Pastors family 10

This story is fiction.....

Things are going well with me and Phillip. We are having lunch and breaks
together and I have stopped going to the weight room, since they closed it
for renovations or whatever... so I am with him in study hall. I no longer
ride the bus to the high school. Phillip has been taking me home. We have
some alone time at my house most days and we spend it in my room naked. I
love kissing him and when he kisses me, it is like total bliss. We suck
each other off a lot, but we haven't fucked yet. He says we should let
things happen naturally. He has given me a rope necklace that he made and I
wear it all the time.

Friday is here and classes are over. I am walking through the school with
Phillip. We don't hold hands because we are in the Bible Belt of
America. We get to the parking lot and head towards my house. We are alone
at the house and head to my room. We get naked and I start kissing on
Phillip. I love every thing about him. He pulls away and asks how long we
will be alone and I said Luke will stay at school for the football game and
so will John. Phillip gets out of bed and grabs my hand.

He pulls me and we go to the bathroom and then he opens the door to Luke's
bedroom. He turns the light on and there are dirty clothes all over the
floor. Boxers and jeans and gym shorts. His bed is unmade. Phillip walks
over and gets in my older brother bed and smiles. He says come on and lay
down. I look at Luke's sheets and see dried cum stains on his grey
sheets. I get in bed and Phillip becomes more aggressive in his kissing. He
starts grinding his cock into my nuts as we kiss.

Phillip grabs my head and pushes me down to his cock. I open my mouth and
start sucking him. Sucking my boyfriends cock makes me feel special. Before
long Phillip is pulling my body and we are now in the 69 position. I am
sucking him and he is sucking me. This is what sex is supposed to feel
like. Mutual pleasure. Phillip pulls my dick out his mouth and starts
sucking on my nuts. And then he takes aim at my hole. His tongue is licking
and pushing at the small opening. I love the feeling. Is today the day he
finally fucks me?

I feel finger start probing in my hole along with his tongue. I start
sucking harder on his cock. Phillip pushes my ass off his chest and I lay
beside him again. We kiss and he looks at me and says you want to try to go
further and I nod. He said suck me and get me wet, I say I know where some
lube is. I jump out the bed and grab the bottle of Lube from Luke's
nightstand and give it to Phillip. I get in bed and lay on my back and
watch as he starts dripping the lube on his cock. I ask him how he wants
me. He says right there, just lift up your legs. I want to look at you as
we do this.

Phillip gets up and pushes my knees to my chest. I feel his fingers rubbing
lube on my little hole. I close my eyes and wait. Phillip stops moving. I
open my eyes and Phillip says don't close your eyes. Look at me. He aims
his cock at my hole and is gentle. He presses and I push out and he slowly
enters me. Phillip is looking me in my eyes and I see the pleasure in his
face as he goes balls deep inside me. He leans over and kisses me. He
starts to slowly fuck me and I just look at him and his chest and body as
he does.

What an amazing feeling as he fucks me. He smiles and asks if I am ok and I
say yes. Phillip says can I go harder and I just nod. He picks up the
rhythm of his thrusting. I can hear our bodies clapping together. He grabs
my dick and starts jerking me off as he fucks me. I am so caught up int he
feelings, I shoot very fast. Phillip feels my ass spasm on his cock and he
says in a hurried voice, do I need to pull out and I say no. This causes
him to grab my legs and fuck even faster and when he cums, he goes all the
way in me and holds. I watch as his body convulses.

Phillip leans down and kisses me. He pulls out of me and lays on the bed
and we start to cuddle. He asks me if I am ok and I say I am wonderful. He
said he is too. He holds me a few minutes and then he pulls my head to face
him. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips, and says I love you Mattie. I
say I love you too and we hug. This is what love feels like.

Before long, Phillip says we should shower. We head to the bathroom and we
shower. We wash each other and play around. My fave part is drying him off
and getting to feel and explore every each of his body. We get dressed and
Phillip says you want me to take you tot he game or you taking your bike. I
say you are not going and he says he has to be home soon and cant go
tonight. I say I will ride with you if thats ok.

