"How long do you think it will take to get there?"
"Just over an hour, I reckon."
"Well, I'll make some sandwiches and coffe.....we don't know what facilities there will be, do we? You can go and pick out what I'm going to wear while I'm doing them."
Neil went upstairs and opened the wardrobe. He already knew what he wanted Jane to wear...the pale green top in a string vest style...no bra of course...anybody looking would easily see the dark outline of her nipples through it. And the new skirt....white, flared, and almost as short as a tennis skirt. He opened her knicker drawer and chose a pale green thong, to match the top. Not that she'd have them on for long, he smiled to himself....
Mick and Rhiann had suggested Cragside as a good day out. A Victorian mansion, full of old curios, and set amongst lovely decidious woods with waterfalls and rock formations. The perfect place, Neil thought, for a fun flashing day out! His favourite current activity was taking his wife to far off places to do some furtive flashing, with the added spice of possibly being seen by a passer by. A few weeks previous, they had been in some woods, and Jane had been topless, and he was videoing when a jogger suddenly appeared, too quickly for Jane to reach for her top! They could do nothing but laugh, particularly when Jane said "I hope you don't mind!" Neil persuaded him to be in the video, with his back to the camera, ogling Jane's bare tits! It may have developed from there, but they heard people approaching, calling a dog, so he ran off, with a wave and a "Thanks for making my day!"
“Well, according to the map, it's just a few miles past the next village." Jane said. They were driving along a country road, with woods to their right. They saw a woman walking a dog. “We'd better just make sure we are on the right road. She looks like a local.” He pulled alongside her. She was smartly dressed. Tall, probably in her 60's. Certainly not one of the local yokels...more like local gentry. Jane asked her for directions, and the woman moved closer to the car to tell them. She spoke in a refined voice. As she talked, Neil noticed that she kept glancing down at Jane's body. “Well I hope you have a nice day.” she said, after giving the directions. “And I hope it doesn't turn too cold...you're not exactly dressed for cooler weather, are you dear?” she said with a meaningful smile. “No, not really!” Jane answered, and smiled back at her.There was a pause, then.... “Haven't got my vest on under this!” Neil sensed something between them. “No, and if I'm not mistaken, no bra either!”the woman said. “That's true...look!” and to Neil's astonishment, she lifted her top and showed the woman her tits! The woman looked shocked, then she laughed, and said “Oh, my, you're obviously out for a day of fun and frolics!” Jane nodded. “Yes, we are! I hope you don't think I do this for every dog walker that we pass!” Jane said, looking directly into the woman's eyes. They held the gaze, then the woman said “I'm sure you don't, but I'm glad that I was the one you stopped. “Well, I don't blame you....” she stared at Jane's naked breasts. “They are lovely. dear. It's a long time since mine were that firm!” Jane smiled, still holding up her top. There was a pause, then she looked from Jane's breasts to her eyes. “May I?” she asked, lifting her hand towards the window. Jane nodded, and the woman looked up and down the road before reaching in and caressing and stroking Jane's breasts, giving her erect nipples a gentle squeeze. “Wonderful.!” she said. “Such an erotic experience in the middle of the day. Thank you.” Eventaually she withdrew her hand and Jane lowered her top. “You've really made my day.” the woman said. “My pleasure” said Jane and smiled, before saying goodbye. They began to drive off, and Jane heard her calling. Looking in the mirror, she could see her waving them back. Neil stopped the car and the woman walked up to them. “ Here's my card “ she said. “Do please give me a call if you are in the area again. I'd love to see you again.” Jane took the card and said “Thank you. Yes, that would be nice. Who knows?”
They drove off and both burst out laughing. “I have got the most incredible hard on!” Neil said. “That was unbelievable.”
“I knew by the way she was looking at me. I knew. That's why I got the sudden urge to show her my tits!” Jane said. “She fancied me alright.... and what a lovely touch!” she said, teasing him. “Of course, it was partly to give you a turn on as well.” “Oh, wow, what a start to the day!” Neil said. “She's Millicent Granville-Thomas, Equestrian Advisor.” said Jane, reading the card. “I thought she looked the horsey type.” Neil said. “I bet she'd like to ride you!” Jane playfully slapped his hard cock through his trousers. “Down boy!” she said.
