So a weekend of disaster in which my laptop broke and Jim's tablet broke as well! Jim has a phone but doesn't want to use the site on that for privacy reasons. Our only hope was a friend suggested try the internet via a Playstation so we did as a last resort but although I can get on the site ok it won't let me click on various parts of the site which are messages and comments. I can see the messages but cannot open them to read properly and reply. Although I can see there's been comments's I can't actually see them either. Hopefully I'll be back to normal very soon and it may be an option in… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KATHY_69 5 年 前 10


Hi everyone, me and hubby hope you're all in good health and enjoying yourselves So I wanted to just do a post regarding meets and we've been asked such a lot and rather than reply individually to everyone who's enquired we thought it might be best to do an update on our situation and plans Since the end of last year Jim's not been very well and has had to take things very easy, I've obviously been giving the care and love he needs but it has taken up a lot of our time which I'm sure you'll understand. The good news is he's now almost fully recovered but he still has to take things easy W… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KATHY_69 5 年 前 28


Just recieved this message from an admirer on here and got me SO horny and hot. I would love to try something like this and maybe chat to them afterwards on the phone or Skype. I'd tie you on all fours to the bed with a gimp mask and ring gag on to keep open your mouth open, a 8 inch dildo up your pussy and one in your ass. Then I'd make you slut wear earplugs under the mask so that you cannot hear anything. You would be on all fours on display unable to see or hear, you would be advertised on the internet, twitter, Craigs List and other porn websites all day long. Strangers… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KATHY_69 9 年 前 25