2023 UEFA Champions League Insights

The 2023 UEFA Champions League took place this past weekend on Saturday, June 10th, 2023, at the Atatürk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey. Facing off was the English club Manchester City against Italian club Inter Milan. The Manchester fans in the crowd had a lot to celebrate by the end of the match. Manchester City won against Inter Milan with 1-0, their first ever Champions League title, completing a continental treble (when a club wins the National League Competition, Main National Cup Competition, and the Main Continental Trophy). 

As with any event of this scope, we know there are going to be significant changes to traffic. Our statisticians took a closer look at how the Champions League disrupted those patterns, breaking it down by competing regions, hourly timelines, and how it altered the traffic of Europe.  

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Eurovision 2023 Traffic Insights

Eurovision had many European countries at the edge of their seats this past weekend. In fact, we can confidently say Europe was horny for Eurovision! How do we know? Our statisticians collected the data! 

An event of this magnitude will always see changes in traffic to Pornhub, especially when there are so many countries involved. And were we ever surprised to see what came out at the end! 

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2023 Mother’s Day Insights

Mother’s Day is the one day out of the year moms everywhere get to drop what they’re doing and bask in the glory they deserve. So of course, we dug into some stats to find out what you are all searching for on this special day!

MILF is a term that is popular year-round. People don’t need a particular reason to search for it. It is one of the most searched terms and one of the most popular categories. Everybody loves a MILF!

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Coronation Insights

May 6th, 2023 was the Coronation of Charles III and Camilla, as King and Queen of the United Kingdom. The Daily Star reached out to our Data Team to see how the Coronation affected traffic coming to Pornhub that day.

With the U.K. being Pornhub’s second largest source of traffic, the traffic changes may seem moderate, but in fact represent hundreds of thousands of visitors changing the time at which they usually watch Pornhub on a Saturday.

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