My gay life

For many years I tried to fool myself l always was attracted to men more than women.
I was always curious and although being masculine I was always drawn to my sister's bedroom, especially her underwear drawer. I always waited until I was alone, and would strip naked and enter her room, time permitting I would select her skimpiest knickers and masturbate in her bed ,usually imagining her boyfriend on me (I always fancied him)

When I had cum, usually in a dirty pair out of the basket I would sometime walk around the house in her underwear, always felt risky and a turn on but I was always careful not to be caught, at least I thought.

One day after my usual session , I tidied up and changed into my own clothes when there was a knock on the door, I had a quick look to see Darren my sister's boyfriend, so went down to tell him she wasn't around ,but he already seemed to know. I asked him in anyway, and he mentioned that he had seen me earlier, I asked where. He said here, he had seen me in my sister's knickers!
I tried to deny it but he definitely had. I was mortified and begged him not to tell. He asked if I was a queer,but I didn't know what to say. I begged him again not to tell.
What he said then totally surprised me, he said he thought I looked good and he said he wouldn't say anything on one condition. That I would wear them again, this time for him, this immediately aroused me.
I led him up to my sister's bedroom, l asked him which ones, he said he wanted some my sister had worn, so I got the pair covered in my juices from earlier, I stripped but I was so hard I tried to hide my erection, I pulled them on but I couldn't hide it from him,or the stains. He came close to me his hand immediately going to my groin. It felt like heaven.

I went for a kiss, but he wouldn't respond and pushed me away onto the bed, I started to feel rejected and a bit emotional, he stood staring at my cock now popping over the lacey waistband , I started to feel my cock and rub it up and down and the clear pre cum appeared as my tool sprang loose from my sister's undies, I rubbed the juice over the head of my cock to make it shine. I felt like a slut as he just stood there until he started to rub his cock through his jeans and almost instantly I could see a very impressive bulge.

He started to undo his belt, I was mesmerized, he undid his jeans and kicked them in the corner, he was inches away just in skimpy black briefs. I could see the outline of his cock and followed it with my hand, this was the first time I ever touched another cock and it just felt perfect.
发布者 bingbongboom
5 年 前
Oh got to tell us more what happened 
very hot, any more?
That made me hard
When is part 2 ?
Tell us more 
Yeah you have left us hanging here sweetie lol
Nice story so far but what did happen next?
I’d love to hear where it went from there
hey come on, you have a story talent, if it helps I wear panties and holdups or tights for work under my suits 24/7....
Horny story I want to read more.
You’re making me very horny 
yes please finish
That's a hot tale!
You need to continue this!
Bugger :frowning:
Can’t wait for second part 