Work expeience a few weeks later

The day it all started was just a normal day. We were expecting a senior partner. It was someone everyone in the office knew except me. Having just started, I had not met him yet. His name was Dave.

He showed up around 10. Now I know he is 52. When I saw him, I thought he was 40-something. He was not super handsome, but he was better than average. He was tall, a bit overweight, but in that way you'd think you wouldn't want to fight him.

What stood out was that he was funny. From the moment he walked in, he had me laughing or giggling. He was a flirt, but not in a creepy way. I could see why everyone liked him. We chatted, laughed. He met with my boss. He came out. We chatted and laughed some more. Then he left. Nothing unusual.

The next day, he sent an email to me. Nothing wild, just a normal welcome aboard. Nice meeting you. Looking forward to working with you. I responded by saying it was fun meeting him and I hoped to see him again. That was the starting point. Right there. That's when I invited him in.

He responded that he would not be back for a while but that we could chat by email if I wanted. I said I'd like that. I actually liked the idea. I had free time in the office and chatting with this witty guy would be fun. I gave him my personal email and text and told him to stay in touch.

During that day, he sent me a few funny things. Nothing out of the ordinary for me, but they were things that obviously required thought and an understanding of my sense of humor. I was enjoying the conversation and light flirting.

The next few days, there were good morning emails from him. We'd chat during my slow periods. As our chats went on, he got a little more personal and a little more flirty and sexual. I did not mind. Through our conversations, I felt we were really getting to know each other.

One particularly slow day, he asked what I was doing. I said nothing but that the office was slow today. He said I should spice it up.

I asked how and he said, "You're a pretty girl. I'm sure you could spice up any room."

I replied and asked how he suggested I do that. His response was that he could think of something.

I asked him to tell me, and he asked if that was a dare.

I hesitated. I'd played truth or dare in school; it was always sexual. Was this conversation going that way? I figured, what the hell, a dare or two might be fun. So I said yes. I dared him to tell me how to spice up my day. In return, he said only if I promised to do it. I told him I promised. After all, he was not here, and no one could force me to do anything.

He said. "Before I dare you, tell me what you wore to work."

I was feeling flirty, so why not?

I was wearing a blue pleated skirt and a cream blouse. He wanted more. How long was the skirt? How many buttons on the blouse? Was I wearing stockings? What was I wearing underneath? This was a little fun. He was in another office in Manchester, so what was the harm in telling him? I told him I was wearing a matching thong and bra, white with pink lace. He responded appreciatively.

He said, "Here is your dare." Pull your skirt up so you are not sitting on the back. So you can feel your bum against the seat. Let the front fall where it may. "

The puzzle was pretty easy. My desk was where everyone could see me, but people were busy and no one was looking. I agreed and, while sitting, pulled my skirt up as far as it would go. Then I scooched up just enough to pull my skirt out from under me.

Just as I did that, I looked to my left. One of the junior partners, Tom, had seen me. I felt my heart jump. I also had to admit it was hot. My skirt front was about 2" from my crotch and I was caught pulling it up.

I quickly told Dave what happened. He asked how it made me feel getting caught. I had to admit it was a rush of excitement. Even though I'm 19 and don't have a lot of experience, I always liked being looked at.

Here I was showing off in the office. My heart was beating faster. I was very nervous, but I had to admit it was also fun. I told him exactly how I felt. He asked me if it was a turn on knowing I'd been caught. It was, and I told him. He asked me if I thought the guy was still checking me out. I looked over. He was looking at me, but all of a sudden he turned and looked away. I pretended I didn't notice.

I told Dave he was looking at me. I took a makeup mirror out of my desk and put it on top in a position where I could see Tom. I could see he kept on checking out my legs as I sat there. Again, I told Dave what was happening. He again asked me how I felt about it. I started to see a pattern. Every time he asked me about something, he asked me how I felt about it.

I told Dave exactly how I felt. He asked if I was ready for my next dare.

