Family Secrets: The Blindfold Part 3

Part 3: The Blindfold Noah is 16 and a sophomore in high school. His grades were just above average, and he really loved sports. Especially basketball. But this season most of his teammates talked about girls and dating and he was completely clueless in that department. They never teased him about it, but he would never join in the conversation. He just listened to their crude banter and apparently sexual innuendos and laugh like he understood what they were talking about. And later, he really wished he had a girlfriend. When the holidays arrived in December, his mom, Evelyn, was ove… Lire la suite

Publié par Catwomanmeows il y a 4 mois 13

Chap.12: Here Comes... Moon !

- Mon mari, Romain, est arrivé ! dis-je à Moon - Oh ! Il faut que je me rhabille, alors ? - Pas nécessairement… C’est toi qui vois. C’est à ce moment que Romain sort de la maison, en maillot de bain, et descend les quelques marches qui mènent jusqu’à la piscine. Je remarque le regard de Moon. On dirait une petite fille qui a vu le Père Noël. Ses yeux se sont étrécis et elle a un petit sourire sur ses jolies lèvres. Elle a simplement étalé le drap de bain sur son pubis, histoire de cacher sans trop son joli corps de liane. - Il est beau ! me dit-elle à voix basse. - Et il fait bien l’amour… d… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 3 mois 14

Chap.11: La face cachée de la Lune

Pour en avoir le cœur net, je décide de retourner à cette pagode. Une fois à l’intérieur, on dirait que rien ne s’y est jamais passé comme dans mes souvenirs. Il ne reste aucune trace de cette folle nuit et je remarque même que l’entretien est un peu négligé, alors que tout me semblait rutilant, l’autre soir. Même le Bouddha est couvert d’excrément d’oiseaux. Il semble prendre cette injure avec beaucoup de philosophie et il me sourit avec bienveillance. Je fais le tour du propriétaire et je ne remarque rien qui puisse me fournir un quelconque indice. Revenant vers le Bouddha, je constate que… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 4 mois 9


===== So when I first discovered that guys liked to sniff dirty panties I was at a sleepover where several older girls were talking about it and showed me videos on their cellphones of guys jacking off into little panties. I was really surprised because at that time I didn't know any sex stuff. One girl said if I gave her my panties she'd have her uncle jackoff on them and make a video of it. I, of course, readily agreed and gave her my pink cotton panties that I was wearing. Sure enough the next week at school she showed me a video of him jacking off and cumming several times on those pin… Lire la suite

Publié par Flat_Chest_Peggy il y a 1 an 60

Le chalet près du lac - 3

Attachée à quatre pattes sur un lit, avec un foulard sur les yeux, j’étais réduite à un état de vulnérabilité total et à la merci des caprices de mes deux partenaires. Une situation qui m’a toujours procuré beaucoup d’émotion. Cette émotion se manifeste généralement par une élévation de ma température. J’ai de plus en plus chaud et je sens perler la sueur sur ma peau. L’humidité qui suintait entre mes cuisses n’était pas de la sueur par contre. Je mouillais, comme folle de désir et d’impatience et anxieuse de savoir à quelle sauce elles allaient me manger. De ses ongles, Rose me labourait le… Lire la suite

Publié par pantheredesneiges il y a 4 mois 15

Virginal Pictures

It was the last straw. MaryAnne’s boyfriend John had come home drunk again. When he arrived home, he tried unsuccessfully to coax her into having sex. Fed up with being treated like a whore MaryAnne hastily packed her bag and went out into the heavy rain, just wanting to get away from him. It was getting dark as she walked; angry and in tears she had no idea where she was going - just away, away from John. As she walked she quickly lost track of time and had no idea how far she had walked, only that it was now getting dark; it was still raining and there seemed to be little traffic. She stopp… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 4 mois 13

The Guide to Eating Pussy

Men suck at eating pussy. Not because they don't like it but because it's really fucking hard. You have to learn it. Giving good head is the key to just about everything in life (including getting good head later on), so it's time we broke it down. Like this. The secret to giving good head is to read the signs. You could be the best sexual mechanic in the world, but if you can't read the emotional road signs, you're going to end up wandering around in a desolate labial wasteland until, eventually, you drop from exhaustion, hot tears of confusion streaming down your face. Think of eating t… Lire la suite

