Austria & Pornhub Statistics

It’s always fun to check out different parts of the world and see what really interests people in specific countries with regard to their viewing habits on Pornhub. There are horny people everywhere, this is a fact.. What turns them on seems to range by country. The Pornhub statisticians have crunched the numbers; here are the results from Freud’s homeland.

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Could you be a Cuckold?

Do you know what “Cuckolding” is?

Know it or not, like it or not, it’s something that is regularly searched for.

According to the The Free Dictionary, a cuckold is “A submissive husband with a wife who takes on alpha-male lovers whereby the wife’s sexual pleasures become the husband’s vicarious sexual pleasures and experiences.” To each their own – don’t anybody judge, you all have your fetishes!

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November Polls

For us here at Pornhub, it doesn’t take much to get us turned on.

Even every-day products make us horny! Ever catch a glimpse of an Aunt Jemima bottle from the perfect angle? You know, in that perfect light – what a handsome woman… Many of our favorite logos feature some highly bangable babes.

Now friends, we ask you; who’s the hottest?

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Boobs! Big or Small, We Love Em’ All!

Boobs! Big or Small, We Love Em’ All!


These magical chest mountains are part of every man’s desires. With October being breast awareness month, we figured putting together some information on just HOW much our users love these wondrous parts of the female body could be useful!

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What Turns You On, And Off Poll Results

Sometimes, we wonder… Does the rest of America really think like we, at PornHub do? For this reason, we bring you our monthly polls!

We asked 3 questions and got a great response from our users.

Who Is the Most Frightening Female Celebrity?

Ok, we’re not nice.. What do you want from us? You think the same thing on a regular basis, and don’t tell us you’ve never cringed or jumped at a quick shot of one of the female celebrities included in our poll!

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Government Shuts Down, Pornhub Views Go Up!

Spending time with family, catching up on house-hold chores; these are the things you would think Americans would do with a little extra time on their hands… Truth be told, judging by the traffic spikes that Pornhub’s been receiving in some States, public employees seem to be catching up on their porn viewing!

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