Sissy humiliated by mother in law

This is a true story, at the time I was on holiday with my wife (Susan) and my in laws were with us and sharing their holiday house. I always sleep naked, and Susan insists and my genitals always smooth and shaved. I had got up to go to the loo yesterday morning. However I was in there sometime and hadn't realised that Susan had got up and was sitting chatting with her mother on the patio outside our bedroom. So I walked back into the room naked and in full view of Susan and her mother. I jumped aside but obviously by now my mother in law had seen the full picture, I got on a pair of shorts we… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi wannabecucked69 3 năm trước đây 17

285 – My New Cleaner

I got home and opened the windows leaving the back door open to get a through draft and as it was so hot I decided to keep my shorts on, I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on ready for Gloria’s arrival and had a brief look around, the flat was relatively tidy apart from a few boxes s**ttered about and although I’d just moved in I noticed that a clean through would be in order to maintain a standard.. I had no idea what she would charge but she was down on her luck and I was happy to help her out.. I sat down in the lounge to cool off and read my newspaper and had only got to page 3 lo… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi britguy 11 tháng trước đây 3

2nd Time Anal

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Đăng bởi mmmichaelmmm 2 tháng trước đây


First wife Sarah learned a few years before meeting me through her best friend that the best way to save her virginity at least till she was engaged was to give them a blow job and to then swallow as much load as possible with the view if she did a good job her partner would return the favour. She was reluctant to try it, but after another frustrating date with heavy fiore play but only hand relief she decided to surprise boy friend Roy with a gobble. He took her out for a nice meal, then a movie and after a quiet Hertfordshire lane where he figured they wouldn't, be disturbed. After some heav… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi expatriate 2 năm trước đây

local cottage

Just been up to the local cottage, went in but no one around except a couple of large pools of spunk on the floor, that really makes my cock stiffen, knowing someone has been in there not long before me having some fun, and all that spunk on the floor, mmmm, just had to touch it, then wiped it on my shirt. Went into the cubicle where there is a glory hole started wanking but still no one showed, decided to go down to local wooded area, saw a guy in his 60's or 70's I guess,I have seen him there before, exchanged pleasantry's and saw he was touching his cock as we talked I smiled and walked fur… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi Jaybi52 8 năm trước đây 20

fashion show for father in law

My then gf agreed to model some secy items that had been ordered on ebay and sent to my dads house. At the time she was 30 and he was a widowed 83. We arrived at his house and he was eager for the show to start, My gf went to heck out the items. She was not fully aware what I had ordered or how revealing some items were. She was a bit nervous and asked if I really expected her to wear everything in front of my dad. I told her she had promised and he would be very disappointed if we went back on the agreement. She reluctantly agreed to go along with it. We started with simple very short tight… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi pete1233333 1 năm trước đây 36

Early Teens

This goes back to my really early younger Teens. During my very yearly teens, we moved down through North Wales, Mid Wales and finally ended in South Wales. We ended up living in a very old village living in an old terrace house, hardly any garden and a big back yard. It seemed everyone knew each other's business, which was fine by us! Mum, being a widow, soon became friendly with the locals and especially with our next-door neighbours Eddy and Agnes. First of all, we were staying with an old lady Mrs.Kite and her very nice good looking daughter Sylvia. Although it was a three-bedroom hous… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi gmach1 6 tháng trước đây 8

Retired Grannies

Well my dad was living in a retirement center just a few minutes from my house. So I go by and see him and visit with him. Most the time I go while he was at dinner and I sit with him. He sits with several older ladies all in their late 70s and early to late 80s. A few of them are really not bad looking, but I never saw any of them as sexy. One day my dad called me and asked me to come over it was noon on a Saturday. I arrived and went to his apartment and on my arrival he informed me that he really did not need anything but one of his lady friends did. Her name was Wanda and she lived on th… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi cowboywired 5 năm trước đây 23

My First...

