LESSON ONE Let's talk about the "basic penis." I regard oral sex as the highest form of expression of love that can be exchanged between two people. Hopefully this information will help you to break down any barriers which you might have that would prevent you from expressing your love in this way and from receiving a reciprocation from your male companion. First things first. LOOK at the cock. I do not mean a cursory glance not a hurried, surreptitious examination. Take enough time that you convince your companion that some kind of treat is in store for him provided he will allow you to… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi HoneyBanana 7 năm trước đây 3


WHAT IS DEEPTHROAT? Deepthroat is a variation of Fellatio where the entire length of an erect penis is taken into the mouth and throat without gagging. IS IT POSSIBLE TO CONTROL THE GAG REFLEX? Yes. Just as those who wear contact lenses condition themselves not to blink when placing a lens on the eyeball, you can condition yourself not to gag when a penis enters your throat. CAN ANYONE CONDITION THEMSELVES TO PERFORM DEEPTHROAT? Again, yes. However there are some limitations. An example would be someone with a small oral cavity attempting to slide a large penis into the throat… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi HoneyBanana 7 năm trước đây 7