They paid their entrance fee at the wonderfully ornate wrought iron gates at Cragside. The girl passed them a guide pamphlet with a map and said cheerfully “You've picked a lovely day for it...and it's best that you're here quite early...you'll avoid the crowds at the mansion house!” They drove along a wooded lane for about half a mile, with Jane studying the map. “There's an woodland information and observation building along here. Shall we stop to have a look?” “Sounds good...yes.” Neil replied.
They were there in less than a minute. It was a large wooden hut, with poster pictures of Red Squirrels, Jays, Foxes etc. on the outside walls. Jane stepped out of the car, and gave Neil a slightly nervous little smile. In the green top and white skirt, she looked fantastic....so sexy! They walked in, and a man was sitting at a desk. He turned, and his eyes were immediately transfixed on Jane. He smiled and stood to greet them, dragging his gaze from Jane to Neil. He had the air of an elderly ex soldier, tall and straight backed,with a fine head of white hair. Neatly dressed in dark trousers and white shirt. Neil put him at about 75. “Not a bad little post-retirement number for him” he thought.
The man explained that he was there to offer any advice on seeing and identifying wildlife, but in particular, to help them see the Red Squirrels, which were becoming a rare sight. He motioned to the telescope pointing through an open window. “Hopefully, you should get some fine views of them feeding through that, if you're interested.” he said. “You've timed it just about right.” “Oh, lovely!” Jane said. He stepped over to the telescope. “May I?” she asked. “Of course!” the old man replied. She bent over, as the telescope was at a low angle to point into the trees. In doing so, she caused her short skirt to raise at the back, as far as the plump swell of her buttocks. “Oh, yes!” Neil thought “You little tease...you know exactly what you're doing!” He glanced sidweays at the man, who was staring with his mouth slightly open. “It's a bit fuzzy.” Jane said. “Oh, yes, of course. Sorry, I'll get it into focus for you.” He stepped past Jane, and said “If you keep looking into it and tell me when it's clear....” He reached for the focussing ring, and Neil saw that he was looking down, not at the focussing ring, but at Jane, who was of course, still bent over.
“I bet he's looking at het tits!” Neil thought. “Her top will have fallen forward, and he'll be able to see them !” He switched on his video camera, and videod Jane from behind, to show her later the view of her legs and bum that the old man had had. Then he went to the window, and stood on the other side of Jane.
“Yes! I can see one!” Jane cried out excitedly. “Oh, it's beautiful!” “Oh, good. They usually turn up at this time of day. Tell me if the telescope goes out of focus, won't you? The focussing ring is a bit temperamental.” “Very smart.” Neil thought. “It gives you a good excuse to stand there and ogle her bare tits.”
He took a sly shot of the man standing over Jane, then pointed it out of the window, to video the squirrel, but also to appear preoccupied, so the man could have a good gawp at his wife's tits without being watched. Jane continued making excited comments about what she could see, and after a while, the man walked over to his desk. “I've got some good photos of the squirrels here somewhere,” he said “if I can find them I'll show you.”
Neil turned and saw that as he was now seated, his eye level was much better for looking up Jane's skirt. “Crafty old bugger!” thought Neil. He moved round to the other side of Jane, as he wanted to see what view the man had had of her tits. It was perfect. Just as he'd thought, the neckline had fallen forward, and there was a completely unrestricted view of her lovely naked tits. He took a surreptious shot of the sexy sight. “Wait 'till she sees this!” he chuckled to himself.
“Oh, dear, I don't know what I've done with them.” the man said. He stood up, and asked Jane if the telescope was still alright. “He wants another look at her titties!” thought Neil, observing the bulge at the front of the man's trousers. “He's got a bonk on!” thought Neil.”If she only knew!”
Just then, the supercharged atmosphere was broken by the sound of a car pulling up. “Bugger!” thought Neil, as the sound of car doors opening soon followed. Jane stood up straight. “It sounds like you've got more customers!” she said. “We'd better be going. Thank you very much for a wonderful experience.”
“I bet he's thinking the very same thing!” thought Neil.