Publié par Jana-chen il y a 4 ans 122


He grunted a couple times, as he held one last long thrust. I watched as he pulled out. Cum oozed out of her pussy and off his cock. It went down the sheets and hit the floor below the bed. Her head rolled to the side as her legs dropped. She was gasping for air and was speechless. He stepped back a bit and looked at her. "Damn. Your fucking wife is a great fuck. She really knows how to handle a cock," he said, as he openly waved his cock towards me with cum glistening on it. "I think we should maybe take a break," I said, as I looked at him then back to her. "A break. I ain't done with her… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 4 mois


This is a fictional story about a wife and her first encounter with a bull. Credit to kenjisato with editing help. The story would never make it to post without your assistance. ------------------------ I had never seen Ashley this nervous with anticipation since our wedding. In two days, she would be submitting to a complete stranger. I guess we were both overly nervous. We've been married for five years now. We're more adventurous than most. On a cruise a few years ago was the first time we did anything with other partners. We met a similarly-aged couple who, we both thought were attract… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 4 mois 1

Our first time threesome

Hi we are from the UK. I have been watching my wife having sex with other men for the past three years and I'm going to tell how it came about and what our first experience was like? For sometime we've been fantasying about my wife fucking other men. During sex I would use her dildo and role-play her taking this as another mans cock. After a while she admitted to me she would like to experience sex with another man and feel a real big cock inside her. To help you appreciate our story and our first experience let me share some background information and our inner thoughts. We've been marri… Lire la suite

Publié par valandjayne il y a 1 an 28

Chap.10: La Pagode.

Je quitte à regret le château de la Mothe-Fourrée. Son châtelain m’a toutefois promis de m’inviter au grand bal costumé qu’il donne, tous les ans, au début de l’été. Arrivée chez moi, pas de Romain. Je suis un peu déçue. Il a laissé un mot, expliquant qu’il a dû partir en Italie pour une commande en litige avec un gros client. En soupirant, je prends connaissance du reste du courrier lorsque je vois une petite boite. Je l’ouvre et j’y trouve un petit flacon. Du parfum. ‘’Une fragrance spéciale pour une femme spéciale’’ dit le petit mot sobrement signé ‘’Maître Song’’. Un frisson me parcourt… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 4 mois 6

Renée’s First Lap Dance

"Damn honey, you look beautiful!" Renée thought as she stood looking at herself in the mirror. Renée stood admiring her long shapely legs. The black skirt she was wearing was short, but not obscene. Her satin blouse teased her breasts, provoking her nipples to erection. She was not wearing panties or panty hose. She was not slutty, but definitely sexy. She ran her fingers briefly through her short brown feathered hair, giving herself a stylish 'mussed' look, without appearing as though she'd just gotten out of bed. She allowed her hands to roam down her sides caressing the soft silky materia… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 4 mois 8


"Over the desk!" Cheryl smiled and leaned over at the waist placing her hands on the cold desk in front of her, her firm rounded bum stuck out under the little schoolgirl skirt she was wearing, the thin grey material dropping just below her bum on the top of the backs of her thighs. "I'm sorry Miss" she said with a grin as she felt a soft hand rub over her firm bum then slip under her skirt, rubbing the white cotton panties that were covering her skin, the touch sending shocks of excitement through her body and making her heart pound in her chest with anticipation of what was to come. "I am… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 4 mois 9


So as if high school wasn’t weird enough, in my senior year my best friend in the universe suddenly came out to me, tearfully telling me that she was a lesbian and in love with me. My friend new lesbian friend and soon to be lover was Ali. Seriously, this is exactly what happened. One day we were walking in the hall in our spare time, which was a good thing because there was no one around. Ali turned to me and I could see tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong?” I asked. Ali asked me if she could tell me something. “It’s a secret” she said. I say, “Sure Ali, anything, you know I’ll never tell anyo… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 1 an 29

Doing Julie’s Mom

My daughter, Julie, said she was going to a party that night and suggested that I come with her. “Why would I do that?” “Well, Anna’s mom usually hangs around with us and it always looks like she feels out of place. She might like company. Plus, she’s gay, too.” “So, you’re trying to fix me up?” I had been alone for a few years, and I often thought that Julie was looking out for me. So, I decided to go. “Mom, dress nicely.” That was code for me not to wear “Fuck me” clothes, but instead dress like “I might be interested.” I decided on a white linen dress, mid-thigh and open back, which me… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 5 mois 4

Chap.6: Des cousines à l'inconnu du bus.

