Richie and Sarah

Richie and Sarah Part One

It was a hot afternoon, the kind that eventually would cause clouds to build in the west and then collide those clouds with the cool air making its way inland from the cold Atlantic 20 miles to the south. The August thunderstorm that was sure to follow was still a couple of hours off by Richie's reasoning and he decided to take a walk along the overgrown road that bordered his family's property, and each year became more like a path than a road.

Each summer Richie's family would come to this old farmhouse in Maine and spend their vacation doing... well not much of anything really. They would visit with neighbors they hadn't seen in a year, go to potluck suppers, the county fair when it came to town, and take small side trips up to the mountains or down to the coast, but mostly they relaxed and did nothing. When Richie was little he enjoyed their summer vacations and thought the old farm was magical. He would play with the other k**s in the area and ride bikes but now that he was getting older he was mostly bored on vacation. Cell phones barely worked in this area and his father refused to install cable or internet at a house they only used three months of the year. Besides his father said, how could anyone relax watching TV and worrying about email. So, Richie decided to take a walk.

Richie walked along the large open field behind the house for over half a mile. A narrow gravel road bordered the woods on the left side and the field on the right. The grass in the field was tall and soon a farmer who lived down the road would cut it for hay and bale it. Richie's father let the farmer hay the field and in return the farmer looked after their summer house when they weren't there, a fair deal. At the end of the field, before the woods on the far side, stood a small barn. Richie's dad kept an old tractor in the barn but not much else. It was clean and the roof was in good repair so it stayed dry. Richie used to like to play in the barn when he was younger, he would have hours of fun there, pretending it was his castle or that the tractor was tank and he was fighting off the Germans like John Wayne in an old WWII movie.

Richie passed the barn and continued down the road which became quite narrow and overhung with tall trees making it dark. About 500 feet further, and at the bottom of a small hill, was a smaller field with a farm pond in the corner. He made his way into the second field and over to the pond and had just sat on a rock when he heard someone call his name.

"Hi Richie," a soft voice said from across the pond.

Richie looked up and saw Sarah, a girl who lived down the road, standing on the opposite bank waving at him with one hand and holding a rolled-up beach towel in the other. She had on shorts and a polo shirt and her long blond hair was in pony tail, her skin was very tan and Richie was amazed at how good she looked.

"Hi Sarah," Richie called back. "I didn't expect to see anyone down here, let alone you. How have you been? I've been here almost a month and haven't seen you, in fact I didn't see you at all last summer, did I?"

"No, you didn't," Sarah replied, "I spent the whole summer with my grandparents at their cabin and was there all last month too. I only got back two days ago. Why don't you come over here and we can catch up?"

Richie stood up and walked around the small pond, as he did so he could see Sarah spreading out her towel on a flat rock and taking off her clothes. Richie's heart leapt then he saw the bikini underneath but still couldn't believe he was getting so lucky.

"So," Sarah said as he got closer, "I just came down here to get a little sun, and get away from my little brother, but I am so glad I did. I was going to call over to your house later to see if you were around. You don't mind if I sun myself while we talk do you?"

"No," Richie said, "go right ahead we can sun and talk." He gave a little laugh and Sarah laughed back. "In fact, I might try to get a bit myself, you don't mind if I take my shirt off do you?" he asked already taking off his t-shirt.

"Go ahead," Sarah smiled, "we've seen a lot more of each other. Now tell me all about what's been going on with you, I missed not seeing you last year."

So, Sarah and Richie sat by the pond and told each other what was going on in their respective lives: how school was going, boyfriends and girlfriends and how neither of them currently had one, what their long-term plans were, how their parents annoyed them sometimes, how their younger siblings annoyed them all the time. They joked and remembered summers past and other k**s they had known but neither noticed the dark clouds drawing in from the west.

Suddenly the clouds weren't just to the west, they were directly overhead and the sun was gone from view. The temperature dropped 20 degrees almost instantly and a rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance.

"I think we are about to get rained on," Richie said. "You'd better get your things on we might have to run for it."

"I'm not worried about a little rain," Sarah said then grinned, "I've been wet before."

Richie grinned back and was about to say something when a bolt of lightning struck in the woods just behind them illuminating the sky and simultaneously crashing thunder.

