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sery 5 tháng trước đây
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lamberto63 6 tháng trước đây
Thank you for your friendship :smile:
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jokerfinger 6 tháng trước đây
Thank you...
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HornyMatureSexAddict 6 tháng trước đây
Thanks for the friendship ! Top profile 😍
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wifexhibition 1 năm trước đây
Hi Guys thankxxx for the add, great videos 😍😘
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mastequilla 2 năm trước đây
I would love an invite
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dievollstrecker 2 năm trước đây
Das leben wird zunehmest einschränkt auch hier im Portal wird eingeschränkt! Aber auch jetzt leuchten die Kerzen überall. Deshalb wir wünschen Dir, dass deren Wärme und Geborgenheit Dich durch das gesamte nächste Jahr begleitet. Hab ein frohes Weihnachtsfest! Und bleib gesund!
Life is increasingly restricted even here in the portal is restricted! But even now the candles shine everywhere. Therefore, we wish you that their warmth and security will accompany you throughout the next year. Have a Merry Christmas! And stay healthy!
La vie est de plus en plus limitée, même sur ce portail ! Mais même maintenant, les bougies brillent partout. Nous te souhaitons donc que leur chaleur et leur sécurité t'accompagnent tout au long de l'année prochaine. Passe un joyeux Noël ! Et reste en bonne santé !
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Tupthree 3 năm trước đây
She is awesome 
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dievollstrecker 3 năm trước đây
Und auch wenn in dieser schwierigen Zeit so vieles nicht stattfinden kann bzw. abgesagt wird, gibt es Dinge die jedem von uns Mut machen sollten, all diesen Einschränkungen in unserem Leben entgegenzutreten und zu schauen, was an jedem Tag trotzdem möglich ist:
Nicht alles ist abgesagt!
Das Wetter nicht,
Die Sonne nicht,
der Winter nicht,
der Frühling nicht,
Liebe nicht,
die Familie nicht,
die Freunde nicht,
Vertrauen nicht,
Gespräche nicht,
Lesen, telefonieren, Musik hören und Briefe schreiben nicht,
Freundlichkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft , Gemeinschaftssinn und Solidarität nicht
und Hoffnung schon gar nicht!
Und manchmal ist ein hinreichender Abstand der Schritt nach vorne!
Schauen wir nach vorne aber auch optimistisch mit Abstand und mit den allgemeinen AHA Regeln vereinigt (Abstand halten, Hygiene beachten und Alltagsmaske -Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung tragen).
Wir schaffen das zusammen!
Es kann nur besser werden wenn alle etwas dazu beitragen. Mach auch du mit!
Gesundheit, Glück und Frohsinn und daß all Eure Wünsche für das neue Jahr in Erfüllung gehen mögen, wünschen wir allen die das lesen.

And even though so many things cannot take place or are cancelled in these difficult times, there are things that should encourage each of us to face all these restrictions in our lives and to see what is possible on any given day:
Not everything is cancelled!
Not the weather,
The sun is not,
not winter,
not spring,
Love not,
not family,
not friends,
trust doesn't,
not conversations,
reading, telephoning, listening to music and writing letters,
kindness, helpfulness, community spirit and solidarity...
and certainly not hope!
And sometimes a sufficient distance is the step forward!
Let's look ahead optimistically, but also with distance and with the general AHA rules (keep your distance, observe hygiene and wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose).
We can do it together!
It can only get better if everyone contributes. You too can join in!
Health, happiness and cheerfulness and that all your wishes for the new year may come true, we wish everyone who reads this.
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bigthing9 4 năm trước đây
I need a good bj like you do bb. So good looking bb 
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dievollstrecker 4 năm trước đây
bleibt alle gesund !! everybody stay healthy !! tout le monde reste en bonne santé !
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dievollstrecker 4 năm trước đây
with translator

The message of Christmas: There is no greater power than love. It overcomes hatred as light overcomes darkness. No one knows what is yet to come, so let us look forward with prudence and remember that what we prepare for Christmas is only an expression of love, often forgetting that it is especially important that we can give with love. Christmas is a time when people open their hearts to others. Why do we need a time of heart opening anyway? Isn't it always about being open? MUCH THANKS for the great year with you! The only way to win a friend is to be a friend yourself. Christmas is the feast of love Love you love all the more sex for world peace and for our environment warm each other!
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MTLCPL69 4 năm trước đây
Amazing content!! thanks much for add ! :smile:
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bigun325 5 năm trước đây
ty for the invite 
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bigun325 5 năm trước đây
those vids r hot af
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46chat 5 năm trước đây
good job
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haldej01 5 năm trước đây
Damn you are sexy!
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dievollstrecker 5 năm trước đây
Sonne, Mond und Sterne, alles liegt in weiter Ferne, doch das Gute das ist ganz nah, ein gesundes, glückliches und schönes neues Jahr!

Sun, moon and stars, everything is in the distance, but the good that is very close, a healthy, happy and beautiful New Year!

Soleil, lune et étoiles, tout est dans la distance, mais le bon qui est très proche, une bonne année en bonne santé et heureuse
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dievollstrecker 5 năm trước đây
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lovegroups 5 năm trước đây
Great videos, I love when you take 2 cocks, so hot!
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dievollstrecker 6 năm trước đây
 Die Freundschaft ist das edelste Gefühl, dessen das Menschenherz fähig ist.

Je älter wir werden, desto kleiner werden unsere Wunschzettel. Denn die Dinge, die wir uns wirklich wünschen, kann man nicht kaufen

Friendship is the noblest feeling that the human heart is capable of.

The older we get, the smaller our wish lists get. Because the things we really want can't be bought.

L'amitié est le sentiment le plus noble dont le cœur humain soit capable.

Plus nous vieillissons, plus nos listes de souhaits se réduisent. Parce que les choses que nous voulons vraiment ne peuvent pas être achetées.
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wadboy 6 năm trước đây
Love your moans, so hot!
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YummyPumpkinsMax 6 năm trước đây    FAV some of my videos and let's become friends. then LETS BOOGIE!
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Bigdaddy2561961 6 năm trước đây
Hello, Thank you for the add. Really nice pics and videos .... :smile:....
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bbc2k19 6 năm trước đây
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howguu2000 6 năm trước đây
Thanks for the ad, can I get the password for the video? :smile:
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 thanks for add
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tallnbad 6 năm trước đây
BlackedRaw, Haley Reed, in torrent form.
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Sperma-Milfs 6 năm trước đây
Thanks for your invitation which we gladly like to accept.

More of our smoking hot Sperma Milfs are available at our profile and especially at our website.

Uninhibited gangbangs.

Tons of cumshots, creampies, facials and cum in mouth.

All videos of course in full length and in better quality.

Just click the direct link provided in our profile or click on one of the banners which are displayed below each clip.

Have a great time here at xHamster,

Bye :smile:
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vincentvega9494 6 năm trước đây
sweet little slut !!! :smile:

Kisses from France !!!! :wink:
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