Sleep-over with you

There is a very good reason why I am staying overnight at your house, in your bed with you, both of us wearing just our knickers and t-shirt: I had another glass of wine and can't drive home; my car has broken down; you invited me over for dinner and we chatted until late... It is dark outside and - snuggled under your duvet, so close in the half-light - we talk and laugh until somehow our conversation turns (as it has before) to masturbation: what we think about, how we do it, what feels good. Our words tempt each other... Initially, we're passing it off as a joke but it's not long before w… Lire la suite

Publié par Lulu_2000 il y a 6 mois 19

Wife Restores Balance – Revenge Fucking

Wife Restores Balance – Revenge Fucking A couple of weeks ago, my husband fucked my best friend’s teenage daughter. It wasn’t the first time he had fucked her – that was at our home a few weeks earlier, while her mother and I were watching. On that weekend our friend Anna and her daughter Arkie had stayed at our house. Anna and I had spent most of Saturday night having sex together while my husband Andrew, was sort of sidelined. I did let him fuck me once, but I wasn’t really paying attention, so it was more like him masturbating inside my vagina. I guess he was feeling a bit left out,… Lire la suite

Publié par sxstory5 il y a 2 ans 22

Phone Call to my Wife

I relate this story to say that sexual pleasure is gender free. Thuy and the k*ds has flown out to visit her parents on Friday evening. On Saturday evening Thuy and I had agreed to chat on the phone: Thuy: Hi darling, how’s things at home? Me: Pretty quiet – I got back a little while ago and went for a swim. How’s things with you and the k*ds? Thuy: All good, we’re at my parent’s place now, we’ll have dinner soon. Have you had dinner yet? Me: I might have something a bit later on, I spent the morning riding (my bike) up in the mountains and then went t… Lire la suite

Publié par sxstory5 il y a 2 ans 24

Friendly Neighbours

This story took place a few months ago: In the morning, after taking the k**s to school, Thuy and I were sitting next to the pool lingering over coffee and chatting about this and that. Every now and then I would look past Thuy in the direction of our neighbour’s house, I was watching the wife Phi, walking along the edge of their pool picking up leaves or something – too far to see details. Thuy noticed that I was looking and turned to look as well, she waved to Phi who wavered back, Thuy told me that she had made friends with Phi a few weeks ago when I was away on a business trip. Thuy turn… Lire la suite

Publié par sxstory5 il y a 1 an 41


A naive girl from a small town accidentally has her first sexual encounter during winter break. Growing up in a small town in the 80s made me a little naïve about certain things. It was a time before the internet when a girl could be easily kept ignorant about sex. When I started college, I hoped that college life would expand my social horizons. My freshman dorm was called a cluster. Eight girls shared a cluster, two girls shared a bedroom and there was a modest living space in the center. I was still a virgin and was surprised to see my roommates act and dress more sexually than I had ever… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 27 jours 6

Waterfall Beach

This is a story of a recent summer afternoon at a secluded nude beach – please be aware that some of the characters are “taboo” in both age and/or family relationship and there are descriptions of male homosexual pleasures – so, if that’s not to your taste…………………………….you should get out more. The forecast was for a sweltering hot day, Thuy and I agreed that it’s too hot for the beach in the middle of the day but, maybe at the end of the day in the setting sun, it would be better time to go for a swim in the ocean. At about 3pm Thuy came to my work studio – we both work from home – and planted… Lire la suite

Publié par sxstory5 il y a 28 jours 23

Mysterious woman on the train

The gentle breeze blew silently across the elevated wooden platform. It was a hazy late afternoon in Central London. The scent lingering in the air predicted an oncoming rain shower, but for now the sun shone brightly in the bluish white sky. Only a few people stood waiting for the train to make its entrance into the station. The five foot three young blonde looked down the tracks hoping to will the train to appear faster. She was tired and hungry. Her stomach had kindly informed her of its desires an hour ago and she had tried to ignore it to no avail. She had spent far more hours at the off… Lire la suite

