The Frenchy men Youtube

The Frenchy men started in the next by Youtube ..阅读更多内容

发表者 pitumix 7 年 前

meine Eigene Youtube Kanal

Das ist eine Lets Play Kanal ... Schauen Sie vorbei阅读更多内容

发表者 pitumix 7 年 前

my new account meine neue konto mon nouveau co

my account in xhamster stay open . i make it not closed after the DMCA . well if you want some new vids like what i have posted in xhamster . just go to my new channel p o r n h u b @ c o m search patmarine12 i am on for all with a lot of new vids not to see in xhamster. well the web wo i am ist more new stuff and good HD and good vids with a big databank . well all are welcome in . you can search my profile with the search option . so meine Konto bleibe öffen ... leider keine neue Vids von mir für euch hier . Einer DMCA regel sperre meine Konto mit vids zu Hochladen . ich bi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pitumix 8 年 前 1

b u l l s .... xham dmca ??? what the quake

well i have just more upload make here ... my vids are not coming from me... after many upload one time some DMCA warning !!! well if a upload some pornmovie its really dangerous because the copywright are in the protect for the movie producer and the porn actor and porn actress ... its ok for me and i dont have upload some movie with copywright if i have its maybe in my privat vids but the privat vids are not for all to see. and if that was the DMCA my vids go delete from the admistrator. for two days i have a new vids from a friend well the vids its coming from a amateurcamspy… 阅读更多内容

发表者 pitumix 8 年 前 2