Jennifer lève la tête et ses lèvres rencontrent celles de May. Celle-ci déboutonne la chemise en jean de sa cousine et, bientôt, l’opulente poitrine de la jolie petite rouquine apparait dans toute sa volupté. J’ai le cœur qui bat plus vite. Je suis un peu voyeuse, j’aime bien observer d’autres faire l’amour. Cela date de ma folle jeunesse, lorsque je matais mes cousines plus âgées avec leurs galants. Ce fut ma découverte du sexe masculin. Je n’avais jamais vu de bite avant mes quatorze ans. Je caressais ma chatte trempée en voyant ces couples faire l’amour. Parfois, elles échangeaient leurs a… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 5 mois 20

Chap. 5: Les deux cousines

La nuit est étoilée et je ne résiste pas au plaisir de piquer une tête dans la piscine d’Elena et Paul. L’eau est rafraichissante, juste comme il faut. Je nage et je me requinque. Lorsque je reviens sous la véranda, Nicole est à quatre pattes, prise en levrette par Paul. Avec sa bouche, elle s’efforce de sucer mon Romain. Mais Paul est si puissant et vigoureux qu’elle a du mal à garder la bite de mon chéri en bouche. Un peu plus loin, affalé sur des coussin tel un empereur romain, Félix a confié sa queue aux soins experts d’Elena. Elle le lèche et le suce avec beaucoup d’application. Il lui… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 5 mois 15

Chap.4: La soirée chez Paul et Elena (suite)

Felix est allé chercher des rafraichissements. Ca fait drôle de voir ce grand black, la bite à l’air, qui pose un plateau sur la petite table, comme si de rien n’était. Romain a de petits yeux. La jolie Nicole lui a pompé son énergie (en plus du reste) ! Paul semble un peu fatigué, mais ses yeux pétillent et j’ai bien l’impression qu’il apprécie cette soirée. Nicole est sur ses genoux et il lui fait boire un mojito, comme on ferait boire un enfant. Elle rit et en renverse un peu sur elle, prétexte idéal pour que Paul lui lèche les tétons. Je croise le regard de Felix. Ses grands yeux noirs d… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 5 mois 8

Beth and I Have Sex

I had wanted to have sex with a woman for as long as I could remember. I was sure that I was a lesbian. My discomfort with men and my lack of success with them was all the evidence I needed. And then Beth re-entered my life. Beth is my best friend and we've known each other since we started together in law school. She is crazy, has a great sense of humor and men really like her. She has a kind of Eurasian look about her but speaks with a very pronounced English accent which most men seem to find incredibly sexy. She is a bit shorter than me, has a very pretty face, long, very soft and fine,… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 6 mois 9

A morning quickie

Thoughts whilst laying in bed.... I cupped her firm breasts in my hands as my lips brushed hers. Her lips parted and I slid my tongue into her welcoming mouth and she moaned, pushing herself against me. I felt her nipples harden, calling me to worship them and I lowered my head to kiss them through the soft Cotton fabric. I sucked one by one leaving damp circles from the saliva in my mouth. She pushed them hard against me and I squeezed and caressed them with my hands at the same time. I lifted the fabric up, not removing it just pushing it over her breast so I could gain access to her fle… Lire la suite

Publié par Lulu_2000 il y a 6 mois 7

Chap.1: Au bord de la piscine

Ainsi que je l’ai raconté dans un précédent récit, nous formons, Romain et moi, un couple très libre. Il profite des nombreux déplacements que lui impose son métier pour rencontrer d’autres femmes. Quant à moi, je suis toujours ouverte à des rencontres. Mais nous aimons aussi, bien sûr, faire l’amour ensemble. Les années n’ont pas altéré le désir que nous avons l’un pour l’autre et nos aventures en solo ont eu pour effet de décupler le plaisir des retrouvailles. J’avoue que j’aurais du mal à me passer de ces rencontres et je bénis le destin de m’avoir fait rencontrer un homme qui ressent les… Lire la suite