We get the high school and Phillip drives to the entrance where the
football field is and lets me out. We kiss and he leaves. I pay for my
ticket and go inside. I walk around and finally go into the stands and grab
a seat. I look at the time and still have about an hour before the game
starts. I text John and Luke to let them know I am here and will need a
ride hime. Luke replies and says ok.

I start playing Pokemon on my cell and walking around again to catch
them. I get a text from Luke that says, go to the bathrooms near the
science lab and wait. I go into the gym and walk out into the hall and
towards the bathrooms. I walk in and I see Luke in his football uniform and
all his padding and gear. He says hurry the fuck up. I walk towards him and
he opens the stall and I go in. He closes the door and says blow me. I
shake my head no and say I can't I have a boyfriend now. In a split second
I feel his hand as he slaps my face. Luke says, you still have trouble
obeying me. Do you want another slap? I stare at the floor and shake my
head no.

I close the toilet lid and sit down, he says no, get on your knees. I drop
to my knees and reach up to his uniform pants. I start to undo them and
unlace them. I see his cup inside, I have never seen him with it on
before. Luke gets impatient and pushes my hands away and grabs his cock and
pulls it out and grabs my head. I take his soft cock into my mouth and even
soft, he fills my mouth. I stat sucking and feel him growing. Before long,
He i shimmering the back of my throat. I say we have to get into a
different position if u want me to take it all.

Luke slaps the side of my face and says no talking, he continues to pound
the back of my throat. I am gagging with each thrust. I try to suck
harder. Luke has the back of my head and pulls my into each of his
thrust. Luke grabs the rope necklace that Phillip gave me and uses it to
pull me head onto his cock. He twists his hand in the top and it tightens
around my neck. I am holding the back of his thighs and I feel him tense
up and I know he is close. I close my eyes and just wait. Three more
thrusts and he fills my mouth with his load. I swallow and keep sucking. He
lets go of my head and I suck on the head as I squeeze top from the base of
my older brothers cock. Getting every drop of his load is my goal.

Luke steps back and I feel another slap to my face and he says good job. I
watch as he gets his cock put away and starts lacing up his pants. I get up
off the floor and wait until he is done. He opens the door and says be at
the car after the game if you want to ride with me and he starts jogging
out the bathroom and back towards the gym. I walk out and go back to the
stands and take my seat.

Finally the game starts. We score on our first possession and the crowd is
loving it. Half time comes and we are tied 14 to 14. The team goes to the
locker rooms and the band comes on the field. I get a text and its Luke
again. All it says is same place...Now. I get up and head back inside. I
get to the bathroom and again, Luke is waiting at the stall door. I walk
towards him. He pushes the stall door open, I walk in and there is Chase
standing there in his uniform. Luke says blow him and make it fast. I feel
Luke push my shoulders down, so I drop to my knees and look up at the jock
in his uniform looking down at me. He works and gets his cock out and he is
already hard. I lick the head and take him in my mouth. I start sucking on
Chase and I feel Luke come up behind me. He stands and his legs are against
my shoulders and he grabs my head. My older brother pushes my head as his
friend is thrusting his cock in my mouth. Luke is forceful as he pushes my
head to meet Chase's thrusts. And then without any warning, my mouth is
filled with teenage cum. I swallow and suck him clean. I look up as Chase
gets his uniform pants pulled up and him and Luke high five over my head
and walk out.

I get up and instead of heading to the stands, I go to the car. I climb in
the front seat and close the door. I start music on my iPhone and
wait. Finally I see people starting to leave. The game is over. The parking
lot empties and finally I see the guys on the team coming out the gym. They
have showered and changed. Luke comes to the car and gets in. We head out
the parking lot.

