最后一次露面 8 月 前
Porn Lover
1996 天 在 xHamster 上
3.6K 个人资料浏览量
752 个订阅者
还剩 150 条评论
Since my boyhood, I'm addicted to porn, and watching porn is an essential part of my life. Two real incidents that happened to me in my early teenage days changed my perspective as a person, and i didnt realize until I was 20(ish) that I had been developing a bisexual curiosity and a feminine side of myself. In front of people I am straight guy, I'm humble, have a great sense of humor. Behind close doors- I am bi-curious atm. Iam open to try new things. I have so far tried crossdressing, played with my ass and had a taste of my own cum. I really need a partner to fulfill my desires as its impossible to lead this life openly in this country. from straight sex to bisexual, trans, to sissy.. I love everything in between. I love to make new friends, and I respect other peoples views. And most importantly, I always put high value over keeping my friends private matter secret. Whoever you are, rest be assured your secret is safe with me.
. keep smiling, be beautiful x Alice
please do read whenever you are free...
please do read whenever you are free...