I am intrigued now. The last one was fun. Tom was still checking me out. I wondered what the next dare would be. I told Dave I was ready. He said, "I dare you to scratch your upper thigh almost all the way to the band of your pants, pulling your skirt up as you go." I thought about it. I knew Tom kept looking. I knew if I did the dare, he would see me do it. The idea both scares and excites me.

I told Dave okay. Dave responded by asking me to tell him when I'd done it and what, if any, was the sales rep's reaction. I still had my make-up mirror on my desk. I dropped my hand to my thigh and started scratching my thigh. The sales rep saw me and just watched. I could see him by looking in the mirror. He kept glancing away, hoping I wouldn't catch him, but he looked more and more. Slowly,

I slid my skirt up as I scratched. As I did, Tom looked away less and less. I could feel the front of my skirt sliding up. It was pretty much in my lap. As my hand moved up, I was exposing more and more of my leg. Since I wasn't sitting on my skirt, I was also exposing the back of my ass. By the time I got to the top, Tom was just staring at me. I pretended not to notice.

I pulled my hand away and let my skirt fall back into place. The side dropped down, but the front stayed almost up to my waist. If someone came to my desk, they would see my pants. I'm not sure if the sales rep could see them from where he was.

I told Dave it would happen. Again, he asked me how I felt. I told him I was extremely nervous, but that was really fun. He asked me again if I was turned on. I had to admit my pussy was wet. I just told him it made me feel sexy. He asked if I wanted my next dare.

I knew that I shouldn't. I was feeling excited and hot, but I said, "That's enough."

Even though I said it, I knew I wanted more, and I was glad I said it. We reverted back to our regular chat.

When it was time to leave, he said, "One more dare."

I doubted I'd do it, but asked what it was. His dare was for me to only wear skirts and dresses from now on and, no matter what, not to sit on the back of them. My a$$ is always directly on the seat.

I replied, "We'll see," and headed home.

The next day, I started to get dressed. I looked in my closet. Dave's words came to mind. What the heck, I thought. I put on a short skirt and a top.

When I got to the office, I did exactly what Dave asked. I was sure Tom noticed.

There was the usual good morning from Dave. We had a little chat and flirting. He asked what I was wearing, and I told him.

"Good girl," he said. I liked it.

He then asked if I was sitting with my ass on the chair like he asked.

I replied, "Yes."

He asked if my pants were showing. I looked down. They were, and I told him.

He asked me if I was ready for my next dare. I knew I should say no, but I really liked doing them yesterday and truthfully couldn't sleep wondering what he would have asked if I had said yes. I admit I played with myself till I came, with that thought in mind before I fell asleep.

I said, "Sure."

The dare was to call Tom over to my desk and show him something or ask him a question. I knew that if I called him over, he would see right up my skirt. My stocking tops and panties would be on full display. I told Dave I couldn't do it. He said "Yes I could" and coaxed me to do it. I finally agreed. I have to admit I wanted to do it from the start but hesitated, wondering about the consequences. I also enjoyed the feeling of being told what to do.

I called Tom over. I thought he was going to fall over himself getting to my desk. When he got there, it was obvious he could see my stocking tops and panties. He was trying not to stare, but he was doing it poorly. I could not believe I was doing this, but it felt hot. Feeling brave, I pushed back from my desk a little, giving him a good view. I gave him the papers I'd called him over for, and he went back to his desk.

I told Dave what happened. Again, he asked me how I felt. By this time, I was feeling hot and excited. It made me feel very sexy to show off. He was making me see a side of myself I didn't really realize I had.

All I said was, "This is hot."

He asked me if I was ready for my next dare. I knew it would be something more. I wasn't sure what I could do, but I was very curious as to what he would ask. Again, I knew I shouldn't do it, but I couldn't help myself.

I said, "Yes."

It was now lunchtime. Being a poor college student, I usually eat lunch at my desk. Most of the staff go out. Dave asked me who was in the office. I told him just the two junior partners. One was working. The other one, the one who watched me show off, well, I don't think he wanted to leave his desk. Dave gave me my next dare.