We pull into a waffle house and Luke says come on, lets eat. We go in and
grab a booth. The lady comes over and Luke orders steak and eggs. I order a
waffle and we both get cokes. Luke is on his cell, so I sit in silence and
watch the cook. The waitress is swamped with customers. We finally get our
food and Luke starts talking. Without keeping a low voice, he says so tell
me about this boyfriend bullshit. Are you guys serious and I look
around. Almost every booth is full and people at the counter. I look at him
and nod. He says well I don't give a fuck what you guys are, but you are
mine first and you will always listen to me, we understand each other. I
just nod as I am cutting my waffle.

After we finish eating Luke is talking to some older guy about the game so
I go outside and wait. There is a group of guys hanging around the front of
the building and they are smoking. I cough and walk past them to the car. I
hear somebody say the faggot must not like smoke. I walk faster. I hear
the voice again, go home fucking faggot. I get to the car and get in and
when I look back, I see Luke as he is throwing punches. I see 2 guys drop
to the ground and the rest of them back away from Luke. I can see Luke
pointing at the guys and saying something but I cant hear him.

Finally, the 2 guys not he ground are getting up and Luke walks towards the
car. They are following him. I roll down the window and yell behind
you. Luke just waves his hand as if saying be quiet. I roll up my window
and Luke comes to my side and opens the door. The group of guys has
dwindled to only the 2 that I saw getting punched. They say sorry about
that man, we were just talking shit, but I hope we are cool. I just stare
at the floor in the car. Luke shuts the door and they shake hands and Luke
gets in.

Luke starts the car and says are you ok and I say yea. He puts his hand on
top my hand and rubs my head. He says I love you with short hair and we
both laugh. We head home. John is in the den when we get there. Luke stops
to talk to him and I head on upstairs. I undress and put on some clean
boxers. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I am finishing up when I
hear the heavy footsteps of Luke coming up the stairs. I wipe my face and
leave the bathroom, closing the door on my side. I comb in my bed and me
and Phillip are texting good night to each other.

I put my iPhone on charging and turn off my lamp. I am feeling happy. I
drift off to sleep. I am awaken by Luke shaking my bed. I turn the lamp on
and roll over. I look at him and he said get your ass up and go sleep in my
bed. I say I don't want to cuddle, I just want to get some sleep. Luke
climbs in my bed and says we are not cuddling, but there is a huge cum spot
in my sheets, so you are your boyfriend must have fucked in my bed, so you
can sleep on the wet sheets. Luke is under my covers now and I move over to
give him room. He pushes me towards the edge of the bed and says get the
fuck out of this bed. I roll over and look at him and I said please just
let me sleep here. Luke just stares at me and he jerks his arm like he is
going to slap me. I jump up and stand beside the bed. Luke stretches out
under my covers and says good night.

I walk through the bathroom and grab a towel and walk into Luke's room. I
spread the towel over the wet spot in the bed and I lay down. I turn the
light off and go back to sleep.

Again, I am awakened. I felt the bed move and I assume Luke is climbing in
the bed. I turn over so he can cuddle me from behind. I feel hands on my
hips and my boxers are pulled down. I feel a hand feeling my ass and then
comes to my stomach and chest. And then the hands are gone. I reach over
and turn on the light and John is shocked to see me. He is naked and in the
bed with me. The shocking thing is John has the dildo and it is laying in
the bed between us.

John seems mad and says where is Luke and I saw he is sleeping in my room
tonight. I look at the dildo and say whats that for and John says just go
back to sleep. John is getting out the bed and I grab the dildo. It is
already lubed up. John says give me that and forget about this. I hold it
out and John snatches it and leaves the room. I hear his bedroom door
shut. I lay there and start thinking. He thought I was Luke. He thought he
was pulling Lukes boxers off. Was he going to use the dildo on Luke?

I get out the bed and go through the bathroom and open the door to my
room. I can hear Luke is in deep sleep. I walk back into his room and turn
off the lights and I close the doors. I climb in bed with Luke. He has his
back towards me, so I cuddled up to him. My arms are too small to reach
over him all the way, so my fingers dangle around his belly button. His
body is solid muscle and very warm. Just laying here touching him, I am
getting a hard on.