“Yes, thank you, it's been great...erm....”
“Laurence, but I get Lol mostly.”
“Well, thanks very much Lol. Hope to see you again. In fact, we might call in on our way home.” Neil said.
“That would be lovely” Lol said “I close at 4.30, half an hour before the main gates close...but I generally have one or two things to do before I go!”
They passed the newcomers on their way out, got in the car and for the second time that day, they both burst out laughing. “Wow! That was brilliant! Did you see his hard on poking the front of his trousers out? Pretty impressive for a bloke his age' “Yes, I did!!” Jane said. “I'll take it as a nice compliment.”
“I'm not surprised, considering the views he was getting! I'll show you when we get home. I videod what he could see.”
Jane laughed. “You randy devil!”
“You knew exactly what you were doing, bending over like that, so I'm not the only randy one here!” he said, stroking her thigh. She pushed his hand away “Concentrate on driving!” she said, then reached over and squeezed Neil's erection through his trousers.
“Let's go and see if we can find the waterfall and have our picnic.” Neil said, grinning.
“Oh, yes! I'm starving! Then we can have a look round the mansion.”
“Yes” thought Neil, “but I'm going to make sure we call in on our new friend Lol before we go!”
They had a great time, and found the waterfall in the woods, where Jane stripped off and he took video of her splashing around. After their picnic on the river bank, Neil just had to tell her what had been on his mind for over an hour
“Let's go and see if we can catch old Laurence before he goes, and give him a treat!” he suggested.
“And just exactly what have you got in mind?” Jane asked.
“Well, If we go just as he's locking up....maybe we can all be locked in together! I'd love some shots of you just stood together....with you naked!”
“Me, stark naked, with a man old enough to be my Dad, possibly my Grandad, fully clothed?”
“And then what? I suppose you want to watch him run his hands all over my naked body, do you, you randy sod?” she asked. Neil noticed the excited catch in her voice.
“Oh, yes! I'm getting hard again just thinking about it!”
"You're a pervert, do you know that! Is this some fantasy of yours, some fetish, to see me getting played with by an old man? That little incident with old Millicent has gone to your head!
"She wasn't that old...anyway, don't tell me that the idea doesn't excite you! Just think, you'll have been felt up by two strangers, a moman and a man, all on the same day!” He glanced at her. She was smiling.
It was about 4.25 when they got to the hut, and Laurence had his jacket on, ready to lock up and go.
"Hello again! Are we too late for Jane to have another look at the squirrels?" Ken asked.
Laurence looked very pleased to see them. "Oh, no, come on in." he beamed.
"We're glad we caught you before you locked up!" Jane said.
"Yes, we've had an idea, and wondered if you'd be interested." Neil said.
"Oh, yes, what?" Laurence asked.
"Well...........er, I won't beat about the bush......we both noticed how, er, interested in Jane you seemed to be when she was looking through the telescope............"
Laurence looked taken aback, and murmered "Oh....."
“ You did look up her skirt and down her top, didn't you?”
Laurence didn't answer, just looked embarressed.
“I was watching you. It excited you, did it?”
Laurence nodded.

"Well then, would you like to see more, and would you object if I took some photos and video of you together? They would be for our eyes only, no one else would see them." Ken asked.
They could see that the proposal had completely taken him by surprise, and weren't sure what his reaction might be. Jane took control. She stepped in front of Laurence and smiled.
" Oh, yes, I can certainly guarantee that! For our eyes only." she said. He looked into her eyes
"Er, well, right! Erm, of course." replied Laurence
“Now, shall we start by repeating what happened earlier? If I video you while it's happeneing, then when Jane and I watch it later on she can get a full idea of how much you were.....appreciating her.”
So Neil videod as Jane bent over and Laurence looked up her skirt, then down her top, just as before., and when they were finished Neil focussed in on on the distinct bulge in the old man's grey trousers.
"Now, perhaps it might be a good idea to lock the door ?” Neil suggested.
“ …..then stand next to Jane."
He locked the door, put on the light and closed the side window, then went and stood alongside Jane.
She smiled up at him. He was a good five or six inches taller than her, and looked quite smart in a pale blue shirt, tie and grey trousers, his fine grey hair carefully combed back.
