Boobs, Butts & Beyond

Are you a boob person or a butt person? The answer to this may be personal to some but is quite telling when examined within an international context. As a part of a special report with our friends over at 20 Minuten, today the Pornhub and Youporn statisticians have teamed up to take a look at which body parts are most lusted over in which parts of the world and as you’ll soon see, some very interesting trends emerge. For this exclusive report, the data represents the popularity of certain search results pulled from both Pornhub and Youporn’s anonymized data analytics, so let’s get started!
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Level of Income Affects Porn Viewing Habits

Our latest behavioral study came after the folks at posed the question: “Who watches more porn; people living in cities with higher or lower average income?”  After determining the Top 10 cities at either end of the income spectrum, Pornhub’s diligent statisticians set to work crunching the numbers, and the results were interesting.  A definite gap exists between the viewing habits in America’s wealthiest and poorest cities.

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What are Americans Searching for on Pornhub?

It’s Friday night, your date stood you up, and the mood to watch some naughty videos creeps up on you.. You head over to your favorite page –, and think to yourself; “What am I in the mood for, what do I type in”? If you ever wondered what the rest of the country was into, we’ve got the answer! It may, or may not turn out that your search terms are popular ones…. Or, if you read on, you may discover you’re into some really kinky stuff! Take a look at our interactive map which shows you each state’s top searched term. Also, if you hover your mouse over a state, you’ll be given the top 3 search terms as well as the duration…. On the site (get your mind out of the gutter).
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