"That's what I am worried about," Richie yelled, "grab your things, let's see if we can make it to the barn."

Richie and Sarah slid their shoes on and grabbed up their clothes and her towel and started running up the path to the old barn. No sooner had they started than the rain came, huge cold drops. At first Richie thought it was hail but they were just giant drops the size of g****s and cold as ice. More lightning crashed in the woods around them and the rain became heavier. Within seconds both Richie and Sarah were soaked to the bone despite the overhead cover of the trees but they continued their dash up the hill. Just as they reached the barn the rain did switch to hail and Richie opened the side door letting them in to the shelter.

The bottom level of the barn was windowless and dark but the loft had windows at either end and would be warmer. Richie grabbed Sarah's hand and led her to the ladder in the back.

"Let's go up here," Richie said and motioned up the ladder, "It's warmer and we can watch the storm out the window. I think there is still an old bus seat up there too."

"Okay," Sarah said, "you first."

Richie went up the ladder then reached back and took Sarah's now soaked shorts, shirt, and beach towel. He then reached back and extended a hand to Sarah to pull her up.

The loft was small but warm compared to the now chilly air brought in by the storm. The windows let in a soft grey light broken by the harsh white flash of lightning now crashing everywhere. The hail on the roof was as loud as the thunder.

"I'm glad we made it in here," Sarah said, "I wouldn't want to be out there right now."

"Me neither."

"It was lucky you came to the pond Richie, I would have forgotten all about this barn even though I know it’s here. I'd still be running home through the woods getting hit by hail and dodging lightning."

"Well we are safe now, I guess we just have to sit and wait it out, at least the bus seat is still up here."

The hail was letting up and switching back to a hard and steady rain. The lightning was still all around them and it was clear they wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. They sat next to each other on the old vinyl covered school bus seat and looked out the window.

"Richie?" Sarah asked.


"I know this is going to sound silly but I am getting pruney in this wet bikini and that rain was pretty cold, do you mind if I take it off?"

"What, and sit here naked?"

"Well we've seen each other naked before," Sarah said.

"I think we were six then," Richie replied, "that was kind of different."

"Do you remember it?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, I do. I thought about it earlier when I saw you take your shorts and top off before I realized you had a bikini on underneath."

"It was right here in this barn," Sarah said, "I still think about it too. I was such a naughty girl." Sarah laughed.

"You were," Richie grinned.

"I just remember we were standing up here looking out the window and for some reason I wanted to show you my... well you know. So, I got your attention and told you to look and lifted up my little sun dress. My mother would have killed me if she knew I went out that day with no panties on, I hated wearing panties under my dress. I still do." Sarah giggled.

"I just remember how fascinated I was," Richie said, "I'd never seen anything like it." They both giggled.

"And then I asked to see yours, but you were shy Richie."

"But I remember you talked me into it."

"I bribed you. I told you that you could touch it if you showed me yours."

"See, I told you you were naughty. Yes, I remember, I pulled down my pants and you looked, then you pulled your dress up again and took my hand and placed it right on top. You know I have thought about that a lot over the years and I swear you had a little bit of blonde peach fuzz there even then."

"You perv, you think about that do you?" and Sarah laughed, "Yes I did have a bit of fuzz even then, and I think about you that day too. You remember the fuzz but you probably don't remember how I really rubbed against your hand, do you?"

"No, I don't remember that part."

"I had learned about a year earlier while sitting on a fence rail how good pressure on my clit felt and would ride the split-rail fence whenever I could, or use my own hand, or grind up against anything really, but I most of all I wanted to know what it felt like to have someone else touch it."

Sarah stood then reached behind her neck and undid the knot that held her bikini top. The top fell to the floor leaving her full breasts standing firm with nipples erect from the cold and her arousal. She turned slightly away from Richie and undid the string around her bottoms and stepped free of them then turned back to Richie showing him her slightly puffy mound with a thin trace of blonde hair on the sides and top.

"It's still not much more that peach fuzz I guess, just more of it," Sarah said. "Will you show me yours?"

"I don't know," Richie said, "what's in it for me?"

"I'll let you touch it," Sarah whispered barely audible over the rain on the roof.

