Scored again finally!

This is a long overdue follow-up on my previous posting "Have I Found a Winner" We finally had the stars align and got together again after many lost opportunities all mainly due to family and business schedules. Our plan was again to ride the motorcycle's back down to Paso Robles again. This time we rode different routes, but the final destination was that great suit we had booked last the same room was an added treat. We had been texting throughout our inability to hook up again. He (Mr.C) has been working out & the pictures he would send made my desire to please him… Đọc thêm

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Have I found a winner?

I sure hope I can make this connection last...... After months and months of being very covid careful, getting vaccinated(without any hesitation...... and for fence sitters, there was no post needle issues for me), I have made contact via FetLife with a local man that has similar tastes and hobbies, but is willing to be the Dom partner. He is very masculine, but loves to dress up in sexy fem gear and is much more into the CD culture than I am. He is an exhibitionist and is so much more brave than I in regards to strutting out in public. He also happens to share the passion for riding motorcyc… Đọc thêm

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Careful doing without, but hungry for some action:

Feb.2 and I haven't had cock in my mouth for over 2 months, and haven't had my mouth on a lovely pussy in very sad! My local and regular buddy John has contacted me regarding his need for my mouth, but we also acknowledge that we still need to respect the Covid. So we just send cock sucking pictures back and forth. He usually adds a note describing what he wants to do to/with me when we can hook up again. What he writes along with the pictures gets me hard & I usually jack off if I am alone with no sexless wife close by:). We used to coordinate our schedules a week or so in ad… Đọc thêm

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Being a careful slut.....?....updated.

I admit it's not the smartest thing I have done considering this pandemic, but I loose sight of doing the smart and prudent thing when faced with a nice cock to suck.... Since my last posting I have been doing limited business travel. Always going beyond the state guide lines and following airline rules. When at home working from my home office I have also been very diligent with Covid19 safety procedures. That being said I have had a couple of weak moments when my slut side takes control & I have replied to an add while on the road, or a local inquiry via xhamster. In late August while o… Đọc thêm

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Pandemic smarts vs Desires.......updated.

Business trip into WI. mid June I hate to admit this because I do believe in the pandemic separation rules needed to keep the shit from spreading.....but I fell of that wagon recently while out in Milwaukee on a solo business trip. I had two nights to kill in a very nice hotel and logged on to the local CL listings. I was very surprised to see that the CL protocol in that area is far more open than here in N. CA( you get flagged for most anything other than selling a puppy it seems). I read a few CL adds in the Milwaukee area that obviously had sexual content..... hooray:). After reading a… Đọc thêm

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Scheduling difficultities: UPDATED:)....AGAIN:)

It has been about 4 weeks since I first met with Dave and enjoyed getting my mouth down onto a nice cock again. The delay in repeating that fun has not been for the lack of desire, but mainly due to our inability to have the needed security(we are both married....and suffering with the sexless variety)required to enjoy ourselves. Yesterday a short window of opportunity came for me to host. I had contacted D letting him know that there might be a chance, so he was ready (he works about 10min away). It is always a bit risky, but I was hungry to submit and get on my knees for alpha cock, and he w… Đọc thêm

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Drought is over!

There had been zero adult fun(discounting jacking off) for a couple of months, but now I can rejoice a bit because the drought is over. The no pussy drought has been a years long problem, and I have basically given up on that. I would love it if the wife would sit down on my face like she used to do on a regular basis. Now however my pleasure is to just be submissive for a cool alpha buddy. Open my mouth for his face fucking Easy to contemplate, but difficult to make it happen safely. My cop buddy has been noticeably silent since well before xmas, and I had given up on that… Đọc thêm

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A reunion and an old "buddy" shows up

Late in 2017 I travelled back to Toronto to attend a reunion set up for a fraternity of men(and a few women) that worked in the small but specific technical trade. Not all for the same company, many times as competitors. I guess that I had travelled the farthest to get there and was a bit late upon arrival. It was great to see old friends, some I recognized and remembered there names even(that was a plus for me..... I am shit when recalling names). As I talked with old friends, who should appear but "A's" old lover "D". He waited for me to acknowledge, and soon we had stepped aside to talk a… Đọc thêm

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Fun bits dug from the past:

This goes way back to my early days with "A" (fun hot wife #1). We are at a house party in the suburbs of Toronto. The hosts where a couple in their mid to late 30's. We knew some of the people there, but most where strangers and for the most part a few years older than "A" and friends of the host couple. It was a small house and a small group that filled the main party room up easily. Drinks and loud music started to get couples up and dancing. "A" and I danced & hung close until she saw a friendly face join the party. It was her boyfriend "D" along with a friend of his that we hadn't… Đọc thêm

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Failures and Fantasies:

Failure: recent1 I recently failed to find a way over to hook up with that Dom cop buddy. He was needing his fat alpha cock sucked, and gave me no advanced notice. I could not have finished what I was working on, then driven over and got on my knees so he could fill my mouth with cock and cum(he isn't a quick shooter), and get back in time to pick up the wife. If it was possible in the time I had it would have been so slutty to go pick up my sexless wife just after sucking the Dom cop! But, I had to tell him that I couldn't meet him.....and he was not pleased! He sent this later.… Đọc thêm

