Delicate Morgan.

Delicate Morgan
I’m not generally one for parties, but my very good friend Josie invited me to her open house to celebrate her new home. It’s quite lovely, and has a nice veranda to a deck to an in ground swimming pool. From the living room there are sliding doors that take you out to the pool. To the right is the front door, and through that door walked my good friend Karen and a new accompaniment. Karen is a stunning beauty. She’s tall with a lovely figure and a gorgeous face, long blonde hair, and smart. My kind of girl; except, I’m not her type; but, that’s another story altogether. She, being the strong woman that she is, entered boldly in a neatly tailored suit with an high collar and bow tie. With her tall slim, yet sculpted, figure, it was perfect. I would have expected nothing less from her. Nevertheless, what I really found compelling was her new friend. She was relatively tall (about 5’8”) paper thin, with a tiny, delicate frame, creamy skin, large brown eyes, and short, slicked back, coal black, hair. She wore a simple single piece dress that hung from her body as if it was still on the hanger — a flapper dress as from the 20’s which worked beautifully against Karen”s suit. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was unbelievably compelling: so diaphanously thin, so ultra-feminine, so fragile, yet, so sensuous. I had to meet her. I went up to Karen and said “Hi,” and we talked for a second until she introduced me to her new friend, Morgan. Somehow, I had to find a way seeing her away from Karen. I know that sounds deceitful, but I was obsessed. As I talked with her, all I could see were her delicate features: the tiny bones, her thin, gossamer arms and swan-like neck. I could feel my heart pounding as I tried appear calm and nonchalant. Then Karen said she saw somebody she had to say “hi” to and walked away. So, there we were, Morgan and I. We decided to walk around the pool and the yard. As we walked and talked I sensed that she was also interested in me. When we came to an area somewhat out of sight from the rest of the party, near my friend Josie’s guest room, I stopped and looked into her eyes. She peered back. I was terrified that what I wanted to do would put her off, would offend her. I still couldn’t read her as to whether she would appreciate being kissed by another woman; yet, for some inexplicable reason I sensed she would not object. I her told how wonderful it was to meet someone like her; and that, I felt very comfortable with her.
“Yes,” she said softly,”as do I with you.”
At that point I gently kissed her on the cheek, at which point she immediately kissed me on the mouth At that moment we realised it might be better to go inside to the guest room where we could be alone. We went inside through the sliding doors; I then closed the curtains to them. I approached her from behind and cupped her tiny shoulders in my hands and then kissed her her neck and shoulders. I gently slid the strap off her right shoulder and watched it cascade down to expose a portion of her ribby chest. There was almost no breast to speak of, only a slight swelling under a small puffy type nipple. In fact, the nipple was almost the whole breast. She then turned and faced me. Staring into my eyes she then slipped the other strap off letting her dress fall to the floor leaving nothing but her panties. At first I simply stared at her. She was so thin — skinny, virtually no breasts, clearly visible ribs, pencil-thin, soft delicate arms. Her thighs were the same size as my calves and had this wide, erotic gap between them. I could feel myself getting wet. We kissed again and I touched her all over. Everything about her was soft! The tender cushion of her lips, the softness of her tiny frail arms, the ripple of her ribs beneath my fingers, and the minute tuft of breast and its stimulated nipple excited me over and over. From her threadlike collarbones to her feet she was this divine vision of gossamer beauty.
She looked at me with those big brown eyes and smiled, “So, now it’s your turn.”
She slowly unbuttoned my blouse exposing my rather small breasts.
“Oh, how lovely. They’re divine. You are gorgeous my dear.” Her elegantly slender fingers gently caressed one of my breasts and then tenderly teased its nipple. Needless to say, my heart was racing! She gently pushed back my blouse exposing all of my upper body. She glided her hands over me and cooed, “You’re beautiful.” She squeezed my arms, “and, I must say, very fit,” she uttered sensuously with a wry little smile. She proceeded to undo the belt to my skirt, looking up at me leeringly, “let’s see the rest of you.” My skirt fell to the floor. Now we were both nude except for our panties. This time we embraced very passionately. As we kissed I surreptitiously put my hand under her panties and slowly emigrated to between her legs. Suddenly she caught my hand and pulled away. She looked worried, almost frightened, her winsome body shook. Of course I was perplexed.
“Morgan, what’s the matter?”
She spoke to me in almost a mutter, “Before we go any further, there’s something you have to know.” She then pulled down her panties and to my ecstatic joy — was a penis! It was tiny, shaven with a teeny scrotum to match; and without the confinement of her “special” panties it was becoming erect. Even then it was tiny. She had become so excited that even this tiny, barely larger than my clitoris, penis was getting stiff. It was adorable!
I grinned at her and said, “do you want to know how I feel?”
“Yes, I do.” she said in all seriousness.
“Well, here’s what I think.” I went over to her, got down on my knees and proceeded to play with that tiny three inch (at best!) penis.
To be continued…?
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