouted but Lucrezia just smiled at him as she said “Let’s see how the rest of her body looks like. We don’t know what happened to Our Lord down there do we?” Ludwig couldn’t believe his ears but he also felt lust and curiosity at what the Italian girl was saying.
Anne Catherine was struggling but her body was week after years of passiveness and the fight was in vain. Surprisingly the mystic wasn’t wearing anything under her gown and Lucrezia revealed a slightly hairy vulva to the light of day. Ludwig was transfixed by the perverseness of the situation he had gotten himself into but he had to admit that he was sporting a full-grown erection by now. Lucrezia gazed knowingly at his crotch and without words she began to restrain Emmerich while Ludwig bend over the bed to take a closer look at the mystic’s cunt. 
It wasn’t wounded but it seemed as dry as desert sand. Without thinking he spat on his index and middle fingers and pressed then against Anne Catherine’s cunt. The mystic was looking in horror and tried to scream but her young co-sister gagged her with her monastic veil as Ludwig pushed his fingers inside the dried up cunt. He hadn’t had sex in months and he was feeling an overpowering lust as he fingered Anne Catherine Emmerich in her sick bed. 
Because the cunt was so dry his fingers began to cramp and he had to pull them out. He looked around for something better and his eyes rested on the crucifix Emmerich used for her personal devotion. He looked from the crucifix to Lucrezia. When he saw the wicked young nun’s approval he took the crucifix and without even a drop of saliva pushed it inside Anne Catherine’s cunt. 
The bedridden mystic was struggling and crying but the young Italian nun was much stronger. It was clear that Lucrezia was enjoying her control over Anne Catherine as she tied the saint’s hands to the bed. With her now free hands she began to caress the wounded head of the frightened German sister “So you feel you are like Christ? Well I’ve always wondered what happened to him when he was all alone with those Romans. Have you seen that in your visions? Oh I forgot, you can’t talk. Well I suppose you can live it for yourself soon enough bitch”. After speaking those words she mock tongue-kissed the rag in Anne Catherine’s mouth as she pressed her long nails in the stigmata on her head. flowed over her sensual fingers as Emmerich twisted in pain. Ludwig was fucking her with the crucifix and suddenly he felt a deep hatred for everything he once believed in “How do you feel now you whore? Do you love to be fucked by that bastard Christ you see in your visions? I don’t think you see him that often because his body has rotted away a long time ago so now you only have his fucking priests to enjoy your dried up cunt”.
Lucrezia delighted in these words and quickly stripped herself of her habit. “Make yourself more comfortable father. Those old dried up cunts are on retreat this is our chance to have some fun!” Immediately Ludwig got out of his soutane and began to stroke his hard ordained penis. “Take her virginity! At least give her that much fun!” Lucrezia screamed as she sat down on Anne Catherine’s face the mystic with her ass. She took the crucifix from Ludwig and began to fuck herself with it while smothering Anne Catherine Emmerich. She used her free hand to expose the saint’s small tits and twist her nipples with her nails.
In the meanwhile Ludwig had penetrated Emmerich’s cunt with his dick and began to fuck her with all his force. He felt the trembling body of the self-proclaimed seer as he hatefucked her without mercy. For him she symbolized all the obscure nonsense and moralistic restraints he had believed in. With every thrust of his priestly cock he wanted to destroy those ideas and hurt them. Lucrezia was making sure Anne Catherine got just enough breath to stay alive but no more than that. It didn’t take long for Ludwig to reach a climax and shoot his load deep inside Emmerich’s shaking body. “Fuck! What am I doing?” Ludwig exclaimed but Lucrezia quickly calmed him down by pressing her tongue in his mouth. “We are the only gods here my dear. Let’s enjoy our own heaven for this moment” she whispered and this made him hard again. 
Lucrezia got up and handed him the pix “I thought you came to bring the cunt her Holy Communion? Why don’t you feed him the bastard?” With those words she removed the gag from Emmerich’s mouth who immediately began to whimper. Lucrezia responded quickly by putting her nails inside one of the stigmata on Emmerich’s wrist “This can hurt a lot more bitch if you don’t cooperate”. This broke all the resistance the wretch had left. Her mouth just hang open in a uncomprehending expression. This was all Ludwig needed because he deftly put the communion wafer on the tip of his erect dick and shove it into Emmerich’s mouth. Blinded with lust he skull-fucked her, grabbing her head with his hands by pressing his fingers deep into her stigmata. Emmerich shook with pain but this only increased the fallen priest’s lust as he moaned “Swallow the bastard you fucking whore. The bastard died on the cross and if he comes back we’ll him again. But I tell you we will never see his rotting again”.
Anne Catherine whimpered and gurgled. Despite her pain and fear she couldn’t suppress a beginning lust as Lucrezia knelt between her legs to lick her pussy. For the first time in her life Emmerich’s cunt began to get moist as the wicked nun pleased her orally. But Lucrezia hated the hysterical seer too much and bit hard in her labia. The saint tried to scream but as her throat opened Ludwig emptied his balls for the second time and filled the pious bitch’s mouth and throat with his ordained sperm flushing away the cum soaked communion wafer.
Anne Catherine fell in shock and his body was convulsing and spasming as Ludwig sat back. He looked at Lucrezia in consternation but she wouldn’t have it. “There is still a hole you should fuck.” Ludwig looked at Anne Catherine’s asshole without much appetite as he wasn’t convinced of the bitch’ hygiene in that area. Lucrezia laughed cruelly and pointed to the hole in Emmerich’s right wrist. She took up the mystic’s arm and shove the stigmata over his cock. After that she took at the other arm and put the other stigmata over this cock as well. Ludwig moaned with delight as he felt Anne Catherine’s spasming Christ-wounds move over his cock. Lucrezia topped it off by putting her mouth over the cock head and sucking his dick while licking the top stigmata as well. It was a only a matter of time before Ludwig came for the third time and filled the wicked Italian’s mouth with his sperm.
He fell from the bed and had to lay on the floor to recover from this physical exercise and overwhelming lust. Lucrezia bent over the staring face of the dying saint and dropped a ball of spit and cum into Emmerich’s mouth. 
But just as Lucrezia began to turn away Anne Catherine’s eyes glazed over and with a surprisingly powerful voice she proclaimed “Thus says the Lord. You have defiled my servant now you…” but she couldn’t finish the sentence because Lucrezia squatted over her and filled her prophesying mouth with gallons of warm piss. After she had finished Anne Catherine made nothing but a gurgling sound as Lucrezia put her hand over Emmerich’s mouth and squeezed her nose with her elegant fingers. 
By then Ludwig had recovered and walked towards Lucrezia standing over Emmerich’s face. “My ass is clean lover” Lucrezia said and invitingly turned her backside to Ludwig “I’d rather keep the front sealed. I made a vow of chastity after all”. And with that Ludwig thrust his wet cock up Lucrezia’s ass and fucked her with all the passion and lust he had ever known. The very instant in which he ejaculated was also the time in which Anne Catherine Emmerich stopped breathing. Lucrezia exhaled with satisfaction “So now we know. She was a saint after all”.
Ludwig left the convent in a hurry to overwhelmed to make any rational decisions. He hid in the presbytery for the rest of the week. But there was no need for worry. Whatever sister Maria Lucrezia did to clean up nobody ever seemed to have even suspected the peculiar circumstances surrounding the passing of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. It was said that she died peacefully and in the fragrance of holiness.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 3 October 2004. Most of her visions were published afterwards, the most famous being The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ which recounts her visions of the suffering of Our Lord.
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Catholic Priest. Pornosexual. Perverted Gooner. Blasphemer.

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