From here on out, all inquiries will go through me you have questions, or want to be in a video with BeckyTailor, you are going through me now. She will not answer your questions. A few of you guys keep asking, and a couple or so have actually set something up with her only to back out. Even after arrangements were made on her part that she couldn't fix. And a couple of you keep mentioning it, but you stay out of contact with her. Doesn't work that way fellas! AND YOU GUYS KNOW WHO YOU ARE! There is NO alone time with her. You've got to be off your rocker to think otherwise. She does NOT travel for pornhub collabs, you guys have to! If you can't perform, or don't think you can, in front of the camera, with me recording, and have to be willing to show your face, just something we prefer due to editing preferences, and have two forms of ID handy, pornhubs requirements for additional performers, then don't bother asking! We want something in return. These types of cuckold/wife sharing videos are what we are looking for, with Becky willing and wanting to perform in them. Anything and everything pertaining to performing with Becky Tailor now goes through me! You don't want to talk to me, THEN DON'T ASK!!