My wife having sex with men at work Part one

Hi guys ! Those of you who have already read my earlier blogs or been in conversation with me about my sexy wife, Carole, will know how she is driven by her lusty feelings, and here I will describe how hot she has been with some of the men she has worked with ( and still is, with some ).

The first lot she told me about were the men in the science department in the school where she was employed as a lab technician. There were about about seven of them, but here we are concerned with only three of them; Jim F. ,her head of dept, Andy G., a chemistry teacher, and Brian M. a teacher of general science. Whether Carole ever did anything with any of the others, I don't know, but I am pretty sure she would have told me, if she had. The first one I heard about was Andy G. She freely told me she had had an affair with him for about nine months, when he was single and she was married to her husband Bernard, and living with him and their two daughters. Carole said it was she who had made the first move on him, telling him that she fancied him. They started going out together, but I don't think they ever went " out " as such, in case they were seen by people who knew them. Mainly, she used to go round to Andy's flat on a Friday night, where they had sex. She said he was not very adventurous, and used to spend a lot of time talking about himself, so Carole had to take the initiative to get things started. She told me that she used to wear a blouse and skirt, with sexy underwear underneath, including stockings and a suspender belt, and that she used to do a sexy striptease in front of him to get his attention. When she had stripped completely, Andy used to shag her on his bed, sometimes twice during the course of the evening, and Carole would finish their night off by giving him a good night wank. She says she always used to try to arrive home before her husband, Bern, came home from his drinking sessions with his mates, but unfortunately on occasions, he was home and actually in bed before Carole even got in the house. When he asked her where she had been, she would tell him some pre prepared story that sh hd thought up. The bad thing for her, though, was that Bern used to like to watch her get undressed and have her get into bed with him, just as she had come in i.e. without letting her have a wash. Carole said she always dreaded having to do that, because her husband would always turn towards her and start fingering her fanny; she was always afraid that he might feel Andy's sperm inside her wet vagina, and just lay there as he rummaged around in her hole, that Bern would be too drunk, too tired, or both, to realise that it wasn't just Carole's love juice that he could feel on his fingers. Carole said he used to " bring her On ", meaning he gave her an orgasm; this got him excited and erect, and he would then climb on top of her and shag her. When he had cum, he used to just roll over and fall asleep, leaving Carole lying there in the dark, thankful that he hadn't detected anything, and musing on the fact that she undressed for two men that evening, and that she was now going to fall asleep, in the knowledge that she had the sperm of TWO men inside her body. Her relationship with Andy came to an end when he told her he was now dating one of the unmarried teachers.

Apparently, the science dept. did used to go out for a few drinks and a meal on occasion, and Carole said that one night she ended up in the back of a taxi with her boss, Jim. They started kissing, he had a feel of her breasts and slipped his hand up her dress and fingered her hole just before they arrived at Carole's house; and who should be coming home from the pub but her husband Bernard. She said she was lucky to get away with that one. Jim was married and had two c***dren and I don't think anything else ever happened between them. However, something strange did happen one day when Carole and I were living together, having left our spouses: Carole had gone out one morning and I noticed that she had left her lunch behind in the kitchen. As I could do a detour and go to the school without any trouble, I decided to call in with her lunch. When I got to the science dept. John, the other technician told me that Carole was in the prep room. As I went in, Jim was sitting on a chair, just inside the door, and as I looked in, I could see Carole squatting on her haunches; she was wearing her fairly tight blue skirt which I have photographed her in and sent to various sites, and I could see right up her legs which were parted, right up to the tops of her stockings; as I bobbed down, and got my head level with Jim's I could clearly see Carole's knickers just about covering her mound. She quickly turned to the cupboard on her right, pretending to be looking for something. I just said I had brought her lunch and left. When we were at home that evening, I asked her what the hell she was doing, letting Jim look right up her skirt and giving him a full view of her panties. Carole denied she was, and has always denied it, but I am sure she must have been aware that she had her legs open and was deliberately giving him a flash. So ---- did anything else ever occur between her and Jim, apart from the sexy kissing in the taxi ? I suppose I will never know.

Then there was Brian, who was also married and had c***dren, but he kept pestering Carole to go on a date with him. She says she always refused him. One day we went to town and I bought Carole a nice tight fitting dress and told her to wear it to work. When she came home, I asked her if anybody had commented on it, and she said the secretaries in the office had admired it. When I asked her about her department, she smiled and said " I can't tell you that ." When I pressed her to tell, she said : " Well Brian M. told me that he had been walking round with a hard on all morning ! " Now if I can move on a bit, Carole knew I did not like her smoking, yet I could smell it on her at times. I looked in her bag, and sure enough, there was a twenty packet of cigarettes, some of which had been smoked. She also had an empty packet which contained ash and dimps, so I knew she was smoking, even though she denied it, As we always did the shopping together, I knew she wasn't buying them at the supermarket. Neither were they appearing on her credit card bill, and Carole never used to withdraw cash from our bank account. So, the mystery was, how was she funding her cigarette habit. When I pressed her months later, she admitted that Brian M. was getting them for her and in return, she was going into an unused room in the school and letting him feel her tits and finger her fanny, and she would wank him off, sometimes kneeling in front of him and sucking him off into her mouth. I was astounded, that she was now prostituting herself with a man at work.

There is more to add, but I will continue another day with part two.
发布者 carplatt
2 年 前
trebleclef76 : She loves men and lads of any age and goes mad for their cocks !
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Oh yes! She clearly loves being the centre of attention….quite right too!
Guy49007 : You would love to have her body at your command I'm sure. Chris
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Hot story loved it and when women like sex they are in charge and good for her
olaticumbo99 : Mine has had more than a little dabble in the past. 
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needo1 : You are unlikely to find out if she has a little dabble. What you dont know cant hurt you.
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olaticumbo99 : Why don’t more give in to it though lol
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needo1 : Believe me, when your wife works in a male enviroment, she is getting hit on every day. As my wife says , temptation is never far away.
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carplatt : will read it now
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gcfchh : Or even one of the boys who felt her arse in the corridor crushes ?! Please read part two, and you mught be wishing you worked for that particular bank as well. Chris
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loved to have been a teacher at that school
DobbsCD : I will send you a private message
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carplatt : I would enjoy that. Could i lick her 1st ??
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DobbsCD : It's surprising how low she has stooped ----metaphorically as well as literally !! Carole has now stopped smoking, but that wouldn't stop you from getting a mouth job off her if we were to arrange something.
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Sucking his cock for cigs !! How lucky is he. I’d be happy supplying her habit...
needo1 : There might be a lot of wives who would secretly like to be hot and whorey like Carole, but perhaps their husbands aren't as understanding as I am. Chris
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Very hot post. Why aren’t there more Carole’s in this world lol
bbbigggrrreddd77 : Hi Red, ty for your hot comment; you know what kind of a woman my Carole is ! Have you got round to reading my other posts ? Cheers, Chris
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Letsdothis53m : Hi Pat, hope you are well; thanks for reading and commenting; part two to come next weekend if we have time. Chris
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Wow your wife really is a whore. Just the way we like them :smile: I work at a school too and would love to meet a "Carole" So many hot mommas there. Maybe even get their dirty panties for in-between romps. Thanks for sharing Chris. Red
colin51 : lol
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Another great story, thanks for posting!
Hi Colin, nice to hear from you again; how are things with you ? Chris
I must get  a job in that school ,maybe in the biology department  