An old friend comes to stay

It was a couple of months since I first met Crissy and Anthony. We had met just the once since for a few hours of fun, but now they had invited me to their home. That sounded ideal to me as I thought I would be fucking Crissy all weekend whenever we wanted without having to worry about anyone else. So, I was really excited. I turned up at midday and was greeted at the door by Crissy. She immediately pulled me to one side in the front porch and gave me a long passionate kiss. My hands went immediately to her arse and I pulled her in close so our bodies were touching. I felt my cock stiffen. I w… Đọc thêm

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Sex in New York part 2

It was an older building, and they climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. He let her go first so that he could admire her neat backside. The short skirt just covered her panties but little more, and her long smooth legs were a delight. They reached the landing; she let him pass and unlock the door to the apartment. ‘How lucky I am!’ she thought ‘to be able to stay in such a nice place.’ He showed her the facilities, then they stood together looking out of the window at the street scene below. Neither spoke for a while, then she said ‘It’s been a long day. I’m going to have a shower now. Is th… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi samd4b 2 năm trước đây 6

Sex in New York

A week in New York It was her first time in New York. She’d been to the States with her parents before, to Washington DC, but this was different. Charlotte wanted to get away from home, from her suffocating parents (as she saw them), and she’d been offered a place at a prestigious university to study humanities. For her it was perfect, yet the butterflies in her stomach were swarming as she left the ‘plane and headed for the arrivals hall at JFK. Thank goodness there was someone there to meet her and help her settle into her new life. It took half an hour to clear immigration, but soon she w… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi samd4b 2 năm trước đây 5