REWRITTEN The end of summer

I'm glad a lot of people got to read this blog before I realized that many things I wrote needed to be erased. Did I mention that drunk blogging is far worse than drunk texting. This post needs half the content removed. I'm sober. I've handled the pain and rejection. I should never let myself write in a rage. Maybe, my thought were the truth. Maybe, they were opinions that changed in 24 hours. I will keep as much of this unedited as possible. But, what I wrote was uncalled for and very mean. If someone hurts you, the best possible solution is to kill them with kindness.

I ended things. I realized last night in the worst way that I was being used. I could've kept on fighting for someone to love me back. I gave him 250 days of fucking and he stupidly let me know that he still didn't want to take me on an actual date. I can give out all the damn details of our relationship now that he is gone. I don't have to move this blog some place new simply to hide my thoughts from someone I love. I knew that things would end from day one.. And I thought that the day it ended would make me sad. I'm smiling. I got to be with the boy I loved since I was seven. And I would've loved him till the day that I died, if he wanted me. He doesn't. i can live with that. I am hurt. I also know that I can do better. Sometimes he was an asshole. He's got issues with drinking.. He's sexist. He's racist. He's conceited. He knows how attractive he is. He is rarely humble. Humility in a beautiful man is the sexiest thing in the world.

. He was never going to be with a girl my size. I was getting lectures about weight loss. I will probably lose a ton of weight to prove a point. The thing he doesn't realize, is that so many people like me the way that I am. I'm real. And genuinely, I'm a nice girl. I am smart. I am funny. And I'm strong. Nothing else matters

I'm never going to let myself remember anything good about this guy. (this is a drunken lie, I did lose my memory. I will fight hard to remember every moment we shared) There was too much wrong with what we had. (there was so much right with what I hoped we had.). I have to be honest. I don't like who he is. (Truthfully, we both don't like things about him. He knows he needs to change those things. One of the reasons he doesn't want me involves the fact he isn't happy with himself.)

I ended things in such a kind way. In fact, I kept things funny. I made the focus of my dear john letter on getting my motherfucking broom back. I don't ever let a man know they damaged me. I end things with laughter even when i realize that someone treated me like shit. I know the last message I sent him was the only time that I sounded even vaguely upset. I needed him to know not to knock on my door. I have his entire wardrobe because I was doing his dry cleaning. I want my shit back. He probably wants his clothes. lol. I could remove all his buttons just for shits and giggles. Damn, that would be funny and cathartic.. I'm thinking about doing it. That would piss him off so bad. It could be a reminder that you don't fuck girls you've known a lifetime.. He should remember that I am not a girl who appreciates being kept a secret fuck hole and an underpaid maid.

This whole cycle is a pattern that I don't deserve. He knew going into this that I have not healed from our last friend who made me his maid and had no interest in me as a woman due to my weight. I think I've been a guy's maid and not his girlfriend at least a dozen times. .My mom talked me out of the button removal. She's so angry. Yet she is proud of me for ending something that made me happy because I was not getting what I need. I could sit here and dwell on all the reasons he didn't want me. I refuse to do that. I can think of a hundred reasons why I don't want him. (to be honest, I wouldn't change much. I would hope he changes the amount he relies on alcohol, I would hope he realizes sexism and racism is beneath him. I would hope he could learn how to express emotion better. I would want him to realize his ex girlfriend is not someone he should still be missing.

And to be brutally honest. The sex wasn't always good. (I slammed this post with a bit of information that I will neither confirm or deny. Sometimes, it is a good thing to let a man think he is the best you've ever had and the idea of his touch is orgasmic. Was my pleasure real? The answer is complicated. Sharing the answer is a secret that involves my problems and not his lack of skills. I was drunk writing this and I discussed the situation as if it was his problem, when the problem was me. I can soon look back on things and remember pleasure.) The next sentence has not been altered from the original post...... And he never gave me head. Fuck him. Just for that offense he should lose his buttons.

I am going to sleeep for a few days. I'm hurt. It's bad. I have gotten off anti-psychotics. I have natural sleeep now. I took some antipsychotics a few minutes ago. It's dissolving under my tongue. I will simply be catatonic for about 48 to 72 hours. When I wake up, something strange will have happened. My memory of chris will be wiped clean as if I never knew him. It's a coping mechanism. Seriously, I usually forget the names of men I date when it's over. I put his name in this blog because he never wanted anyone to know about me. I want anyone who knows me in real life to understand that he isn't always a nice guy. He seems nice. He's really conceited and vain sometimes. The word shallow comes to mind. He needs to work on that.

