The Cabin (part 3)[/

The Cabin (part 3)

‘Well, go answer the fucking door, it isn’t going to answer itself’ I smiled at Wayne who got up and did what he was told.

He wandered back through to the kitchen a few moments later, behind him was a demure attractive blonde woman probably in her mid 50’s, following her were two young good looking boys in their early 20’s and a guy who was presumably in his 50’s.

The blonde woman stared at me and Samantha, still dressed in leopard print, tiny briefs, stay up stockings and short heels.

I smiled, ‘we’re here for a couple of nights, we’re very close’ I said winking.

‘It’s good to have special friends’ smiled the blonde noticing Samantha’s briefs were pulled to one side exposing her hairless pussy.

‘I’m Angie, this is my husband Brian and this pair are my son in laws Steve and Mike’ smiled Angie.

‘I’m Kaz, this is my best friend Samantha, and the boys are Wayne and Martin’ I smiled introducing us.

‘So what brings Yorkshire lass to rural Scotland?’ I asked smiling.

‘A little break really. My daughters work in the City, they were flying up and the last thing I heard the flight had been cancelled due to the weather, we set off this morning, we’re about 20 miles from our hotel, but the roads got really bad with the snow.

The lights on this place were the first lights we’d seen for miles, so we decided to come up here until the snow eased off’ said Angie.

‘The lights have been flickering on and off all night, but we’ve got a couple of generators’ smiled Martin.

‘The place isn’t that big, but you’re more than welcome to stay, have you eaten?’ I asked.

‘I’m starving to be honest’ said Brian.

‘Then you eat, would steak and chips suit?’ asked Wayne.

‘That would be perfect’ smiled Angie.

‘And how would you like it?’ he smiled.

‘In the hot tub’ winked Angie.

‘Me too, medium it is’ he laughed.

Wayne cleared the table and set about making another 4 dinners.

‘Steve and Mike, can you get the luggage from the car please’ said Angie.

The boys departed as instructed.

‘It’s very kind of you people to help us out, we aren’t putting you out are we?’ smiled Angie.

‘We were planning on sharing the same bedroom later anyway, so you two can have the spare room and the boys can sleep in the lounge’ said Samantha.

‘We like to share too’ smiled Brian.

‘Well you must leave us your number, I’m not sure your son in laws would approve’ I smiled.

‘Oh we are very open, I didn’t want either of them touching my daughters until I was satisfied they were suitable’ smiled Angie.

‘Show my friends your cock please Brian’ said Angie.

He did as instructed and pulled down his pants, bringing in to view a semi erect penis that was thick and around 8 inches long.

‘Oh you two stay in our room tonight’ I laughed.

‘Ok’ said Angie without hesitation.

With that Steve and mike walked into the cabin with the luggage.

‘Boys , your gear foes in the spare room, ours go into the main bedroom’ said Angie.

They both looked at Angie then at me and Samantha with large smiles.

‘Are they as big as Brian?’ asked Sam.

‘Such a slut Samantha’ I laughed.

‘Dinner is ready guys’ said Wayne.

The lights flickered again as our guests got up and went to the dinner table.

‘The power is going to go at some point’ said martin.

‘There’s candles in one of the kitchen cupboards, that’ll save power if we need the generators’ said wayne.

I went over to the dining table with a couple of bottles of rioja.

‘Here you lot, we’re all stuck here, we may as well enjoy ourselves’ I laughed bending over making they all saw my ample cleavage.

‘I like those’ said Angie touching my breast with the outside of her hand.

‘Me too’ said Brian, accidentally touching the other.

I left them and went to the lounge where the others were sitting in front of the open fire.

‘They’re all swingers, i think its safe to say you guys can dress down’ I smiled looking at Wayne and Martin.

The pair of them nodded and went off to remove their clothes.

‘I’m having Angie and Brian’ I laughed looking at Samantha.
发布者 kazway
7 年 前
mm im having..ALL THE BOYS!!