Neil started videoing then said "Look at you, you, look like two statues! Action, please!"
Jane could sense Laurence's nervousness, so she initiated things by moving against him, and taking his arm, placed it around her waist.
"Is that Ok for a start?" she asked, winking at Neil.
"Perfect!" he replied, and took the picture.
He knew he had to get Laurence more relaxed, so he took a few more like that, then told Jane to stand in front of Laurence and lean into him. He took the picture, then told Laurence to reach his arms around and squeeze Jane gently. His long arms reached round, just below her breasts.
"That's great." Neil said. "Now, I'm sure you'd quite like to move your hands further up, wouldn't you? Cup Jane's breasts in your hands and give them a little squeeze."
He did so and Neil snapped away.
"Now, I want Jane to turn around, and when I say "Now" I want her to lift up her top...I want to capture the expression on your face when you see her breasts."
Jane smiled, then turned to face Laurence. "Ready?" Neil asked.
"Yes." she replied.
"Now!" and she lifted her top to show Laurence her naked breasts, and Neil caught the expression on Laurence face perfectly.
"Stay like that!" he said, and moved to the back of Laurence and took one of Jane showing her breasts with Laurence looking on.
He moved back to face them both, and told Jane to back into Laurence.
"Now, Laurence would you like to to cup her breasts again?" Neil asked.
"Of course! You don't need to ask me twice!" He reached round and took her breasts into his big hands.
"Give them a squeeze and roll her nipples between your thumb and forefinger...she likes that, don't you, Jane?" he said.
"Ooh, yes!" she said. Laurence began squeezing and kneading her breasts and nipples, and Jane let out an "Oooh!" and backed further in to Laurence. Her eyes widened, and she pointed down and mouthed "Hard on!"
"Ooh, you've got lovely big warm hands, Laurence!" she said, winking at Neil. For the second time today, she was having her tits felt by a stranger!
Neil could see that things were hotting up, so he told Jane to get rid of her skirt. While Laurence continued playing with her tits, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall, standing there in just her green thong. Neil took a picture, then just watched as Jane ground her bare arse into Laurence's groin. Neil knew that she'd be feeling his hard on pushing against her, and he felt himself getting really hard.
"Turn and face Laurence, and put your arms around his waist and look up into his face." Neil suggested.
She did, then she looked up at Laurence. She smiled, then impulsively stood on her tiptoes, raised up her head and kissed him. Neil felt his hard on pulsing, as he watched his wife kiss the old man.
"Why don't you sit in the chair, Laurence, and Jane can sit on your knee, and carry on from there." Neil suggested.
Once comfortable on Laurence's lap, Jane kissed him once again, and Laurence stroked and squeezed her breasts and tweaked her nipples. This went on for a few moments, with Jane running her hands around Laurence's neck and through his fine head of silver grey hair as they kissed. Neil videoed, his throat dry and his cock hard. Finally she broke off and looked at Neil inquisitively, as if to say “What shall I do next?” He could see that she was getting flushed and aroused, and more than ready for the next stage. For Neil, things were going much better than he had hoped for!
"Mmm" he said, as if he was thinking of what should happen next. "Jane, get up on the table, and sit facing Laurence." She stood up.
"But before you do.....Laurence, would you like to take Jane's panties off?" Neil suggested. Jane gave him a raised eyebrow look, which made him think that perhaps he'd misread the situation, and was rushing things along too quickly, but by then, Laurence was already on his knees at her feet. Neil steadied the video camera, not wanting to miss the moment when Laurence saw Jane's shaven cunt for the first time. Laurence gently tugged the thong down, and Neil captured the slight gasp that Laurence gave as she saw Jane's cunt, inches from his face.
“Oh, you're completely shaven! Lovely! Oh, that's so lovely!” Laurence whispered. She looked at Neil and ran her tongue round her lips, causing his cock to twitch. She wanted a licking! She stepped out of the thong and climbed up onto the table, and Laurence sat in the chair facing her. She was now completely naked for the old man, with her legs open. Laurence stared, then placed a hand on each thigh, and looked into Jane's eyes. “May I?” he asked. “May I kiss you...there?”
