There are many great things about being a mistress leading a wife-led marriage and teasing sissy is one of them. Never underestimate the pleasure a dominant lady gets from teasing their subbies.

In this case, teasing sissy means making my sissy husband think she’s finally going to cum but then not allowing it at the last moment – edging but with the added fun that she’s not orgasmed for so long. It’s divine agony for her to be stopped on the edge. Or ruining it, Whatever, it’s fun.

I have two current over-riding rules in my wife-led relationship. Rule 1 is that my husband must be a submissive sissy girl. Rule 2 is that she must not orgasm.

I am in the early stages of a major change in our FLR that will usher in a 3rd over-riding rule which will be that she will no longer be allowed to have sex with me and only with another sissy. The no-orgasm rule for her may remain in place for all the reasons I have written about many times.

Controlling sissy’s clitty
I’ve written about about Rule 1 that my husband must be a submissive sissy often and it forms the basis of our relationship.

chastity devices
I wrote about the future Rule 3 and how I’m working towards it here: The Final Sissy Frontier.

I’ve also published several posts on Rule 2 and why I don’t permit my sissy husband, Girl, to orgasm. My No-Orgasm Rule 2 has two benefits beyond those I first thought about when I made the rule I wrote about here, and here.

I’ve come to believe that even if you are a Mistress who allows your sissy to orgasm, controlling sissy orgasms is an important element of an FLR. And it’s a perfect demonstration of total control. The dominant lady own her sissy’s clitty.

Whilst I lock Girl in a chastity cage often, she’s not kept in chastity at all times and never will be. I put her little miss clitty in a tiny cage to prevent the risk of her playing with herself when I’m not around.I’m also trying to shrink her little princess as I while want it to continue to function, I’d like it cuter and more clitty-like.

Since I won’t be using it to give me satisfaction once I get to Rule 3, Girl having a smaller, cuter and prettier clitty will be an excellent result.

Edging & control in an FLR
Edging my husband, Girl to the point the stopping has become a highly amusing pastime. It cements in both our minds how much I am in charge. I bring Girl to the brink and stop. Because I can. And because it’s funny.

At present this includes her having to stop before cumming during any sexual activity. Once I’ve stopped our husband-wife approach to sex fully, edging her will be the responsibility of whichever sissy I choose or me using my hand.

I often masturbate her to the edge as a regular training activity. This helps with her learning not to cum but is also tremendously good fun.

Although Girl knows there is absolutely no chance of me allowing her a release when I’m rubbing her Miss Clitty, her little mind often starts to wonder if this time it might happen. I guess the male psyche expects that having their clitties stroked is foreplay to the big event despite what I tell her and the evidence of the past couple of years.

Her instincts ignore the fact that while I’m rubbing her Miss Clitty, I constantly tell her she will not be cumming. I always start things by asking her if she’d like to cum this time.

“Yes please, Mistress,” she always replies.

“I’m sorry, Petal, but you know you’re not allowed to cum.” I’m not a nasty Mistress who shouts and screams and neither am I cruel. I am usually gentle and caring with her. That said, I’m not sorry she can’t cum. It’s for her own good.

“Hold it in, baby girl,” I tell her and laugh seeing her face red and anguished trying hard to not orgasm even though her whole being wants to do just that. And as I play with her little thing, I remind her, “Mistress doesn’t like sissy mess. No spurting, darling sissy.”

It’s what sissy training is about: overcoming a sissy’s inbuilt programming. In fact, after a long time of not cumming, she can last longer than ever before.

chastity cage
It’s an amazing feeling to rub her clitty and feel her body tensing further and further in expectation as she gets to the point of almost cumming. Then I stop. “You’re a good pansy,” I say. “Mistress is pleased we had no nasty sissy mess.”

I sometimes wait a little while for her to calm down and then start again. It gives me so much pleasure. “Is my sissy bimbo’s clitty ready to cum? Poor little sissy girl. Is Mistress being cruel? You know it’s for the best, Petal.”

I can do whatever she wants. I’ve found I can touch it lightly and it stays on the edge for ages. This is delightful fun. I like to also slap it and her pussy balls while telling her, “This is a naughty Miss Clitty, Petal. Miss Clitty wants to make a mess even though she isn’t’ allowed to.”

Since we’re currently still doing the husband and wife thing in the bed, I love to play around with her clitty after I’ve orgasmed (sometimes often) and she hasn’t. This is amazing fun as her body is so tense and her clitty almost splitting with hardness. But it’s not going to happen and it’s such fun to tease her.

I have made a change as we move towards a future of her not allowed to have sex with me. I no longer allow her to see me naked. I change into a nightie for bed and all activity is in the dark. I’ve also withdrawn bringing her to the edge with my mouth.

That said, I love to put my lips close to her clitty and pretend I’m going to. Teasing sissy is such fun.

This is a stage towards her getting these acts from another sissy only. What sissy doesn’t like a blow job? Well, Girl wil get one but only from another sissy.

Once she has a sissy girlfriend, it’ll be the sissy she’s doing it with. And still not cumming although there’s a part of me thinking it might work for her to cum in a sissy vagina. It could cement things better. Not sure, the jury’s out. Let me know in the comments what you think.

I will add that I give Girl milking sessions. I’ve read that it might be necessary for prostate health. Other web sites dispute this but to be sure, I will milk her using latex gloves and a face mask. I ruin her orgasm of course and she has to clean up.

Teasing Sissy
So things are moving towards the next stage of our wife-led marriage albeit far too slowly. Other aspects of our life have intervenened but that’s life. Now things are settling down, I hope to re-instgate the move to sissy love and get things going.

And let me know in the comments what you think about letting Girl cum with another sissy or to continue to no-orgasm rule. I’m in two minds.

But whatever I decide, I’m certain 2024 will be the year of sissy love.
2 月 前
Wont you miss being fucked…or do you get that somewhere else?  I would love to be your sissy’s girlfriend…..
Oh I appreciate your style .... great. For me Brainfuck and I believe for you and your former husband REALITY ... really great
Wow you Slut