His knowing eyes and his furtive smile told me that he remembered me. Seated at the football game on a chilly autumn day, one row behind me and about five seats away, I spotted him. Sure, he had aged some. He was beginning to go gray at the temples, and his hairline had receded only slightly. Yet I recognized him immediately. You never forget the man who took your virginity. Ted lived in the house across from my parents and me when I was in high school. He was older than me, but by no more than ten years. Jesus, he was hot. From my bedroom window, I would salivate and rub my cock through my s… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi bearman1660 1 năm trước đây 2

Wife let old man have her

My wife ann use to look after this old wealthy man call john 3 times aweek he was 71 she would cook clean and do his shopping for him he would be looking at her all the time and she noticed he always had a hard on so I said she should go with a dress on sometimes and flirt with him to so what he dose next time she went she wore a short denim skirt white socks and a see through top no bra when see came home see was smiling so I asked her about her day she said as soon as he saw her he got a hard on and for the next hour she just keep bending over so he could see her arse she cleaned the house a… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi cbx1000 1 năm trước đây 2

Cuckold Training

It started with a picture my wife sent me attached to a text message... HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A RELAXING WEEKEND HUBBY. MINE JUST GOT A LOT MORE INTERESTING! And there, bending over a bed in the hotel room Carla was staying in - she was away at a conference in North Wales - stood my wife of twenty years in only her underwear - pink panties, matching pink balcony bra, ruby red stockings and high heels, smiling at the camera. Carla looked hot as hell. I felt my four inch cock spring to life immediately, but then, when I looked closer, I noticed a 7-8 thick monster cock in the foreground, erect, c… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi canadianbbw 8 tháng trước đây 5

Mother Inlaw Reaction

My wife and I went to visit he parents a few weeks ago. We arrived late in the afternoon and found my father inlaw had left for a couple of days to go help his brother mother inlaw was not overly happy about him leaving knowing we were combing for a visite. After getting settled we all loaded up and went to have dinner and ended up having a few drinks. My mother inlaw is not a drinker and the drinks hit her pretty hard. We got back to the house and sat around talking. During the conversation my mother inlaw asked about our daughters and as we spoke about them it slipped out our youngest… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi cowboywired 2 năm trước đây 12

Granny's Farm

Ronald loved the farm. As a city boy, living in a high rise with his mom and sisters, holidays at gran's place in the country were magical. It was like his very own personal theme park. It was a proper working farm. Hundreds of acres of paddocks with outhouses and machinery, horses and cattle and sheep and workers doing their work including his grandmother. She worked in the big house. The house was more like a mansion than a house, with miles of corridors and dozens and dozens of empty rooms for a young man to explore. It was so big that their pokey little flat in the city would easily have… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi canadianbbw 4 tháng trước đây 9

New neighbour.

I saw my new neighbour about a week ago, I just said hi and did she need a hand moving all her stuff? She was a bit moody so I left her alone. A few days later she came over to ask me for a favour, I was being neighbourly so I said okay! I walked through her front porch into the house and she said please can I go straight through to the kitchen. She stood up onto a small stool and showed me that the cupboard was broken. I looked up and all I could focus on was her tits, her top had lifted up because she was reaching up to the cupboard, it revealed her nipples. I was getting aroused in my pants… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi garethjones439 4 tháng trước đây 2

Bus Home

Bus Home After getting married at 22 I moved out of London into the sticks and to my first teaching job, at a secondary school in Devon. Not able to afford a car I had to get the bus from my village to the school. In fact it worked out pretty well because the bus I would catch in the mornings took me into the local town where at the bus station it became the school bus which would drop me right at the doors of where I worked. After school at 3pm the same situation occurred in reverse. The school bus became a regular service and I could stay on the bus until my village. The only draw back was… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi macosuma 2 năm trước đây 9


My wild gay secret teen sex life began innoncently enough that early June day when Bobby Courtland the star quarterback of our seventh grade Warner Football team announced to us all that Robin Roberts, our one and only Jr. high fag was up in the woods waiting to give him a hot after practice blow job. Dam if spring football Pop W. practice didn't end in a hurry as out of 17 of us there right then, 6 including myself quite egarly chose to follow our team leader Bobby C. up into those secretive concealing nearby woods. Having heard tons of stories or rumors about queer strange Robin sucking lot… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi cddixie 5 năm trước đây 23

My wife

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Đăng bởi titilation1 3 năm trước đây

German women taking the fist (M-Z)

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Đăng bởi deezer6 9 năm trước đây

My Uncle Les Part 1

My Uncle Les was what my mother called different in his twenties he played the clarinet professionally, not a job as far as she was concerned also at twenty eight he wasn't married and didn't look like he was going to be. The fact Les played for a Symphony Orchestra didn't come in to it, I'd hardly met him prior to a family wedding where he stayed with us for a few days. I liked him he had a different attitude to life that the rest of my family had, the fact he didn't go off his tree when he found me jerking off over some mags or for that matter didn't seem to see anything wrong at all. The ne… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi petercee 4 năm trước đây 3

watching naive girlfriend get Abuxxed by Turkish M

Watching naïve girlfriend get abused My current girl is extremely naïve. It is odd in that she is not young (28), was married in her teens and has a daughter already 10, yet she has had only about 6 cocks and only ever had vanilla sex. She has never been anywhere or done anything unusual. She has been c***d rearing or working all her life. She comes from a conservative Muslim but not religious family, in a conservative country and a conservative village. However, she is open and willing and ready to try things. Already after just a couple of months and one short trip abroad (her first… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi pete1233333 10 năm trước đây 23

For Mature Gentlemen.