He told me to go to the bathroom and tuck the back of my skirt into my pants. He told me to come out and walk by the two guys. If they said anything, I was to fix my skirt. If they didn't when I sat down, I was supposed to pretend to notice and say "oh my God." Why didn't you tell me my skirt was up?" My heart was beating fast. I was wearing a thong. If I did this dare, my ass would be on full display to both the guys.

I'm not sure what possessed me to say yes, but I did. I got up and walked to the restroom. When I got there, I looked in the mirror. I asked myself why I was doing this. I could see my face was flushed. I could also tell my pants were getting soaked. I reached behind me and tucked the back of my skirt into my panties. I checked it out in the mirror. With just the little bit I tucked in, you really couldn't see much. I hesitated. Then I tucked more into my pants. Now my ass was on full display.

My heart was pounding. I walked out of the restroom and passed the guys. I could feel them both staring. After a moment, Bill, the guy I hadn't been showing off to, told me my skirt was tucked into my pants. I reached back, pretending to be surprised. I pulled it out of my waistband and let it fall into place. As I did, I thanked him for telling me. Bill laughed and said that he didn't want to tell me but he felt obligated. He was enjoying the view.

I laughed, and for some reason I don't understand, I reached back, flipped my skirt up, and said, "There's happy now," as it fell back into place.

Bill said, "Not really, but it was a start."

I went back to my desk and told Dave exactly what happened. The first thing he said was, "Good girl."

I don't know why, but those words really made me feel good. I liked that he called me a good girl. He asked me if I was having fun. I replied that I was. He asked if I was ready for my next dare.

I said okay. In the end, I was having a lot of fun. Showing off was exciting to me. Being told what to do also excites me.

As I sat back down, I reached down and pulled the back of my skirt up. As I did it, I noticed Tom looking right at me. I just smiled at him and pulled the skirt up. Tom smiled back. Now he knew that I knew he was looking. He also knew I did not mind. Again, I could feel how wet my pussy was. I was actually thinking of going in the restroom and masturbating.

I told Dave I did it. I added that Tom watched me while I did it. Again, the question came. How did I feel? I told him I was feeling sexy and hot. He asked me if I was wet. This was the first reference to my body. I hesitated, and told him I was.

Again he said, "Good girl."

Again, I felt a rush of excitement when he said it.

Tom was still looking at me. I said, "Take a picture. It will last longer."

He laughed and said, "I should've taken a picture when you walked out of the restroom." "

Yeah, you'd probably like it if I walked around without a skirt all day," I replied. He,

of course, said he would. Sarcastically,

I said, "I'm sure the rest of the office would appreciate it."

He said, "They wouldn't care." None of them will be back this afternoon. "

I asked where they'd all gone and he told me. There was a meeting with our accounting firm.

"Oh," I said, "and what do you think Bill would say?"

Bill, obviously listening to our conversation, chimed in. "I second Tom's opinion."

Tom and I both laughed at that.

I just laughed and told them I didn't think I should, but it sounded fun. I then told Dave about the conversation. He said that it sounded like fun and told me I should do it. I responded that that was ridiculous. After all, what was I supposed to do? Just stand up and take my skirt off? He then gave me a list of instructions.

Scratch my thigh the way I did before. When I caught Tom looking, I smiled at him and said, "Enjoying the view?" When he responded, I was to say, "I suppose you would really like it if I were working without a skirt on."

Whatever he replied, I stood up, said, "What the hell, and let it fall to the floor."

I could not believe it. There was no way I could do that. I mean, we had a flirty office, but this was crossing the line. Then again, as I read what he wanted me to do, I admit I almost came right then and there. Chatting with Dave, I put up some resistance. I didn't say no way. I said I didn't think I could do it, told him he was crazy, and said the guys would freak out. Dave said he bet they would love it.

I looked over and again saw Tom looking at me. I smiled, and he smiled back. As I looked at him, I thought of Dave's instructions. My hand, almost with the will of its own, went down to my thigh and started scratching my leg. As Tom watched and I looked at him, I scratched my leg and pulled my skirt up like I did before. He kept watching and I kept looking at him.

