Second meet with big uncle!:)

My legs are spaghetti… i think i was close to pure sissygasm…

“i drew forth my pistol but alas i was mistaken, and no prisoner was taken..” aah my darlin Daddy!…

on another note..

Theres more to life than sissyplay, iv had a great time and i aint dead yet!

Theres other task knockin on my door paramount for my perservation and prosperity. So i can keep on marvelling at the great mystery furthur, beyond forever in peace untill you bore me, k**ding. Love unity and respect!

And for the haters, eat shit and die! Yes im a simple man. Humble and vicious, like nature made me.

Plus Ultra my alphas and sissys!

oh and you Ladies too and the rest of the nomenclature, that. If you feel left out and offended.-

–Read biology, or a poem or the back of a cereal box, whatever helps helps..

Ah im a mean drunk. Stings doesent it?

Thanks for now!
发布者 tinyswede
6 年 前
Love it