Publié par Lulu_2000 il y a 29 jours 8

Rachel & Nikki

Nikki and I were and are best friends. Shortly after we turned eighteen, her parents took us to London for the weekend and on the second night before we were due to return, it happened. I had never been turned-on by another girl until then, and it established my sexual preferences for a decade. And yet, on that night, Nikki had no idea of the wheels she set in motion. We had our own room in what was a very nice hotel, and although it was small, I wasn't complaining. It was a treat, after all to have been invited to London. The size of the room resulted in the beds being only a few feet apart a… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 29 jours 7


(There was a Jodi, a kiss and amateur fondling under t-shirts.) Jodi is back in town. I sat in my home office trying to work, although couldn't focus. I tried to stick with my standard routine. Coffee, gym, shower, work ... but that day I just couldn't get motivated because I couldn't get her out of my head. My thoughts were filled of my best friend from high school. She was actually my first love and even though I dated other women, they just couldn't compare. Our friendship began at the Jersey shore. Our parents owned bungalows close to each other. Jodi and I became beach buddies, lying… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 1 mois 4

A Mother Finally Loves Her Son 2

I ran my fingers across his chest, it was dark but the moonlight and lights from the house danced across the water and I felt my son's cock raise under his shorts and caress my inner thighs. I inhaled sharply, and I could see him start to breathe heavily and turn red. "Mom..." I put my finger over his lips and leaned into him and felt his penis slide between my legs through his trunks. My breasts pressed against his chest and I slid my tongue past his lips, exploring his young mouth. It was amazing, I never could have imagined how good his lips would taste. He wrapped his hand around my waist… Lire la suite

Publié par TabooMom46 il y a 3 mois 12

"The sheer girth of his cock"

"The sheer girth of his cock completely filled my soaking pussy and went in with relative ease". This was the moment that I had taken my first cock that wasn't my husbands since we said "I do". Let me give you the backstory that led up to this glorious moment. My husband and I have been married for 23 years. He's 53 and I'm 51. We look ten years younger and act 20 years younger. Life is good. We have a great marriage with two grown kids. He's sexy as hell and has the absolute perfect sized cock (7 1/2"). He's 6'2" athletic build and his tongue, along with his cock, works magic. I'm 5'4", 121… Lire la suite

Publié par valandjayne il y a 2 mois 5


When I was a college freshman, I injured the ligament in my left leg during a school sports match. After a spell walking on crutches and little improvement I was advised to do regular physiotherapy to restore its strength. The school physio nurse showed me which exercises were best and recommended a local physical therapist. On my way home from school the next afternoon, I got off the bus a stop earlier than usual and called at the health club to meet the therapist. The introduced me toa fit and attractive young woman in her mid-twenties, who introduced herself as Denise. Denise looked at… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 2 mois 2

The Erotic Massage

"Oh yes, yes, oh God" I groaned as my husband fucked me from behind a couple of weeks ago. I was on all fours kneeling beside our bed. I was naked. My small breasts were dangling down and bouncing with each thrust, he was buried in me fucking me doggy style, squeezing my tits and pinching and pulling my nipples. I just wanted it to stop so I feigned an orgasm. It was the first time in my life I had done that. * Over the next couple of months I was home alone frequently. There was nothing unusual about that, but it was starting to gnaw at me. I was bored and lonely. I was also bored with my mar… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 2 mois 10

Allie & Erin Have Sex In A Mercedes

Allie kissed Erin, and everything changed for both. Erin is, without doubt, a stunningly beautiful woman at 5’ 7", 128 lbs., green eyes, and blonde hair; worn in a loose pony-tail. Erin stepped out of the subway and made her way through the morning rush crowd to her office in Manhattan . A couple of her colleagues admiringly responded as she passed them. Erin’s pony-tail swayed back and forth as she waltzed through the doorway of her office and sat down at her desk. She adjusted the height of her chair and fussed under her breath. Within minutes of her arrival at her office, Sean, her part… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 2 mois 2