When he responded to my short and sweet dear john message, he made things worse by admitting he took advantage of me. He is very lucky that I am a good woman. I erased personal information about how I could've fucked up his entire existence because I know how easily I could have taken what matters the most to him. I was drunk enough to say what it was and how to find it. That was very wrong for me to do. I fucked up there. Part of what I wrote is true. He should be careful. I am afraid he will meet a woman who realizes how naive he is. I warned him that he needs to change things or risk losing something so valuable it could break him. I think the point of that paragraph was me admitting that I am honest to the core...but he fucked me over...and it crossed my mind to return the favor. I gave out the warning 'if you admit using some woman and hurting her. If you know you've been an asshole...lock your door and hide your shit. He knows that I actually couldn't even keep a dollar bill I found cleaning. He knows that I couldn't steal. I guess it would be amusing if he realized most women would take what they wanted with no hesitation. That's not me being mean. That's me hitting him with a warning I doubt he'll ever read.

(didn't change this part) I beg you guys not to ask me if I'll date you right now because I'm single. I need to be on my own for awhile. That or I need to hop on tinder and fuck local men. I'm going to miss having someone to hang out with. He was my only friend in this town. I can't do long distance relationships. I may reach a point when I take the offers I get seriously. I've been invited to visit almost every country you could imagine. That's a big deal for a girl like me that's never been on an airplane. It might be time to travel when I get through this. It could be time to do real porn. It could be time to do many things. I'm human. I loved him since I was seven. Part of me is always going to love him. If you get my love in the real world, it never goes away. I mourn the people who leave my life. The first step is sleeep. I know my friend request box has been full for a week and I've missed all messages. I promise to log back on and try to be okay when I wake up from this self-induced commma.

I hope you understand that I'm not much fun when I've been hurt. I will try to bounce back into this site like he didn't make me happier than I thought possible. I will try to be positive. I know that for the first time, I have not been a doormat. I quit him. I said goodbye when I found out what he felt about me. He didn't want to take me to a concert even though he'd asked every other person he knew to go with him and he got blown off. It broke my heart when he told me he almost asked a total stranger he met yesterday if he wanted to go. I've been 250 days of fun, sex, cleaning and companionship and he'd rather go with some dude he didn't know. My mom will always swear up and down he's gay. (I left that part in because it amuses me. Seriously, she thinks he's gay).

I admitted that my biggest flaw and my dark side is the fact that I blog. If you take advantage of me, I'll hit the whole damn world with personal information that will make you want to kill me. (I do love this man because I edited this blog and I have no plans for verbal warfare and character annihilation.) There is always a pattern. I get put in the role of a maid and not a girlfriend. I get sick off that shit and walk out. Then I write down everything I can about the guy who hurt me. (For once in my life, I'm taking the high road. His secrets are safe and I will only describe the ways in which he is special. I never thought that I could stop my need for retribution through writing. This is a good sign. I'm a better person than I used to be.) I may wake up with less anger and the ability to keep my mouth shut. (thanks to a seizure in the night, that's exactly what happened) Or I could wake up real fucking mad. (I woke up with no emotion at all. I actually understand exactly what happened. I know what happened was bad communication. He failed to simply say he wasn't ready to see that particular concert with me. He failed to share the fact he would've been sitting beside me as he thought about the women he loved and lost. That dear john letter, was a reminder that 250 days was too damn long to keep me a secret. I had to walk away for being taken advantage of. He had to let me go when I called his bluff. It didn't have to end this way. We fucked up. He gave me the faint glimmer of hope this afternoon that six months to a year from now, we can try being friends. I value any friend far more than I value a lover. When I say that I love him. That love is always going to be more about friendship than sex.)

