The secret

I recently heard that a former friend's wife has cheated on him with several guys, and he has no idea. I'm really conflicted about it. On one hand, it really turns me on to know she's such a whore, and to think about her fucking all those other guys, I've totally jerked off to the idea of it, but on the other hand, it disgusts me that she'd do that and carry on in their marriage as if she was a faithful wife. I'm also conflicted about him. On one hand, I feel sorry for him, on the other, he fucking deserves it for how he's people throughout his life, and how he's treated her throughout their m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stardust2718 7 月 前 3

The dream

Last night while laying in bed, I jerked off next to her while she slept, thinking about this fantasy. I'd take her to a hotel with a bar/club downstairs where she could dance. She would enter by herself before me. I would enter a few minutes later, and we'd pretend we didn't know each other. She would sit at the bar alone, and flirt with men who hit on her. She's very pretty, so the question wouldn't be if, but how many. She'd choose one who turned her on and dance with him. She'd get close and rub his cock, to check the size, and to let him know she wanted it. I have a large cock myself, an… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stardust2718 7 月 前 8