The words came out of my mouth just as Dave told me to. "Are you enjoying the view?"

Tom's reply was "You have great legs. I love the stockings."

I responded, "I suppose you would really like it if I worked without a skirt on."

I could not believe I said it. As I did, my heart was beating a mile a minute. I could think of Dave online wanting to give me the next step. I wonder what more I could do. Then Tom replied.

He laughed and said, "You're not brave enough."

Wow, that gave me the excuse to actually do it. I don't even think I hesitated. I stood up, unzipped my skirt, and let it fall to the floor. I looked at Tom and said, "Is that better?"

He was just staring at me, mouth open. I looked at Bill. He was staring too. There I was standing at my desk in just my stockings and suspenders, thong, top, and heels.

Before Tom could respond, Bill said, "That's almost perfect."

I did a little pirouette and said, "I hope you're happy now," and sat down.

I started typing to Dave, telling him exactly what happened. As I was typing it, I was reliving it in my mind. I felt hot as hell. I think if one of the guys wanted to fuck me, I would've bent over my desk right then and there.

Dave responded that he knew I could do it. He told me he was proud of me. Having him tell me that made me feel good. Why was I enjoying this stranger's approval so much?

As I was typing, Bill commented that he didn't see what color my thong was. I was telling Dave all this as it was happening.

Dave just responded, "Well show him."

I didn't even hesitate. I just stood up, pulled the hem of my shirt up so my navel was showing, and said, "White and pink."

I could tell they did not expect that. They were both speechless.

As I stood there, Bill came to his senses and said, "You have a great belly."

I was really enjoying the compliments. Tom asked me if my bra matched. I told him it did. He said he'd like to see it. Teasingly, I pulled my top up and exposed my bra. They both complimented me and told me I had a great body and that my bra and panties were cute.

I said, "Ok, I have work to do." I can't be parading around half naked all afternoon. "

As I went to sit down, Bill commented that since I'd shown them my bra anyway, why don't I work with my top off? I responded that they would not get any work done. They laughed. Bill replied that he was pretty caught up anyway.

I laughed, sat down, and started telling Dave everything that happened. He asked me if I was enjoying showing off. I told him. I told him exactly how I felt. After all, I really was. I always knew I liked to flirt, but this was way past flirting. This was being an exhibitionist. As I thought of that word, a hot flash went from my pussy to my brain. I immediately realized that the total idea of showing off thrilled me to the bone. I was an exhibitionist.

I'd been sitting for a few minutes. The guys had gone back to their work. I was having a hard time concentrating. All I could think of was standing up, taking off my top, and showing the guys my bra.

I told Dave and he said, "Just do it."

What? Just stand up, take off my shirt? Just like that? What would the guys think? Could I really just do that? I texted my doubts to Dave.

His response was, "You'd love it." So would they. "

I could not believe I was actually considering this. The conversation had passed. If I were to do it now, it would be a deliberate act, not just a response to some teasing. Dave was encouraging me online. I was resisting, but my resistance was getting lamer and lamer. All the while, my pussy was getting wetter and wetter. Finally, my pussy won. I stood up and went to get a file. The guy's eyes followed my ass as I walked. When I turned around, they were both looking at me. I looked at one, then the other.

I just said, "OK," and I pulled my top off.

I was standing in the middle of the office in front of Bill and Tom in my bra, panties, and heels, and I was loving it. They were both telling me how beautiful and sexy I was. I felt both. I saw Bill's eyes drop to my pants. The thin white material stretched over my pussy. I suddenly realized how wet I was and that they could see the wetness on my pants.

I started to blush, but also realized I wanted them to know. I could feel their eyes on me. It just made me wetter.

Bill was the first to say something. "Looks like you're enjoying this too."

He was right, and we all knew it. I didn't deny it. I went back to my desk. I was about to sit down when Bill joked, "Do you want to put down a towel first?"
I just laughed and asked if he wanted me to do that so he could take the towel home.

His response was, "You bet."

