Eurovision 2023 Traffic Insights

Eurovision had many European countries at the edge of their seats this past weekend. In fact, we can confidently say Europe was horny for Eurovision! How do we know? Our statisticians collected the data! 

An event of this magnitude will always see changes in traffic to Pornhub, especially when there are so many countries involved. And were we ever surprised to see what came out at the end! 

Traffic drops of the top 5 finalist countries 

The 5 countries in the finals included Sweden, Finland, Israel, Norway and Italy. To start, we gathered the data between the hours of 8pm and midnight UK (GMT +1) time and looked at how traffic changed for the finalist countries. 

The biggest drop in traffic occurred in Finland at –19.7%. Following Finland was Israel at -13.7% and then Norway at –12.4%. Sweden dipped to –10.9% below average and Italy saw a –9% drop. 

It seems Finland was eager to support Käärijä, who was the runner-up this year, according to the highest drop in traffic among the finalist countries. Alternatively, Sweden, who placed first with their singer, Loreen, had nearly half the drop in traffic Finland did. 

Traffic drops across other countries

It wasn’t only the finalist countries that saw a drop in Pornhub traffic. In fact, one country in particular saw a bigger drop than any of the finalist countries. That was Slovenia, which saw a huge drop of -20.3%! Slovenia was closely followed by Croatia, which saw a dip of –17.3% in traffic.

Other countries that saw notable decreases in Pornhub traffic include Austria at –11.2%, Switzerland at –9.7%, Netherlands at –9.2%, Poland at –8%, Spain at –7.9%, France at –7.3%, The United Kingdom at -6.8%, Germany at –6.5% and finally, Ireland at –5.1%.

After the show

Now here’s where the data gets interesting! Our statisticians also looked at the traffic changes when the show ended at midnight UK time. We found flocks of people in the finalist countries seemed to go running right to their favorite black and orange website!

Remember Finland, who saw the biggest decrease in traffic at –19.7%? Well, when the show ended, there was an incredible influx in traffic in Finland, up +41% at midnight (GMT +1)! It seems they were just itching to get some Pornhub time in after Eurovision!

After Finland’s massive jump we found Israel right behind them, with a huge increase of +34%. Hot on Israel’s trail was Sweden at +24% and Norway at +21%. Finally, in the single digits, was Italy with a +8% increase. The UK also saw an increase of +8%.

Well, well, well. All that singing and dancing must have got these countries hot and bothered. We’re glad we could help release some of that steam! And we hope you enjoyed this edition of Eurovision 2023 Insights!