Lana Returns

Missy and I had a long week and had neglected each other so we both agreed that Friday night would be "our time" to make up for it. We grabbed a bite on the way home and could barely keep our hands off each other on the ride. We kissed as the bath filled and pretended to wash each other but it was just a matter of time before we were rubbing each other to climax. After our bath we headed to bed. We did everything we could think of with our hands and mouths until we had both orgasmed again. We lay in each others arms basking in the glow and I dozed off. I awoke to Missy smiling at me while wea… Lire la suite

Publié par mscotton12 il y a 11 ans 13


Rebecca and I were roommates in college. In our sophomore year, we lost the lottery for on-campus housing and had to find an apartment at the last minute. The only place we could find was a small apartment: we had to share a bedroom; it had one bathroom, and a small living room. I had no problem sharing a bedroom with Rebecca – we had done that for our freshman year. Plus, I thought she was one of the sexiest girls I knew. And I had a crush on her in a big way. Becca was a cute girl. She ran track for school, so she had a healthy frame with a flat tummy, and her shaven legs had a modest musc… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 2 mois 9

College Friends.

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Publié par Sylphid il y a 9 mois

A Delightfully Delicious Divorcee

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Publié par Sylphid il y a 2 mois

Sarah's First Black Cock

My wife and I had a great relationship, sex was fabulous and we often experimented with various toys, light bondage, and other occasional fetishes. I had bought her a huge dildo to add to our toy drawer a few years back, I can remember her unwrapping the parcel and marvelling at the size of her first black toy. “Oh my god!” she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement, “it’s huge, I can’t even fit my hand around the shaft!” The dildo, modelled on BAM, was massive - 13 inches in length with a girth of well over 8. “I can’t believe this is modelled on a real guy!” she laughed. So started he… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 3 mois 2


The Black Breeders Club It was my dad who first told me about the club. I was 22 at the time, fresh out of college, and had just married my sweetheart of six years, Trish. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her, and that was of course when she and her family first moved to our city, and more important, across the street from our house. I can still recollect how I stared at her from my upstairs bedroom window back then, watching her like a hawk, as she and her family scurried about across the street, carrying boxes, clothing, and other household items into their new residence.… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 3 mois 2

Family Secrets: The Blindfold Part 3

Part 3: The Blindfold Noah is 16 and a sophomore in high school. His grades were just above average, and he really loved sports. Especially basketball. But this season most of his teammates talked about girls and dating and he was completely clueless in that department. They never teased him about it, but he would never join in the conversation. He just listened to their crude banter and apparently sexual innuendos and laugh like he understood what they were talking about. And later, he really wished he had a girlfriend. When the holidays arrived in December, his mom, Evelyn, was ove… Lire la suite

Publié par Catwomanmeows il y a 3 mois 13

Chap.12: Here Comes... Moon !

- Mon mari, Romain, est arrivé ! dis-je à Moon - Oh ! Il faut que je me rhabille, alors ? - Pas nécessairement… C’est toi qui vois. C’est à ce moment que Romain sort de la maison, en maillot de bain, et descend les quelques marches qui mènent jusqu’à la piscine. Je remarque le regard de Moon. On dirait une petite fille qui a vu le Père Noël. Ses yeux se sont étrécis et elle a un petit sourire sur ses jolies lèvres. Elle a simplement étalé le drap de bain sur son pubis, histoire de cacher sans trop son joli corps de liane. - Il est beau ! me dit-elle à voix basse. - Et il fait bien l’amour… d… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 3 mois 14

Chap.11: La face cachée de la Lune

Pour en avoir le cœur net, je décide de retourner à cette pagode. Une fois à l’intérieur, on dirait que rien ne s’y est jamais passé comme dans mes souvenirs. Il ne reste aucune trace de cette folle nuit et je remarque même que l’entretien est un peu négligé, alors que tout me semblait rutilant, l’autre soir. Même le Bouddha est couvert d’excrément d’oiseaux. Il semble prendre cette injure avec beaucoup de philosophie et il me sourit avec bienveillance. Je fais le tour du propriétaire et je ne remarque rien qui puisse me fournir un quelconque indice. Revenant vers le Bouddha, je constate que… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 3 mois 9