"Okay," Richie said, standing and removing his shorts and underwear.

Richie's cock sprang from his boxer shorts as the waistband was pulled down and Sarah looked down at his fully erect length.

"Wow," she said, "it got bigger, a lot bigger."

"Well it got a lot bigger in the last few minutes," he said and they both laughed.

"Okay," she said, "you kept up your part of the deal, now give me your hand."

Sarah stepped closer and took Richie's right hand and placed it palm facing her stomach and fingers pointing down. Then still under the guidance of her own hand she moved it down until the tips of his fingers just reached the top of her moist slit. Richie could feel the soft blonde hairs beneath his fingers and the warmth radiating off Sarah even though she was soaked with rain and shivering slightly. Sarah held Richie's hand steady and slowly pushed her mound against his fingers. She pushed hard and moved up and down along his hand. Richie stood in awe, he could feel Sarah's clit swelling beneath his hand and could feel his cock swelling even more.

Sarah rubbed harder and harder and soon began to moan. Richie wasn't sure what to do so he stayed still and let Sarah have her way with his hand. Her clit was now very hard and his fingers were slick from Sarah's juices running out with each new thrust from her pelvis. Richie looked down at the slow trickle of precum oozing from the end of his throbbing cock.

Pushing harder now Sarah began to tremble and she wasn't sure if she would be able to remain standing. She pushed Richie's hand lower and two of his fingers parted her labia, spreading her wetness even more. Grinding her clit against his palm Sarah began to cum and shoved herself forward in quick violent thrusts. Her orgasm was intense but it was quick, her knees really did start to buckle and she let go of Richie's hand and sat down on the old bus seat.

Wanting more she spread her legs apart and using her own fingers now strummed them along her clit. Sarah took her other hand and shoved two fingers deep inside her dripping pussy while she rubbed her clit in time with her thrusting fingers and had another intense orgasm.

Richie couldn't believe what was happening before his very eyes and brought his hand, still slightly wet with Sarah's cunt juice, to his cock and began to spread his precum around.

"Richie," Sarah asked barely catching her breath, "are you going to make yourself cum?"

"Yeah," he said, "I need to cum so bad now."

"Step closer and let me watch from really close up," Sarah said, "I've never seen a boy cum before."

"For real?" Richie asked.

"Yes, really," she said, "I'm still a virgin."

"Me too," Richie said. "Okay, here goes."

Richie moved in close to Sarah and positioned himself so she was only inches away from the end of his cock and began to stroke. Within a few strokes his shaft and head were completely covered in his own precum and he had to resist the urge to cum right then.

"Oh my god," Sarah gasped, "did you cum already, what's all that fluid coming out?"

"That's precum," Richie said happy for the interruption, "it's natural lube, like pussy juice."

"Wow, you make a lot. Can I taste it?"

"Sure," Richie said not knowing what else to say.

Sarah extended a finger and dragged the tip along Richie's swollen head and under the peehole scooping up a big dollop of the his precum. She brought her finger to her lips and sucked it clean.

"Mmmm, I like it. It tastes kind of like my pussy does."

The thought of Sarah sucking her own pussy juice was too much for Richie and he began stroking again but informed Sarah he would cum soon. Turning to the side but still giving Sarah a closeup view Richie pulled down in one last tight stroke and felt his balls contract and spasm as he shot his load out over the dusty floor. Over and over Richie pushed and contracted. Cumming had never felt so good and he wondered how he could ever jerk off again without looking at Sarah's lovely face and feeling her hot breath on his cock. Finally, still twitching, but just dribbling cum and now going slightly soft Richie sat down on the seat next to Sarah.

"Wow, that was amazing Richie," Sarah said, "can you do that again?"

"Yeah, I sometimes do it three or four times in a row if I have the house to myself," he said and laughed.

"Well I want you to do it again, and maybe I could help this time. I think it’s going to be raining for quite a while."

Richie looked out the window at the rain, "Yes I think you are right."
发布者 35whelen
7 年 前
Great story!
you got my pussy soaking wet 
Wow... Very nice story!
Very well written, great story!
Excellent story
Nice story. It got me excited.
Such a sweet and sexy story! I love coming of age stories and this one is expertly written!