I don't give a damn if you read this altered post and feel anger that I removed an amusing rant that shouldn't have been written. A blog can always be edited according to what you feel after it has been posted. Sure, I'm hurt and I feel rejected. That hasn't changed. I refuse to be malicious. I refuse to apologize for feeling malicious after I sedated myself with enough antipsychotics to make me enter a psychotic rage. I am getting better one day at a time. I just want to be the best woman I can be. And if that means editing everything I write the day after I post it, then that's what will happen. .
Diterbitkan oleh halinaplays
7 tahun lalu
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Your perception of love is beautiful. You love your heart with your soul, and sex offering your body is a delicate gift. I loved for years a childhood friend. Your sufferings have shaped the person you are now. May your sufferings have made you more beautiful in your soul? I wish that one day you would know peace in true love. A man who will become your sun, making you discover how wonderful you are. And I offer you my friendship :smile:
kemadrin 7 tahun lalu
next time im driving from tampa to orlando let me know.. Ill be like uber eats. just order up a tongue and ill be there. guys crazy not to want to spend all day down there. Id lick you til u called the cops and made me leave. lol. i wouldnt want anything but to see u cum again... and again.... and again..
ticklemytush 7 tahun lalu
Wow, that was a roller coaster ride reading that! I know you'll be fine and remember, you can always cry on our (all of us that read your blog) shoulders .
fangzter 7 tahun lalu
I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. That is job #1. I'm proud of you for doing that. Getting better one day at a time is all it takes! Chin Up! Tits Out! Be Proud!
st_john_green 7 tahun lalu
Taking a break and getting things together is something that I do also. It's not bad being single I can learn more about myself and what I am really looking for in a lady. I'm glad you dropped the guy and you did it with kindness that's very cool. I don't waste energy on being a dick if things go wrong when I can just kindly move forward and not create a shit storm. Glad you are doing better and I will go read another post.
CatB 7 tahun lalu
The right move. You shouldn't settle for less than you deserve. You said it right. You ARE real. You ARE genuine, you ARE smart and you ARE funny. You also happen to be a hot woman with a great body.
SluttySiren 7 tahun lalu
So happy for you. I think you made a really smart decision to ditch that guy. He didn't sound very good for you. As Harry Chapin once said "it's better sometimes When we don't get to touch our dreams". Sorry that didn't work out for you, but you seem like you will recover from this. And, I think Geoffrey Chaucer once said something about the best revenge being to immortalize a person but writing about them in a bad sense. And it has long been known that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! Give him hell girl! Hope you feel better!
kngkll13 7 tahun lalu
you will find the right one eventually sweetheart,things happen for a reason. Sometimes you have to go through hell before you can experience heaven. I have been through a lot of shit and something's were absolutely horrible,but there are very few things I would actually change, because after the smoke cleared, most things usually turned out better than before they went wrong.
cordwainer66 7 tahun lalu
Know your strength halinaplays and feel your pride. Sweet Dreams
wildcard1 7 tahun lalu
if I was in florida I would go down on you every night! never change who you are for someone, I've done it before and you end up resenting that person because of it.
justsomefun 7 tahun lalu
Thats fucked up.... I'll hope you will be fine
southernand7up 7 tahun lalu
take time to recharge. come back better and stronger. The single life isn't that bad
ElwoodOn 7 tahun lalu
lugore 7 tahun lalu
First of all, I'm glad you are ok and Irma has gone... but I feel sad for what are you describing here...
What I can tell you is: your friend is missing a diamond if he left you... and time to time to feel better... As you say, there will be more chances to meet new people around you (maybe for sex, maybe for frienship)...
Meanwhile (I assume) there are some people here to talk with and feel better day by day...
goleXXX 7 tahun lalu
Never gave you head in 250 days... how about you burn his shit? You sound like you'll be fine :wink: All the best to you.
wolfrider2121 7 tahun lalu
Lynn im sorry he treated you like shit,you know me well enough to know i have your back. dear and when you wake up just be yourself dear.get back into your writing kitchen and lets enjoy those dishes we enjoy
akari2014 7 tahun lalu
Ill say this as plain as I did on skype. He was not worth the time of day and your worth more then a billion of him. Youll find happiness of that im sure. Also yes I came back on the site just to make sure 100% that you realize you are truly a special woman. Till later sunshine :smile: Light.
Mgp1875 7 tahun lalu
I've been through the same. Still hurts to this day. If you ever want to chat, pm me. You'll find it tough but you're strong. You will get there.
Bonr717 7 tahun lalu
I am so sorry you had to go through this. I had a similar thing happen years ago. She doesn't know what she lost just as Chris doesn't know what he lost. Thing will get better. If I was closer I would console you in person, but I am not. I am here for you.
snake_500011 7 tahun lalu
Hey sweetie I am here for you if you need to talk. Stay strong you deserve better than him I hope when the time is right you find the man who loves you for you and treats you right.
Good for you beautiful give your love to someone who truly deserves it. It will be rough for awhile but the old saying is true time heals all wounds . Hugs sweetie and if you just want to talk, vent let me know. I'm a good listener
250Laps 7 tahun lalu
SSorry it went sour. You're better off without him. Sleep well.
iwank2 7 tahun lalu
They say a change is as good as a rest. As you're getting both, I'm certain you'll be alright.
olderDom 7 tahun lalu
hang in there, be strong if you can, and be honest with yourself. you have people who listen to you if you need to talk.
cyborg456 7 tahun lalu
Post hurricane post man . Fresh start.
Don't waste time on wasters.
I wish you all the best sweetie
justanotherweirdguy 7 tahun lalu
Thank you for sharing. You are a wonderful person. We would never be ashamed to be with you.
I hope you'll stay better tomorrow girl
Once you've been with someone long enough, they show their true colors for good or ill. Better alone than with someone who treats you like shit.