===== So when I first discovered that guys liked to sniff dirty panties I was at a sleepover where several older girls were talking about it and showed me videos on their cellphones of guys jacking off into little panties. I was really surprised because at that time I didn't know any sex stuff. One girl said if I gave her my panties she'd have her uncle jackoff on them and make a video of it. I, of course, readily agreed and gave her my pink cotton panties that I was wearing. Sure enough the next week at school she showed me a video of him jacking off and cumming several times on those pin… Lire la suite

Publié par Flat_Chest_Peggy il y a 1 an 59

Le chalet près du lac - 3

Attachée à quatre pattes sur un lit, avec un foulard sur les yeux, j’étais réduite à un état de vulnérabilité total et à la merci des caprices de mes deux partenaires. Une situation qui m’a toujours procuré beaucoup d’émotion. Cette émotion se manifeste généralement par une élévation de ma température. J’ai de plus en plus chaud et je sens perler la sueur sur ma peau. L’humidité qui suintait entre mes cuisses n’était pas de la sueur par contre. Je mouillais, comme folle de désir et d’impatience et anxieuse de savoir à quelle sauce elles allaient me manger. De ses ongles, Rose me labourait le… Lire la suite

Publié par pantheredesneiges il y a 3 mois 15

Virginal Pictures

It was the last straw. MaryAnne’s boyfriend John had come home drunk again. When he arrived home, he tried unsuccessfully to coax her into having sex. Fed up with being treated like a whore MaryAnne hastily packed her bag and went out into the heavy rain, just wanting to get away from him. It was getting dark as she walked; angry and in tears she had no idea where she was going - just away, away from John. As she walked she quickly lost track of time and had no idea how far she had walked, only that it was now getting dark; it was still raining and there seemed to be little traffic. She stopp… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 3 mois 13

The Guide to Eating Pussy

Men suck at eating pussy. Not because they don't like it but because it's really fucking hard. You have to learn it. Giving good head is the key to just about everything in life (including getting good head later on), so it's time we broke it down. Like this. The secret to giving good head is to read the signs. You could be the best sexual mechanic in the world, but if you can't read the emotional road signs, you're going to end up wandering around in a desolate labial wasteland until, eventually, you drop from exhaustion, hot tears of confusion streaming down your face. Think of eating t… Lire la suite

Publié par Jana-chen il y a 4 ans 122


He grunted a couple times, as he held one last long thrust. I watched as he pulled out. Cum oozed out of her pussy and off his cock. It went down the sheets and hit the floor below the bed. Her head rolled to the side as her legs dropped. She was gasping for air and was speechless. He stepped back a bit and looked at her. "Damn. Your fucking wife is a great fuck. She really knows how to handle a cock," he said, as he openly waved his cock towards me with cum glistening on it. "I think we should maybe take a break," I said, as I looked at him then back to her. "A break. I ain't done with her… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 3 mois


This is a fictional story about a wife and her first encounter with a bull. Credit to kenjisato with editing help. The story would never make it to post without your assistance. ------------------------ I had never seen Ashley this nervous with anticipation since our wedding. In two days, she would be submitting to a complete stranger. I guess we were both overly nervous. We've been married for five years now. We're more adventurous than most. On a cruise a few years ago was the first time we did anything with other partners. We met a similarly-aged couple who, we both thought were attract… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 3 mois 1

Our first time threesome

Hi we are from the UK. I have been watching my wife having sex with other men for the past three years and I'm going to tell how it came about and what our first experience was like? For sometime we've been fantasying about my wife fucking other men. During sex I would use her dildo and role-play her taking this as another mans cock. After a while she admitted to me she would like to experience sex with another man and feel a real big cock inside her. To help you appreciate our story and our first experience let me share some background information and our inner thoughts. We've been marri… Lire la suite

Publié par valandjayne il y a 1 an 28