I sat down and started telling Dave everything that happened. He responded with approval and then said, "I knew when I met you that you had a little slut streak." Don't you? "

Wow, slut? If someone had called me a slut the day before, I would have scratched their eyes out. Now, I was taking it as a compliment.

I responded that I had never done anything like this before. I had had sex four times before with a nice guy. I just thought it was time. I did not consider myself slutty. Yet, when he called me that, I liked the way it felt. I don't know why, but I told him exactly what I was feeling.

"Good girl," he said. Mmmmm

, I thought he

told me what to say next. As I read it, I knew I shouldn't, but I knew I was going to. I read it right off the screen.

I looked down at my pussy and said, "Oh my god, I did not realize my pants had soaked through like that."

Both guys' heads immediately bobbed up.

Bill responded. It was obvious that Bill was the quicker thinker. I think he grasped what was going on. Yeah, they are pretty wet. It's Pretty Transparent. Hell, it was almost like you weren't wearing that thong at all. "

With my shaved pussy, I knew they could see everything.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I asked myself again.

Oh my goodness. Did I just say that? I furiously typed and told Dave what was happening.

His response was, "That's my good little slut."

I responded, "Thank you."

Thank you? What was that all about? I am thanking a guy who talked me into sitting in my office in my bra and pants. Yet there I was feeling hot, sexy, grateful, and like I'd do anything he asked. The next thing he typed made me cum. Yes, right there is my chair. I wasn't touching myself, but I was rubbing my legs together and leaning forward in my seat trying to stimulate myself. He didn't say anything dirty, but his next command was to do something that changed the dynamic. Up till now, I have been reacting to them. Now he was telling me to take the lead.

The words on the screen said, "Tell the guys they are right." Your pants are soaked and they are getting uncomfortable. Ask them if they'd mind if you took them off. "

At that point, I knew where this was going. If my pants came off, I knew these guys were going to fuck me. I knew it and Dave knew it too. Here I was, considering fucking two guys in my office, two guys I had never even considered dating, and worse, I knew I was going to do it.

I could have pretended I was doing it for Dave, but I wasn't. I wanted this. I, sweet Helen, one lover in my past, was about to become a total slut, and I was thrilled by the idea. Let's face it. For me to go this far in one day, I had to admit I wanted it. I wanted to be a slut. I wanted to be told what to do. I didn't even resist. I told Dave, "OK."

It wasn't as hard as I thought. I had not looked, but the guys noticed my orgasm. They were speechless. just staring at me. I said it. I asked if I could take my pants off. exactly as Dave told me to. Tom just stared, but Bill quickly said, "Come over here. I'll do it for you. "

I looked at my PC. I quickly typed the interaction and saw the immediate response. "Go."

I stood up and walked over to Bill. He was only a few feet away from me, but it felt like I had run 5 miles. I was breathing heavily, flushed, and perspiring a little. Bill was staring at my pants. I looked. They were soaked through. It's completely transparent. I stood in front of Bill. arms by my side.

He looked at my face and said, "Are you sure?"

I put my arms on his shoulders, looked him in the eye, and said, "Yes, Bill, I want my pants off." Please take them off of me. "

That was it. I felt his hands on my waist band. He slid them off my hips. I stepped out of them.

Bill said, "You have a gorgeous pussy." I

I had not moved. My hands were still on his shoulders. Bill looked at Tom and said, "I think that bra should come off too."

He was right. I wanted to be naked. I wanted these two guys to see me naked. Tom stood up and walked over. I felt Bill's hand back on my thigh. I shivered. His hand moved to my pussy. As his hand grazed my clit, I came again. I was on fire. I kept my eyes on Bill and felt the clasp of my bra come undone. I turned and looked at Tom and shrugged it off my shoulders.

I actually said, "Thank you."

That was it. Bill knew who I was. He looked me in the eyes and said, "That's a good slut."

His fingers in my pussy and hearing the word out loud, I came again.

Bill didn't stop. I've wanted to fuck you since I met you. Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Yes," I answered quietly.

"What did you say?"

"Yes, I want you to fuck me."