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Filling in the Blanks:

While working on those chapters I have recalled many small highlights. A few instances and discoveries that all became a part of my mindset, and lifestyle I live today. These recollections will not be in any order. Just snippets of the fun times then and now. I am sure that many of you cuckolds or bi cock suckers out there have had faced similar situations and adventures. The bed sheets and pillow cases: I remember coming back to the apartment late one night after being away for just a couple of days I think. Dark quiet apartment and I tried to not wake "A". A quick short shower later and I… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 28: Brief CD Master fun

This was a potentially great CD introduction that I messed up badly. I used Craigslist again in search of other local men that liked to dress up. I wanted to go further than panties, garters and stockings. Received many replies, but mostly it was from men wanting pictures of me in panties etc. I was getting discouraged until I received a reply from a man that said he wanted to be my CD master if I passed his list of requirements. After many emails and phone calls he accepted me as his CD "student". I was instructed to search out and purchase a list of fem attire that he would like to see on m… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 27: More blanks...1st real Dom Master

By now I knew that "T" wasn't going to give me her pussy to penetrate. I did get to still eat it on a regular basis though(this is 2013ish), and I also realized then that I was just meant to be a submissive to men and women. I had connected via Craigslist with a long distance master that wanted to take over as my chastity key holder. "T" wasn't the most focused key holder so I accepted his desire to control my cock. "T" was totally unaware of all this. I only knew him as Master, and I think that he controlled a few other submissives… both male and female. It was kinky fun for a few months, b… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 26: Filling in the blanks...playing a cuck

FUN with a BI COUPLE:) I met this married couple via an add I made that offered my oral services to any interested couples. I didn't expect much reply traffic, because I had tried that approach before with zero success. This time I got a serious reply from a middle-aged local couple.... B and C. They had k**s and couldn't play at their house..... but I could then because the wife "T" was out of the country for about a month then. We met at a restaurant and seemed to get along.....they wanted to play with a bi guy.... she wanted to watch her husband suck cock and get sucked, while he wanted a… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 25: Reconnecting with the Dom Cop...

Just received this email..... Slut, See, no matter how much you try to deny it you're a panty wearing cock slut. Of course I think about ramming my fat cock down your throat and hearing you gag. I think about the feel of your tongue in my ass. You licking my balls. Me fingering your tight ass (which I will fuck one day) and hearing you groan. The look of lust in your eyes as you worship my cock. Yes, I think about that. Give me a call when you get back and we'll arrange to meet. At the very least to catch up. Or maybe to feed your thirst for cum...who knows Mr G Meeting up with the Cop can… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 24 continued:

I still get some real pussy treats from "T", but they are few and far between for my liking. If she allowed me to eat her lovely pussy on a weekly basis I wouldn't be looking for cock to suck (okay, maybe not as many cocks to suck:). I eventually cut it off from the gay San Rafael man..... very nice guy, and I wish him well, but I can't go camping with him and have him destroy my ass with his beautiful big cock. How could I explain a bleeding torn up asshole when I got home to my sexless wife?? I eventually contacted with a great Dom alpha man that would become a two year cock sucking adven… Đọc thêm

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Chaptor 24: My local fun

At first I was very careful and hesitant about trying to contact local men that might need their cock sucked on a regular basis. I wanted to find some local secure man that might need regular oral relief because they didn't get any at home(lots and lots of those guys...sadly). My first contact was from a single man down in San Rafael. I made contact and after a few emails arranged to stop by at his apartment when driving home from the SFO airport. First meeting was intense..... a surprise to me because he was so very passionate and aggressive once I was in the door. A cool good looking guy th… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 23: Before I describe my local fun.

While tending to business, and not having decent time to write, I recalled some other good bi experiences that I had while traveling and using Craigslist. Otis from Dallas: African American and bit reserved at first. Well built and maybe in his 40's. I had to assure him that I had no color barriers before he decided to visit me. He wasn't my first(and hopefully not my last) colored man that I had the pleasure of sucking. He wasn't a dominant man..... was very reserved, polite, and in need of sexual relief. What I do remember most was that his lovely cock had a bend in it..... curved to my l… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 22: Some hits and some misses on the road.

Not all adventures made the grade while using the Craigslist adds for finding cock. Many wasted hours waiting for no that looked like a good fit, and told a good story, but bailed out without a word.....and after I had told other potential cocks that I would be busy. So the result would be no cocks to suck that night:( Turns out over the years that the cool Dom men are in the minority. Most are just men needing relief, and just want somebody to suck them off. That's okay as well. I enjoyed helping a brother out:). There was more than a few that wanted to fuck my ass once in th… Đọc thêm

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Chapter 21: Favorites that I remember well...

Now that I have had the taste and experience of being with that Dom guy, I know that I am on the right path for me. I thought that I could get guys like that in every city I visited. I'm sure they are out there, but I didn't find as many as I would have liked.... Not that I didn't have visitors in my hotel rooms(thanks to Craigslist....please come back:). At home I hadn't found a safe and secure partner yet, but I will in the future & will add a blog describing the few local cocks I made friends with in my hometown. But for now (2011- 2017...whenever CL pulled the fun plug:(, I will list… Đọc thêm

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