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Start Free Week of Pornhub Premiumi am 5'5 i have long bright red hair i am into BDSM i am normally a dom but my husband has never done anything with BDSM so i am currently a sub training him how to be a dom our names in BDSM are sin and salvation i have done everything that comes with the dom side of BDSM i have never been a sub so this is all new to me but the great thing about my relationship is sometimes my husband likes to be the sub and me be the dom we are in the begging stages of BDSM because i honestly think he is not ready for the hardcore part of this world we even have set up a code word to initiate our sexy time which one of us says martini time and i know to be in the room on my knees looking down hair is to be down and my hands are to be flat on my knees and i let him do my hair how he likes it and then the fun begins
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