Descriere: Plane-ly speaking, unfasten your seat belt, grab your baggage and taxi to the nearest hotel for some earthly desires - It's "Lay Over" time. But this flight crew just can't seem to keep their hands to their own bags. And it's always a sexy surprise waiting inside. Because this foxy flock of flying felines have their wings spread and tail spinning right here, on the ground. Who will have a ticket to ride is unpredictable, once this non-stop flight for fun takes off, there's no coming down. Mike, the cocky co-pilot, lands his jumbo jet in the head stewardess' open hanger, while his flighty fiancee is having her cockpit cleaned by a sassy stewardess who serves her everything but coffee and tea. Even a hot-headed hijacker comes to his knees when these agile attendants respond to his stiff demands. Fly along for the erotic antics of these flight attendants, and learn why flying united is really the only way to fly - on or off the ground. It's just plane fun. Directed by Hal Freeman.