"And are you a slut?"

"Yes," I said,

"What? came the response." I said, "Yes,

I am a slut and I want to be fucked."

Bill pushed me to my knees and told me to pull out his cock. I had not seen a lot of cocks. This one looked like the one hard one I saw. I pulled his collar out of his pants. I was now face to-face with it. I knew what oral sex was. I had a good idea of what to do, but I had never done it before.

"Suck it, you slut," Bill said.

My mouth was immediately on it. I wrapped my lips around it. I loved the way it felt. I loved the way I felt. He kept moaning and calling me a slut. telling me to suck his cock. telling me I was a good slutty cocksucker. Every word made me want to please him more and more.

As I sucked Bill, Tom had pulled out his cock and was stroking it. I could see him out of the corner of my eye. It was hot that these two hard cocks were hard over me. I loved it.

Bill looked at Tom and said, "Do you want some of this slutsmouth?"

Tom hesitated. I reached out and took his cock in my hand. I pulled him close and said, "Please."

He moaned as I took him in my mouth.

I felt Bill position himself behind me. I knew what doggie style was, but again, I had never done it. Bill said, "Get that slutty ass up in the air."

I grabbed Tom's hand and pulled him to the ground so I could continue to suck his cock. As I did, I raised my ass. Bill rubbed his cock against my pussy. I was dripping. His cock touched my clit and I went off again.

Bill said to Tom, "This slut's cunt is dripping wet."

cunt? cunt? Yesterday, I would have stabbed him. Today I loved the way it felt. I wanted to hear it again. I wanted to say it.

I could feel his cock against my pussy. I wanted it in me. Please, I said. "Fuck me."

Bill had obviously done this before. His response was, "I'm not fucking you." I'm fucking your little slut cunt. "

I came again.

His cock slid into me. I'd never felt anything like it. His cheek was nothing special, but being here, in this office, with these two guys made every nerve in my body tingle. I moaned as he entered me.

"That's it, slut. Take my cock." Fuck me. "

I started fucking him. He started fucking me. I could feel his cock sliding in and out of me. Every movement sent jolts through my pussy. I could feel the cock in my mouth. I tried to picture how I looked. I knew guys liked my ass. I was wishing I could get a picture. The thought of that made me come again.

As I came, I felt Tom's cock start to stretch. He said, "Oh my god, I'm going to cough."

I started to pull my mouth away but Bill pushed my head down and said, "No, good sluts swallow." "Get every drop."
I came again.

Tom started to cough. It squirted in my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed, but I was not fast enough. Some dripped out on my face. I pulled off his cock and the last shot of cum hit me in the cheek. I actually felt bad. I had said to get it all and I couldn't.

I was relieved when Bill said, "That's a good slut." You look good with a mug on your face. "

Tom pulled away. Bill pushed my head to the floor, pulling my ass higher. He started fucking me harder and harder. I fucked back.

"Are you ready for a cuntful of cum, slut?"

"Will said." "Yes,"

"Yes What?" "Yes,

I want your cum."

"Tell me more,"

I started screaming. "Fuck me." Fuck my credit. Fill my slutty little cup with cum. Make me a slut. Fill me up. "

I could feel it. It was incredible. I had always used a condom before. After my boyfriend and I broke up, I went on the pill. This was the first time I felt cum in my chest. It was hot, and I could feel it squirting inside of me. I could feel it flood around his cock and start dripping out of my pussy. I came so hard I went limp. Bill was holding my ass up to keep me from falling. I did not think I could do any more or that it could get any better. I was wrong.

Tom was hard again. His cock was bigger than Bill's. Not a lot, but bigger and he was hard again. Now he was into it. "

"Get that slutty little ass over here so I can fuck you."

I did as told. Again, with my ass in the air, I felt a cock enter me. Even though I was soaking wet and had a load of cum in me, I could feel the size difference. I felt full. Tom started fucking me in earnest. Hard and fast. all the while calling me a slut and asking me what I wanted.

