Original Music for our game!

One thing I am really excited about to be adding to The Single Goblin is our own original music tracks. Using a variety of different creative sources, we're mixing our own tracks to give the game not only the visual feel of a dungeon but also the auditory feel as well. We want to immerse you in the Goblin life as much as possible and that involves as many different sensory elements as you can handle. Maybe one day we'll figure out some sort of Goblin Gloves that let you reach into the game or something. If not we should probably just develop that as something to sell in our store. Goblin Glove… Leer más

Publicado por TheSingleGoblin 1 año atrás

Game Features in the works

There will be a lot of fun features in our game, and I just wanted to highlight some of them! Sex Cam System: This is the one we have been highlighting most so far. You are able to choose whether you want to go solo or have a partner, what angle your characters have sex from, what position they have sex in, how fast they have sex, how close up you watch it - we are working to give you as much control over the action as possible. Think instant replay in a basketball video game, but for fucking. That's the long term goal. In Game Collectibles: This is obviously a long term staple of games, and… Leer más

Publicado por TheSingleGoblin 1 año atrás

Check out our new collectible items!

If you're playing The Single Goblin, one thing you'll want to do is get all of the Goblin Girls Magazine covers - and here's one of the first ones! this game is sexy AND funny. you gotta play. patreon.com/thesinglegoblin… Leer más

Publicado por TheSingleGoblin 1 año atrás

Version 1.1 of The Single Goblin is now available!

Hello everyone! After much hard work and a whole lot of cursing, we have completed V1.1 of The Single Goblin! Hooray! Now you can play a much more advanced version of the game including the first boss fight and a hint at some of what is to come in v1.2. You can check out our game now: https://patreon.com/thesinglegoblinLeer más

Publicado por TheSingleGoblin 1 año atrás

V1.1 About to Drop!

Our Rough Draft version of The Single Goblin has been available on Patreon for a while but we're finally about to drop V1.1! It's going to be incredible. I've been working on the changelog for the game so everyone can see all the work that has gone in to both versions and when you look at how long the log is, it just really adds up how much work has been done and how awesome this is going to be. We really hope you'll join us on Patreon and check out the work that is available now and everything that's coming soon. In addition to the game itself, Patreon subscribers get access to development u… Leer más

Publicado por TheSingleGoblin 1 año atrás

Check out our game!

Hello everyone! In addition to the trailer we have posted and the future gameplay footage we will be posting, we would love for you to check out the game we are developing called The Single Goblin! The Single Goblin is a 3D adult adventure game! Your tribe is under attack and it's up to you to save the Goblin world by growing your seed as powerful as possible. But as you work to grow your lineage, you'll find that as one of the last Goblins in the world, you have more people who want to control you than you might think. Can you avoid capture? Can you rebuild the Goblin population? Can y… Leer más

Publicado por TheSingleGoblin 1 año atrás