Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 18.

What a Shock............

I decide on Shenley Lane,i,ll cut across the little housing estate,it comes out at the top of "Merrits Hill & The Holloway" junction,just up from from the Jones,s pig farm.
I,m just walking across the grassed area in front of the estate,towards "The Holloway",thinking about my birthday,tomorrow,going with George to his friends in "Shirley",when i see this young guy stood at the bus stop,looked,kind of fit,broad shoulders,trim waist,at a distance,only about,18-21 yrs old,dressed,casual,smart,walking about 10 yards away from him,i keep taking a sideways glance at him,me thinking,"He,s Fit,i would let him Fuck me",when he spoke,"Hello Roy,just going home from stables"?.
I knew the voice,looking at the guy,did,nt recognise him,then,"OMFG,"What a Shock",it,s Billy Jones from the pig farm",all scrubbed up & smart,he was wearing a white,open neck shirt,a fawn V neck top,blue cords & blue converse shoes,looking really,Hot.
I walk over to him,I can smell the deodorants he is wearing,"Blimey Billy,you scrub up well,Were are you off too"?.
"Not always in my overalls Roy,got to have some fun,off into Birmingham,the Gay Bars,get me some Ass".
Him saying this,got me feeling Horny,he stepped towards me,his hand reaching behind me,"Someone with a Nice Bubble Butt like yours Roy",grabbing a feel of my Ass,I reach to his leg,feeling that massive Cock,i swear it was,more than halfway down his thigh,i stroked it a couple of times,Billy said,"You're wanting my Cock,arent you Roy",?,i reach up on my toes & give him a kiss on his lips,well he,s 6' foot something & i,m about 5' 8" inchs,grabbing my arm,he says,"C'mon Roy,i got somewhere special we can go",we walk towards this big mansion house,at the top of the meadow were George took me on Monday & Popped my Cherry,since then,all i want is Cock in my Bumhole.
Billy tells me that he works here restoring the wood to its original way to how it was,years back,me thinking,"Fuck,this is the gardener,George said,"If he catches you sunbathing,Naked,give him a Blow Job".
We walked down this path at the back of the mansion house,along the path through the wood to these double gates,Billy takes some keys from his trouser pocket,opening the gate,hand on my Ass,guides me through the gates,through the gates this time not under the branch's of the Rhododendron tree,Billy closing the gates behind him.
It is the same place George brought me,inside the ring of Rhododendrons,it is beautiful,sunshining,grass like a soft carpet,Billy looking at me,his eyes sort of saying,"You're mine,now".
He pulls his top & his shirt off,kicks his shoes off,"Wow!what a body he has,although he,s dark haired he has a smooth,hairless chest","Come here Babe",I kick my Baseball shoes off,feeling the soft grass under my feet,i move up to Billy,my "lil",Cock,throbbing in my jeans,i put my hands on Billy's shoulders,up on my toes,our lips meet,both kissing passionately,his one hand feeling around my Buttocks,the other,under my teeshirt,caressing my back,then i feel his hand slide from under my teeshirt,he undoes the buttons on my jeans,not being a tight pair of jeans they slide gently off my Ass & down my legs to the grassy floor,i kick them off my feet,i luv the feeling of the cool evening air around my Naked Buns & my tight "lil" Ballbag & Hard,Throbbing Cock.
Still,both passionately kissing,tongues in each others mouths,his one hand behind my head now,the other Teasing my Rosebud,me making moaning sounds as we kiss,Billy's one finger finding its way into my Hole,then two fingers,Billy pulls away from our kissing,"You have a Tight,lil, Fanny,Roy,gonna have you squealing like a pig when i get my Dick in you".
i give him a kiss on his lips,smiling at him,then i go down to his firm chest,his nipples standing hard,my tongue gently licking them,my one hand around his waist & with the other i was gently stroking his cock,now hard & stood off to one side in his trousers,i make my way from his chest down his stomach,kissing gently,hearing him moaning with pleasure,i see his Head of his cock,peeking above the waistband of his trousers,his Peehole,glistening a liquid oozing from it,i run my tongue over it,tasting his Pre Cum,Oh,it tasted fantastic,a Sweet & Salty taste,i luvved it.
I stood up straight,kissing Billy,both tasting his Pre Cum,"You like that Roy",he says,"It's Beatiful,Luv it".
I go down,sitting my Buns on my calves,undoing his buttons on his trousers,them falling to the floor,his Dick springing from the waistband,"OMFG",it is massive,not just in length but also in thickness,must be a good 11 inchs (28cm) long & 2-2.5 inchs (.065 cm) in thickness,
Cut,hairless,a big vein running up the underside of it,from the Scrotum to the Glan,I look up at Billy,he says,"Go on Roy Suck on my Balls,see if you can get them in your mouth",I look at them,they,'re massive,i suck on the one,hearing Billy moaning,then i suck on the other,eventually getting one inside my mouth,my tongue teasing it,I could feel Billy's Dick throbbing like crazy,looking up i could see it slamming against his stomach,i suck on his other ball,getting that one in my mouth,i try to get both in,but no way,i can taste his pre Cum running into my mouth,travelling from his Pee Hole,down his Shaft,over his Balls into my mouth.
