Plan à trois au sauna

J'ai récemment pris l'habitude de me rendre dans un sauna gay de la région, pour retrouver des habitudes que j'avais laissées de côté pendant de trop longues années. Côté sexe, les visites sont parfois assez décevantes : je suis assez sélectif, beaucoup de mecs qui m'approchent ne m'attirent pas du tout. Et quand j'aborde un mec qui m'excite, le succès n'est pas toujours au rendez-vous. Enfin, quand ça marche, je passe un très bon moment, et le reste du temps, j'en profite pour me détendre. Ma dernière visite s'annonçait assez décevante : que des mecs trop âgés et aux corps trop mal entretenus… Ler mais

Publicado por duckybzh há 2 anos 1

Mes debuts

This post was deleted.
Publicado por valrass há 2 anos

un poste de gardien de nuit

Je travaille dans un hôtel en tant que réceptionniste et régulièrement je fais de l'accueil le soir et après avoir fermé l'hôtel à 21h je fais un peu de présence afin de m'occuper du linge et de veiller au calme sur la structure. Ce lundi la j'ai eu beaucoup de boulot, beaucoup d'ouvriers en déplacement pour la semaine. La plupart d'entre eux m'appelle par mon prénom comme je le fais avec eux. J'avoue que si certains sont un peu brut de décoffrage, d'autre sont vraiment gentils et mignons... Forcement parmi eux certains sont même plutôt excitants et j'avoue que des fois suis bien content d'êtr… Ler mais

Publicado por benm62 há 5 anos 2

Aventure sur la ligne Paris Bordeaux

Je voyage pas mal dans mon job, et surtout par train. Je suis marié sans enfants. Depuis quelques mois, mes rêves sont peuplés d'hommes nus. Mon désir de goûter à un mâle est devenu de plus en plus obsédant au fil des mois. Pas fan des réseau sociaux, je me suis quand même inscrit sur grindr, attiré par le hasard et ouvrant une porte sur une possible aventure gay. J'ai bien reçu quelques tags ou messages, des "salut, ca va" auquel je me suis toujours esquivé. La frontière était dure à franchir. Un soir donc sur la ligne Paris Bordeaux, je me connecte donc sur le site par curiosité avec mon té… Ler mais

Publicado por cedex33 há 6 anos 9

retrouvailles sur la plage naturiste

En cette période de canicule, je suis de retour dans mon nord d'origine.Entre famille, amis que je n'ai pas vu depuis quasiment un an mon emploi du temps est bien chargé. Pourtant hier après-midi sans programme, cette chaleur me donne qu'une envie d'aller piquer une tête à la mer.Ni une ni deux je me rends sur cette plage naturiste à 20 minutes du domicile familial où je passe quelques jours. Aprés quelques brasses dans l'eau je me rends vers les dunes ( lieu de drague connu pour les gays) Serviette posée, je m'allonge sur le ventre dans un endroit discret, lunettes de soleil sur la tête je… Ler mais

Publicado por benm62 há 7 anos 11

Toute toute première fois: premiére queue en bouch

J'avais à peine 17 ans, plutôt mignon, je me savais pertinemment gay mais jamais rien fait ni sexuellement parlant, ni même niveau flirt. J'avais un péché quand même, la piscine mais juste pour le plaisir des yeux! J'y allais le samedi ou dimanche matin quand il n'y avait pas d'enfants histoire de nager paisiblement et profiter des beaux nageurs musclés qui eux aussi voulaient profiter du calme. J'avais bien repéré ce bogoss d'environ 25 ans avec son slip de bain rouge, ses quelques poils sur le haut du torse et sa musculature plutôt excitante. Je ne vous parle pas de la forme de ses petites… Ler mais

Publicado por benm62 há 7 anos 8

La prima volta che Marc incontrò Florian

Quest non è un mio Post. Questa storia l'ha scritta una meravigliosa persona che non c'è più. E' stata scritta in inglese, poi tradotta da due suoi amici in tedesco e in francese. Robin non è più fra noi da un anno esatto. Questo è il mio omaggio a lui. Grazie Robin per avere fatto del Mondo un posto migliore! This is not a Post of mine. This Story was written by a wonderful human being who passed away just a year ago. It was written in English, then two friends of his translated it into German and into French. This translation is my homage to him. Thanks Robin for making the World a… Ler mais

Publicado por gurunguru há 8 anos 2

A guide to deep fisting

This is a guide to deep fisting only. If you can't fit a fist or two in your ass with ease then don't bother reading this. Get your toys out and go start stretching. However if you feel comfortable being fist fucked in the ass and looking to go deeper then read on. Before I get started with the technicalities I have identified four key aspects to deep fisting. Patience, communication, cleanliness and lubrication. I think they are all self explanatory but will explain in a little more detail. Patience, probably the most important aspect. Don't expect to be elbow deep in you… Ler mais

Publicado por i_like_fist há 9 anos 182

Another One for All The Dads Out There

Remember when .... When a Daddy and His Boy take their time to touch every part of each others bodies, You just know that they’re not just going to fuck... mais

