South of the Border

My mind is driving me absolutely crazy today over the stupidest of shit. I went through the Taco Bell drive through for lunch (yeah, I know it's horrible. I was pressed for time). When I was making my order I had a thought that the girl taking my order over the screen sounded pleasent, but when I got up to the window I found her to be pretty cute. I didn't really think anything about it. Honestly at that point I would not have thought anything about it but.... Then I noticed that her shirt bunched up just a little bit right where her boobs were. Her button up shirt was buttoned but it had fold… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Kahjiin 4 年 前 1

Better check yourself....

You know, I am all for dressing how you like but.... sometimes you gotta stop and think "Is this going to make my boobs look like I got a fat gut?..." Seriously, they were squished and pressed down so far it took me a moment to realize where her tits actually were... ?‍♂️… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Kahjiin 4 年 前

The Royal Wedding

This is the look you have when you suddenly realize that black pussy got your man..... She must realize she really blew it, or maybe she did not blow it at all. Either way she had a chance to fuck her way into royalty and dropped the ball... All out of puns for today. :D… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Kahjiin 6 年 前

Who would have knew...

So it is starting to get pretty warm here in the Pacific Northwest. Not hot like down south, but still warmer then I tend to like. With the rise in temps comes the usual sweat and chafing that I usually get. I work outdoors on a blacktop so the heat and sweat tend to get pretty bad at times. The chafing in my regions gets to be unbearable at times so I decided to do something about it this year. I picked up some Gold Bond Extra Strength powder and I gotta tell you.. it is awesome. Not only does it take care of it but oddly enough it is a massive turn on. It has Menthol in it (that is the "ext… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Kahjiin 6 年 前

Failed attempt at a threesome

So this guy at my work named Bob... he came into the breakroom the other day and started chatting. Nothing major. Just small talk. There were a couple other people in the room. It was totally normal. As soon as the other two people left the room he totally changed the subject. "Hey, you used to party alot right? He asked. "Sure, still do on occasion..." wondering where this was going. He looked over his shoulder quickly just to make sure the room was clear "Well, here is the deal. I know this lady who has this knockout friend. She said that I could have both of them, but..." he paus… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Kahjiin 6 年 前 1

Our Neighbor

It has been pretty hot where we live. Well above normal for the area. While we have AC for the living room we are stuck with just a fan in the window in the bedroom. We live in a flat in an apartment complex and our window opens out into the parking area. Anyone who parks in that area usually has a clear view into our bedroom if we have the curtains up which we rarely do but..... it's hot.... The other morning my wife and I were waking up. We had the fan in the window all night. No big deal because at night it is very dark and we are covered. My wife was sleeping just in her panties… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Kahjiin 7 年 前 2