Game Features in the works

There will be a lot of fun features in our game, and I just wanted to highlight some of them!

Sex Cam System: This is the one we have been highlighting most so far. You are able to choose whether you want to go solo or have a partner, what angle your characters have sex from, what position they have sex in, how fast they have sex, how close up you watch it - we are working to give you as much control over the action as possible. Think instant replay in a basketball video game, but for fucking. That's the long term goal.

In Game Collectibles: This is obviously a long term staple of games, and we have plans to put a lot of collectibles in the game that will serve a dual purpose of being hilarious easter eggs while also providing benefits to the players. What benefits? I guess you'll need to smash clay pots, find your magazine covers and find out!

In Game Choice System: The Single Goblin does not have one story line. There are a plethora of paths you can take throughout the world we are building; it just takes time to create each path, and we are working on that as we go! But as the game expands and we release new levels, new choice trees will emerge that change your experience. So instead of having a fixed ending or one or two potential endings based on a simple system of failure or success, the choices you make in the game will effect your potential down the line and will also allow you to replay the game and play differently. The choices are small now, but they will increase over time.

Again, we are The Goblin Duo. It's only two of us - these are long term plans and no one should expect them to be implemented perfectly or immediately. But we want to show you some of the road map we have so that you can see the grand vision - and watch the pieces all come together!

We hope you'll check us out!

The Goblin Duo
Publicado por TheSingleGoblin
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