I lick up his shaft,getting every drop of pre cum,i was luvving it,i lift up into a kneeling position,licking the head,it was like a big mushroom,hand on it,i pulled it down,level to my mouth,wide open i took it to the back of my throat & began sucking on it,after a while Billy took a hold of my head & started Fucking my face,hitting into the back of my throat,this had me gagging,tears from my eyes,snot running freely down my nostrils & phlem coming into my mouth,even these mixed tastes,tasted so nice in my mouth.
After a while of banging the back of my throat,Billy pulled out of my mouth,i stood up,pulling my teeshirt off,i wiped my eyes & face with it,then chucked it on the ground,Billy was stood there admiring my Nakedness,"Roy you're absolutely beautiful",i decide on some Ballet,i took up the position,up onto my toes,leg in the air,toes pointing up to the sky & i pirouette,knowing Billy would be getting a good view of my Boifanny,"Wooow,look at that boy go",Billy says,before i could lower my leg,Billy had a hold of me,gently but passionately kissing me,his hands finding my Buns,one finger finding my Rosebud,gently stroking it & whispering in my ear,how beautiful i was,he allowed me to lower my leg down,both feet on the ground,Billy was now kissing my Nipples,so sensetive he had me moaning,his finger now making its way into my Sphincter,then Billy was down on his knees,Sucking & Licking my,"lil",Cock & Balls,with all of me in his mouth,his one hand had moved to my Gurlyboi Tit,teasing my Nipple,i was moaning like crazy,with the pleasures i was getting from him teasing my Nipple & now,two fingers in my Boihole.
After a while he pulled me down to the ground,positioning me,chest to the ground & my Ass in the air,legs spread wide,giving him clear access to my Hole,he was working his tongue into me,then his fingers,his saliva lubricating my Hole,he ended up with four fingers in me,twisting,this way & that way,me moaning in ecstasy,knowing my Boipussy was ready for that Monster Cock of Billy's & there was no finesse with Billy when he got around to Fucking me,he plowed his monster cock deep into me,me squealing,but he took no notice,he was going to enjoy this bois Ass,slamming his cock deep,in & out of my hole,sometimes stopping to,lean over & kiss me,then he had me on all fours,he knew i was enjoying this Raw Fucking he was giving me from the moans & little squeals coming from me,sometime he had his hands around my throat,me thinking he was going to strangle me,another time,he would grab my hair & pull my head right back,enough to kiss me on my lips,still slamming that monster into me.
I know i had Cum once,"Hands Free",& i could feel i was near to Cumming again,Billy,grabbing me tight by my balls,lying across my back,jerky thrusts into me,i could feel his cock pulsating inside of me,then he was cumming in my hole,i started to shoot,my Sphincter tightened up around Billy's shaft,each time he shot a load into me i was shooting onto the grass,finaly we were both spent.
Billy rolled off me,lying on his back alongside of me,i look at his cock,still hard & still oozing cum,i,m down on him,licking & sucking his cum from his cock & his belly,Billy stroking my head like i was a little puppy,he tasted so beautiful,all clean job done,i lay alongside Billy,face down on the grass,my bum in the air,a slight trickle from my bumhole,cum running over my "lil",ballbag onto the grass.
Billy says to me,"Roy,you wont be saying anything to anyone at the stables about this will you,i could go to gaol","Don't be silly,i,m not going to say anything,i wanted this as much as you & i really enjoyed it.
Billy Thanks me,patting my bum,"You really should have let our young boar Fuck you,he was so gentle with his two ladies,(Sows),nuzzling them with his snout as he mounted them,reckon he would have luvved getting his Curly Wurly into you",laughing, i say, Billy,at the time i did'nt mind the idea of the pig fucking me,it was the thought of you & your dad fucking me",we both laugh.
We both lie there on the grass,talking about what has happened to me from Monday,(George,Norman (Jonah) & now Billy,also about my Birthday party,tomorrow & me going to Shirley with George for another fucking by George's friends & their friends,Billy says,"Roy you are a little Slut",i agree with him,"But Billy,I Luv it",he gives me a slap on my ass,"C'mon Roy,lets get dressed,i'll walk with you to the bottom of The Holloway,get my bus there.
We both get dressed,make our way through the two woods & down the fields to the bottom of The Holloway,i wait at the bus stop with Billy,chatting,the bus arrives,before he gets on the bus he pats my ass,"Want to fuck that again Roy",i look at him smiling,"Want your cock again Billy",he gets on the bus,as it pulls away,Billy waves to me,I wave back & also blow him a kiss,the bus out of sight,i make my way home.

Next Chapter ASAP.
I hope you enjoyed the story.
Please Leave Comments.

Love from,

George & Myself,Roy.xxxxxxxxx
发布者 DancingPony
1 年 前
Imagino lo que habrás sentido con esa hermosa verga dentro tuyo, recorriendo tus entrañas. Uffffffffff
класный сайт
Wow, that’s soo hot 🔥 He finally got you, hehe… and you enjoyed it 😀
benjiboy6699 : I luvved that place,naked sunbathing & i got fucked there a few times,not always by Billy Jones or George,but that's another story.Luv
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ur so sexy roy, wish i could join u behind the rhododendron 
ahrcom : \\\thanks,xxx
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 another fine story
big change from ur last encounter
DancingPony : hurry up roy, i can't wait
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benjiboy6699 : Hi Benji,Sweetie,that chapter is'nt finished yet.xxxxx
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only shit this is god