Publié par sainte_levrette il y a 6 mois 19

Midnight Movie

Wendy waited impatiently for the movie to start. It was already fifteen minutes past midnight and the girl’s foul mood was obvious even to the popcorn boy. Her date for the evening had stood her up, none of her friends were around, and the only resort for entertain- ment was a lonely midnight movie. Sighing, she leaned back in the scratchy seat as the lights finally dimmed. The theatre door opened and closed quickly, flashing a spear of light at the opening curtains. A dim figure strolled down the aisle. She seated herself next to Wendy, further annoying the already unhappy girl. The theatre… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 6 mois

The Guy in the Aisle Seat

The place: a dark, crowded movie theatre. Alice and her husband Bob are sitting together, two and three seats in. One empty seat remains between Alice and the aisle. Alice’s handbag sits on the empty seat. The lights dim and the seemingly endless stream of tell-all trailers begins. Alice shivers..”Brr, Bob, are you chilly? I’m chilly.” Bob just grunts his reply-his attention span, as it has been for the past year or two, is short. His eyes are glued to the big screen. Alice pulls her bulky sweater off of the chair where her purse sits and drapes it over her lap. She’s wearing a short skirt-no… Lire la suite

Publié par 0817maganda il y a 6 mois

Susan Replaces My Silver Lover

I was obsessed with my new toy, and bedtime could not come soon enough! I waited patiently and finally heard the door to my roommate’s bedroom close. She listened for the faint sounds from her TV and knew she had settled in for the evening. I was secretly in love with my roommate (Susan) and spent each night wishing I could go to bed with her. Not tonight. I sighed and quietly locked my bedroom door. Once again, I found myself lying on my bed in the darkened bedroom, alone. This was her favorite part of the day, in her bed, at night. I just wished I had a real lover. Instead, I reached ove… Lire la suite

Publié par bianca44 il y a 6 mois 7

Colouring Mum's Hair Part Four

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Publié par ClaudiaCDWYorks il y a 2 ans

Colouring Mum's Hair Part Three

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Publié par ClaudiaCDWYorks il y a 2 ans

Colouring Mum's Hair - Part 2

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Publié par ClaudiaCDWYorks il y a 2 ans

Colouring mum's hair

Colouring Mum's Hair The following is part biographical, part fiction. "I wish this bloody hill wasn't here. Or we lived somewhere nearer school," I thought, for about the 400th time since I'd attended secondary school. It was September 1979 and the school term had started 2 weeks earlier. A two and a half mile walk, all the way uphill along the country road and lanes. This was the beginning of my 4th year so there was a lot more trudging to be done. Then 5th year! Then 6th form! Shit! And the weather had got hotter. Typical, a crap summer, school starts and now the sun comes out. I could f… Lire la suite

Publié par ClaudiaCDWYorks il y a 2 ans 25

A Mother's Love for her Son

Hailey was a world-class surgeon. She was Department head at the Transplant Institute in Belgium and had been working non-stop for the past three weeks. She was beyond exhausted. But now Hailey was going to take care of herself. She had earned her 10-day holiday, 10-fold. Hailey had rented a beautiful beach villa in St. Tropez from a surgeon friend. She needed this rest. At 56, 13-hour plus surgeries had taken their toll. She wasn’t bouncing back as quickly as she would like. She was in incredible shape. Ran 5 miles and went to the gym every morning she did not have surgeries or consults. It… Lire la suite

Publié par DrWhoWhatandWhere il y a 6 ans 25

A Man's Best Friend

A Man’s Best Friend I awoke early this morning, as I typically do, and sauntered into the kitchen to make a strong cup of Peruvian coffee. I grabbed my cellphone and headed for the porch. I sat down on my low county white rocker and looked up at aqua blue-grey sky. It was such a beautiful morning and the sun would rise in about 45 minutes, so I decided to go to the beach and watch the day begin. It was only a short walk from my cottage to my favorite spot. I grabbed binoculars and summoned Gilligan, my loyal companion. I arrived shortly before sunrise on the cliff above a very isolated part… Lire la suite

Publié par DrWhoWhatandWhere il y a 5 ans 14