Publicado por lj91 há 8 anos 27

Stroke Your Cock: Masturbation Stroke Techniques

Go For Distance Sometimes one hand isn't enough: Take the index and middle fingers of both hands and put them on the underside of your dick. Then place both thumbs on the top side and jack away. When the cum is about to flow, jack even harder. This will increase the amount and distance Go For Distance - Part 2 Look, Ma, no hands! Masturbate normally, but when you feel you are about to blow your load, take your hand off. You will feel the cum running up into your cock. At this point, start to "push" it out of you penis with your inner pelvic muscles. This may sound hard to do… Ler mais

Publicado por hairyseeker69 há 13 anos 30

Assorted Gifs I Liked 20

Knowing What I Wanted I was 17, it had been less than a month since I’d lost my virginity and my first time had not been all that enjoyable. There had to be more to it, I thought. So I went to the only place that I knew to go to where I could find men - a sleazy adult video store in town. It didn’t take long for a man to show interest in me. He was wearing shorts and I was attracted to his muscular, hairy thighs. I was afraid but I followed him into a booth, at the rear… Ler mais

Publicado por lj91 há 9 anos 9

Bike Boy - Englisch

Esta publicação está apenas visível para amigos de Tomas18
Publicado por Tomas18 há 9 anos

Robin Gets Punished

See AUTHORS NOTE. This story was written as a sequel to the story 'The Sergeant' linked to above originally written by user rjo91 who has unfortunately deleted the story. ---------------------------------------- I was not happy at all when I put down the telephone after receiving the call from my friend ‘The Sergeant’. I had thought that I was doing them both a favour introducing them to each other, but now it seemed that ‘The Sergeant’ had not been happy at all with the boy and it was all somehow being made out to be my fault. That was certain… Ler mais

Publicado por benlad00 há 9 anos 9

Assorted Gifs I Liked

The Window of Opportunity Perhaps Later - With A Stranger mais

Publicado por lj91 há 9 anos 5

Just Found This Message In My Inbox !

"I want you to bend me over your table, take my hips and put your faggot cockhead on my faggot cunt, before you slide that cock inside of me i want you to tease me for a while,make me horny and beg for you to stick it balls deep inside with no lube so you can hurt my faggot asshole really bad,but i don't care because i'm soo fucking horny for your faggot cock and your cum inside,,fuck this faggot asshole deep and fast and smash your faggot balls on my ass while you ride me really fast and painful..and make me faggot asshole fart loud and make slopy sounds,that mean you are turn me into real fa… Ler mais

Publicado por spurtnow há 9 anos 14

Au camping !!!

Aujourd'hui , je suis en vacances dans le sud ouest. Moi c'est cyril, 1.85 pour 80 kg. Entre la mer et la piscine du camping il y a de quoi matter. La plupart des mecs a entre 20 et 25 ans. Avec la chaleur, les mecs se promenent torse nu avec boxer apparant soit en boxer de bain, de quoi admirer de jolies formes. A la plage un jeune de 22 ans (raphael) se pose non loin de ma serviette et se change sans pudeur, me laissant admirer un super cul sans poil et une queue ravissante d'au moins 15 cms, elle aussi sans poil. Un debut d'erection dans mon short n'est pas facile a cacher. Je vai… Ler mais

Publicado por jvd25 há 9 anos 4

Become Gay in 8 Short Days

Do you like girls, but there's just something about a hard cock that turns you on even more? What is it about shemales and crossdressers that makes you cum really hard? It's probably because you're gay and you want to have sex with a man. It's time to stop lying to yourself - you're not 'curious' or bisexual, you're a fag. It's time to go fully gay and accept what you are. Fortunately, I have a multi-step program to help you. Just follow these day-by-day instructions and you'll embrace your inner faggot and become the homo you know you were meant to be. DAY 1 - This one is simple… Ler mais

Publicado por frozenhero1 há 10 anos 82

How Gay are You?

Ever wondered exactly how gay you are? Take this fun quiz and find out. Share your score in the comments below! (If you answer YES to any of the following questions, add the points to your total.) 1. Would you rather date a shemale over a regular girl? (2 points) 2. If a girl said she wanted to watch you suck a cock, would you do it? (2 points) 3. Have you been curious enough about what semen tastes like to eat your own cum? (1 point) 4. Have you ever stuck something up your ass while masturbating? (1 point) 5. Have you ever had phone… Ler mais

Publicado por frozenhero1 há 10 anos 848

Quiz - Are You Gay?

It's quite common for a person to fantasize about same-sex intercourse. In fact, many psychologists have theorized that we are all bisexual to a certain degree, the percentages varying from person to person. Have you ever asked yourself Am I gay? or Am I bisexual? Take this quiz and find out! The questions are in stages, just follow along and continue when prompted to find out just how gay you really are. STAGE 1 ======= 1. Do you like shemale pornography? (y/n) 2. When you watch straight pornography, do you prefer videos of handjobs and blowjobs over videos of ordinary… Ler mais

Publicado por frozenhero1 há 10 anos 448