“You certainly may!” Jane replied, giving a knowing look to Neil. His head went between her legs, and he gently kissed her smoothly shaven pubis. She sighed and placed her hands on his bowed head, as encouragement. Neil wanted to zoom into Laurence's face, but also didn't want to miss videoing his wife's facial expressions as the old man began to lick her. Her face took on a sublime, serene look as the old man's tongue ran up and down her sex. She smiled at Neil while enjoying another man between her legs, knowing he was enjoying the show.. Her sighs and whimpers intensified as he lovingly licked her, lapping at her clitoris with varying strokes and intensity.”Oh, yes!” Jane cried “Yes, yes, ye....e....es!” Her orgasm wasn't long in coming, urged on by the whole erotic situation....stark naked in a wooden hut with an old man licking her cunt, her husband videoing! “Aaaaaaah....aaahh yessssss!” she stifled her scream through clenched teeth as it tore through her. She pulled Laurence's face tight to her quivering, pulsating cunt as the orgasm hit its peak. He kept on licking, and she soon felt another pulsing through her. Eventually she calmed a little, and gently pushed his head away. “Oh, that was wonderful!” she said. Again she looked at Neil, raising her eyebrow as if to say “Well, what now?” Neil decided to leave it to Jane to decide what happened next. He didn't want to misread the situation, and push her into something she wasn't happy with. He just smiled at her. An awkward silence followed, then she said to Laurence. “Are you shaven, too, Laurence? Would you mind if I checked ?” He looked delighted at the question, and replied “Please, be my guest!” He stood up and Jane got down from the desk. “You sit on it!” she said. She sat in the chair and said. “Undo your belt and trousers for me. I think I can manage the rest on my own!” Seconds later she was unzipping his fly and tugging his trousers down. White Y fronts with an enormous bulge in them met her eyes. “Ooooh!” she said, stroking his long hard cock through the cotton of his underpants , “Laurence, you're absolutely huge!” she said, before using both hands to pull at the waistband of his underpants. The cock that sprang out from them indeed was a decent size.....long, thick and circumsized. Jane's hand clasped to her mouth. “Oh, my God!” she gasped, and looked at Neil. He was speechless. The old man's cock was much bigger than his, and so hard and erect! “Ooh, you are a big boy, aren't you?”, she said, looking up at him. She pulled his pants down further, freeing his big, heavy balls. There was just a fine covering of sandy coloured hair. “May I?” she asked, before taking his cock in her right hand and cupping his balls with her left. She ran her fingers all over, then began to wank him. He gasped, and his eyes closed. She wanked him expertly, now and again giving her husband a lustful look. She leaned forward and licked the thick shaft of his cock, then did one of her favourite tricks that Neil liked...she travelled up and down his cock making little lapping motions with her wet tongue, down to his balls, still cupped in her hand. She licked, kissed and sucked at his heavy balls sack. Laurence was making short panting noises, and she sensed it wouldn't take him long to come. She squeezed his heavy balls as she licked, then took hold of his cock again and wanked him urgently. Laurence's head threw back and his mouth opened. He let out a groan, and Jane rose from the chair, directing his cock towards her naked breasts. He exploded onto them, a blast of hot sticky come. She carried on wanking until the last drop fell, then smeared the sperm all over her tits with her left hand. Laurence was still shaking with the spasms, gasping. Eventually he let out a low moan and opened his eyes. “Oh, that was wonderful! You've no idea how long it's been!” he gasped.
“Has it really? Been a long time?” Jane asked. “My wife died five years ago......” he explained. “It has been a very long time. Thank you.”
They managed to make it through the gates just as the gatekeeper was locking up. All through the long drive home, they kept looking at each other and grinning. What a day....and they had the phone numbers of both Millicent and Laurence, so it might be only the beginning.
发布者 sopra49
1 年 前
Unboxxxed 2 月 前
yoda6060 : Yes indeed
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Unboxxxed : I like that story too
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Unboxxxed 9 月 前
WHat an incredibly hot story. Wow!!!! A dream or dreams come true.
alibodge 1 年 前
anoldpunkrocker 1 年 前
Can't wait to hear what happens next - thanks for the story