I reach between us and readjust my dick and put my arm over him again. I
move my hand to feel his chest and his abs and of course those biceps. I
move down his body and can feel his cock. It is semi hard. I hold it in my
hand. I just lay there a while. I finally let go of his cock and roll over
so my back is towards him. I pull the cover up to my shoulders and like
spins around on the bed and says that all you want to do to me when you
think I am sleeping. I was shocked that he was awake. He giggled when he
heard that he scared me. We lay in the dark face to face. I can feel his
breath on my face. He says why are you back in here.

I said John came in your room and woke me up so I came in here. Luke
shuffled in the bed and then he turns the lamp on. He props up on his elbow
and said what did John want in my room. I said all I know is he woke me up
when he pulled my boxers down. I could tell that Luke was worried. I said
he also had a dildo that had lube on it. I said what were you guys going to
do. Luke said nothing, go to sleep. I said was he going to fuck you with
it. A hard slap to my bare chest that made me lose my breath.

When I finished coughing, Luke said mind your business and don't worry
about me. My chest burned when he slapped me. Luke turned over towards the
wall and turned off the light. I got out of bed and went back to his bed. I
got in and covered up. I held my arms over my chest. Tears formed in my
eyes, but I refused to cry over Luke every again. I grabbed my phone to
start some Music and the bathroom door opened and the room filled with
light. I watched the outline of Luke walk to the bed. I could tell he was
still naked. He sat on the edge of the bed and called me. I didn't move. He
pulled the covers back and grabbed my arm. There was no use in resisting.
He pulled me around and my head was laying on his thigh.

He said what happens between me and John is our business. I said but you
let him join in with me and you so it should be my business too. Luke said
thats not how this works. I tried to sit up, but Luke pulled my head back
to his thigh. He said little buddy, me and you are going to get a few
things straight. Your mouth and ass belong to me. Your boyfriend can have
it when I am done. What happens between me and you is only between us,
don't ever tell anyone. I say what about Chase, Luke says you will do what
I tell you to do and with whoever I tell you to do it with. I nod. He says
what happens between me and John is our business, not yours, understand. I
nod. Luke gets up and leaves his room and closes the door. I tun over and
pull the covers up.

As I am going to bed, I thought I heard a noise. I open the room door that
leads to the hall and walked to Johns door and listened, but no sounds. I
go back in Lukes room, turn off the lamp. I go into the bathroom and close
the door and don't turn on any lights. I slowly open the bathroom door that
leads to my bedroom, and thats when I hear voices. The lamp beside the bed
is on, but the door opens out towards the bed. I push it enough to get into
the room and then I squat down next the door. I hear Luke talking. He
sounds out of breath, but keeps saying not so hard. I move over some and I
can see 2 people on my bed. Luke and john. My eyes are adjusting and I see
John. He is between Luke's legs and he has most of the dildo buried inside

I watch as John pulls it out and pushes it back in. Luke is moaning
every-time it bottoms out inside him. This goes on for several minutes.
Finally John pulls it all the way out and lays it on the bed. I watch as
John stretches out over Luke and then he aims his cock at his ass. John is
going to fuck Luke. I watch as he lines up his cock and then he body slowly
lays onto of Luke. They are fucking. I see johns ass moving, faster and
faster. Luke says he is cumming, That means he is shooting off on my
bed. John jabs at Lukes ass and stops thrusting. He must be shooting off
inside Luke. I get back into he bathroom and then back into Luke's room. I
climb in bed and wait. They must not have heard me. Finally I hear the hall
door close as John left Luke in my bedroom. Then Johns bedroom door
closes. wow, they fucked tonight.

I cover up and go back to sleep
Đăng bởi ab8715
5 năm trước đây
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dusty48180 5 năm trước đây
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badabbot 5 năm trước đây
Everyone has to deal with their own situation. This story suggests it is just a story I hope.
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mario-franz 5 năm trước đây
Good story of nice events!
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