I was glad to respond. The words were hot. "Fuck me." Fuck me like the slut I am. Fuck my cumfilled cunt. Give me your load. Shoot in me. "

I had no idea I could talk like that, but every slutty word made me tingle.

I felt it. I felt him spasm. I felt the cum hit my pussy walls. I felt it leak out of my pussy around his still thrusting cock. It was amazing. I had an orgasm like nothing I can describe.

I was done. Exhausted, sweaty, satiated, quivering. It was almost closing time. Bill and Tom went to the restroom to clean up. I started picking up my clothes. Bill came out of the restroom. I was not sure how to act. Naked, dripping out of my pussy and down my leg. I couldn't look at him. Bill walked up to me. He hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

Very sweetly, he said, "Helen." You are a very special girl. We adore you. "

All of a sudden, I felt safe and cared for. He handed me a towel. It was clean and must have come from his gym bag. He walked me to the restroom, and I wiped myself clean. He went and found my skirt and bought it for me. I got dressed.

Bill and Tom both hugged me before they left. They were so sweet. I sat at my desk and asked Dave if he was there. He responded, so I told him what happened. He asked a lot of questions, and at one point, I played with myself as I recapped what happened. I came once again.

It was time to go home. I said goodbye and went to sign off.

His last words were, "Good Girl."

As I drove home, I replayed the day over and over in my head. I have to admit, it was the hottest thing I ever did. I also knew that I had jeopardized my job. What will the guys think of me on Monday? What if they told others? That part scared me and excited me. Why was I feeling that? Why would I want others to know what a slut I'd been? I knew Dave was a bad influence. I resolved not to talk to him again.

I failed.
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 9 tháng trước đây
đến Gary99smith3 : Thank you
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Gary99smith3 9 tháng trước đây
Amazing darling!! X
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old4yng 1 năm trước đây
once again a very horny story xx
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marc196481 1 năm trước đây
Very horny story xx 
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curiousdavid 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : Thanks for sharing, look forward to more hot stories!
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến curiousdavid : So pleased you did, it is nice to hear💋💋
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curiousdavid 1 năm trước đây
Just loved this story!
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crzs 1 năm trước đây
Helen , I'd of kissed you to thank you after you sucked my cock and been on my knees to taste your pussy before and after fucking and creampieing your loving pussy 
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That's a great story Helen. I'd love to have been in your office and watched you play out those scenes. How many times were you a good girl and orgasmed? Are you still a good girl lifting your skirt so you bare arse is on the chair?  Does your cunt get wet when you do it like a Good girl should?
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Ukchris56 : Mornings
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Ukchris56 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : Is there any particular time of day you are on here? 
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Ukchris56 : Me to, hope to catch you online
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Ukchris56 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : I hope we can chat on soon and become close friends x
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Ukchris56 : I would have liked that
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Ukchris56 1 năm trước đây
Wow Helen, I wish I worked with you. Just to be your friend and flirt with you would be fantastic xx
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Davelove01 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : would like to be doing that right now x
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Davelove01 : Pleased you enjoyed them
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Davelove01 1 năm trước đây
WOW my cock is aching great story x
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ishable 1 năm trước đây
OMG wow, wow, wow!!  Love this. This rings so many bells with me. How can anyone read this without touching themselves!!
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maroonhat 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : Very much so, you are a gifted writer
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến maroonhat : Pleased you enjoyed
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maroonhat 1 năm trước đây
Fantastic post, as all of yours are, sexy, erotic and leaving the reader wanting more.  Excellent.
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
Pleased you enjoyed
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Decamerone69 : Thankyou
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Decamerone69 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : Will send you in message my fantasy later today....
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Decamerone69 : Yes please
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Decamerone69 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : Would love to tell you my naughty fantasies....
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Decamerone69 : Be nice to read about you naughty fantasies 
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Decamerone69 1 năm trước đây
đến old_fashion_helen : Yeah I do like to write sometimes naughty fantasy and always when writing getting very excited and feeling all that through myself....
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old_fashion_helen Người đăng 1 năm trước đây
đến Decamerone69 : It is exciting writing them
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