With age comes a certain amount of freedom and perhaps even a certain amount of knowledge. At least a personal knowledge. Knowing what you want and now being mature and free enough, within yourself, to finally explore it. That is how I would describe myself, now even define myself. With age and all these years I might finally be ready, for the first time, to explore a forbidden sexual side. Maybe my lusts were stamped down, maybe they were just beginning to emerge, either way I was ready to try. I was curious, curious about a man's body. Curious to be touched by a man and to possibly even to… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi PaulMayer00 1 năm trước đây 4

Missed opportunities

As a teen, my best friend and I spent almost everyday together. In the sun, swimming, surfing, and being at the beach. It was in those years when so much change was occuring, emotionally, sexually. Also in those years, so many of us might of missed some incredible opportunities. Whether we didn't notice them or were just to shy or nervous to act on them, some chances escaped us. If we could go back and change them, would we? If we had the chance to act, what would we do? Looking back, my friend made so many comments, so many advances. Maybe I was naive, maybe I didn't want to see them or mayb… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi PaulMayer00 1 năm trước đây 2

Teacher plays strip math

My favorite teacher was my math teacher, Mrs. Gibson. She was in her late thirties, a wife and a mom, but man, was she sexy! She had long full blonde hair, a pretty face, was average in height, and had big tits. Like most of the teachers she dressed casual more than she dressed up, but whatever she wore, it was hard to hide her hot body. I wasn't much of a math student, and since I had math my last class of the day, I spent most of the period staring at Mrs. Gibson and having fantasies about her. She didn't wear skirts very often, but when she did, I would try to look up her skirt as she sat o… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi ppa77_01 3 năm trước đây 1

First time meeting a dirty old grumpy man/grandpa

This man is no longer on xhamster so I feel comfortable sharing our time on here now. I came across this old man’s on xhamster search, was just what I was looking for; 70 years old, bald, clean shaven and quite chubby and lived in same city, the only problem was his profile said ‘straight old man looking for women of all ages’ Still, I sent him a message asking if he’d ever consider being sucked by a younger male to watch I got the reply: NO I’M STRAIGHT!!. I thought oh well, that’s his choice, then out of the blue couple months later I got a message saying: If you really want my old cock, you… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi tuggatom 1 năm trước đây 1

Shoe Shop

As an avid granny lover and being relatively young (45) I decided three years ago to open a small shoe shop that specialised in shoes for an elderly clientele. Everyone said I was mad and would go bust in short order. But the point is that elderly women really do appreciate the very personal service I provide. When I first opened, my perverted objective was just to look up old ladies’ skirts. You see, my customers range in age from late sixties to early eighties and I found that if you showed them some interest and flattery a few of them responded with wanting me to help them in other ways. On… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi HeadmasterE4 10 tháng trước đây 5


It was our first summer without our dad. He passed away of a heart attack last November. We hemmed and hawed for a long time before deciding to continue our annual family camping trip. For over twenty-five years we had spent the first week of August at Lake Wellenchuk as a family. It wasn't our only family ritual, but it was one we had kept up even as our lives got hectic with college, an almost wedding and the rest of it. So it was with a heavy heart and only the third time since dad's funeral that we were all together again (the other two being one Christmas and Kevin, our youngest brother's… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi tuggatom 1 năm trước đây

Birthday Present

I sat down at a small table looking out onto the hotel carpark and took a small sip of beer. I placed the glass down as I didn’t want to drink too fast or too much. I resisted the urge to look at my watch every few minutes, but just as my glass was almost empty I seen him exit the hotel, get into his car and drive off. Nervously I slowly made my way back to the hotel room, deliberately trying to calm myself down. I opened the room door quietly, entered and locked it behind me. My wife was lying spread-eagled on the large but rather dishevelled bed, her black fishnet holdup stockings were almo… Đọc thêm

Đăng bởi tretest 1 năm trước đây 13