Our First Night Together

I was stationed in Phu Bai, and was injured, so when I returned to my unit, I found out I had been profiled out of the bush, and was being transferred to a unit in Vungtau. I was in the E M Club, having some beer with friends, and talking about my good luck, and some guys at the next table overheard us, and asked to join us. Three of the four guys had just returned from In-Country R&R in Vungtau, and wanted to show us some of the pictures they had taken. Most of them were the usual pussy pictures, but mainly of just one girl. SHE was a DOLL!!! Very pretty face, and a body to die for. Mos… Читати далі

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NEXT Summer

My mom had had surgery, and had arranged for my cousin to stay with us, again. I, inadvertently, left out some information on the first story. While I WAS 14, I was only two months past my birthday when she arrived to stay with us, and while SHE was only 13, she was only three months from her next birthday. I was only five months older than she. We had experimented every chance we got, during the winter months, which were too few for BOTH of us. We always wanted MORE! I received the good news, the day I finished school, that Mom was going to have her surgery two weeks hence. SHE would be reli… Читати далі

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My Cherry Gets Busted

The summer after my 14th birthday, was a drag. My Mom had just given birth to my first little sister, so it was up to me to keep the house, cook, and look after 2 younger brothers. One was 9 and the other was 6. THEY were a bigger pain in the ass than all of the other stuff put together. When I asked them to help, they could make Houdini blush with envy. They could disappear faster than a puff of smoke in a cyclone. After about a month of this, Mom suggested to Dad, that he go and get my cousin, who was 13, to come and help me4, until she could get around better. We went to visit his brother,… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures Part 227

Gloria was in her version of Heaven. She had met a man who worshiped her, treated her like a lady, in public, and like a whore, in private. He was always telling her how much he loved her, and started out MOST days with the simple, "Good Morning, my love. Will you marry me, today?" She always replied that she needed to think about it for a little more. Then they would go and take a shower together, laughing, and enjoying themselves, dress, eat a bite or two of breakfast, and go to work. At lunch, she would sit with him, topless, weather and circumstances, allowing, and, if possible, getting a… Читати далі

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Party Goes South Part 4

The trip home was, largely, uneventful. They each shared, with the other two, what had happened, AFTER they had parted company. They girls were especially curious about what had happened between Alice, and the son of her old flame. She told them, in great detail, what they had done, and that he, like his father, was an especially talented lover. He even used most of the same methods as his father, including, but NOT limited to, the way he had eaten her pussy. He had even used some of the same terms. His father had called her long pussy lips, her "Mud Flaps," as he was admiring them. Then he ha… Читати далі

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Party Goes South Part 3

Alice had called Rebecca's mother, as she was helping Ashley into the shower. Chris was standing beside her, fondling her breasts, and kissing her neck. He had enjoyed taking the virginity of Ashley, but his real thrill was yet to come. The Colonel had asked him to go by and see his wife and daughter. He smiled and added, "You KNOW she's going to give you some pussy. Just do as good as I know you can, and we can hope she ran out of her pills. I would love to go home, and see her with a swelled belly, or holding a baby in her arms. I keep hoping she will let someone knock her up, but, it looks… Читати далі

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Party Goes South Part 2

Becca quickly finished what she was doing, flushed the toilet, and put the empty box back in the sack. She had never douched, before. She had always been scared of perforating her own hymen. When she lost her virginity, she wanted it to be an occasion to stay with her for the rest of her life. Today had surpassed her wildest expectations. It had been wonderful. Chris had always been her hero, and her true love. When he had gone out with girls, in High School, she had been upset, to the point of being jealous. She would try to find out everything they had done. She had watched for signs that… Читати далі

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Party goes South

Rebecca was one of the "cool girls" in her High School. She was a starter on the Girl's Basketball team, was a cheerleader, for the second year, and was one of the most popular girls in her class. This year she was a Junior. She had dated almost all of the football team, at one time or another, and was invited to ALL the parties that REALLY mattered. She could dance with the best of them, and was up on all the latest music. She was most glad that her older brother was going to be home. He had been a year in Vietnam, and was coming back to see her, before he went to Germany. He had hinted tha… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures Part 226

Joyce was sitting in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of ice tea. It had been a hectic day, in the best estimation. Melody and Bob were spending the day at the building site, and the other girls, in her absence, had gone shopping with Susan. She and Althea had, first, gone to the Registrar's Office, and changed her Major from Elementary Education, to Nursing, and then they had gone to the doctor's office, for her exam. She had had all the tests done. Blood, urine, stools, chest X-ray, and reflexes. Then he had put her on the examination table, and put her feet in the stirrups, for an anal and p… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures Part 225

Tony and Gloria went to work the next day, and, as Gloria was told, by Michael, she was told that she was going to be sent over to the new houses, to grade the site where they were going to build the new house for Bob and Melody. It would need to be a place that was 150 ft, x 200 ft. They were also going to build an in ground pool at the back of the house. Floyd and Francis would be there with her, and Tony, Victor, and Melvin would be swamping for them. The others would be coming over to start setting up the reinforcement, and pouring the cement in a day or two. He was having Wayne to drive t… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures NEW Part 5

Your parents must have loved you, VERY MUCH, to take such care in taking your virginity. Misti smiled, and replied, "I had wonderful parents. I'm even surprised that I wasn't spoiled, or become a rotten daughter. They supported EVERYTHING that I wanted to do. Father paid for me to go to Bangkok, to study dancing, and gave me money to live on, when I came back, and started searching for a job. He even bought me a bus ticket, to use if I needed it. When we told them I was getting married, he dropped everything and came and stayed with us for two weeks, and Mother and I shopped for my wedding cos… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures Part 223

The weekend was hectic, to say the least, but they made the most of it, and still had time for some fun. All the girls had their own bedrooms, with large walk in closets, which was a new thing to Joyce. She had shared a closet with her brothers. Pa had strung a wire across the bedroom, and had hung a curtain, to afford her a small bit of privacy. He had made the boys promise to honor their sister, by NOT peaking at her, when she was changing, or just out of the bath. They all knew that he set store by a man's word, so that was a serious thing. She looked around the room she had, and reveled i… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures NEW Part 4

Mary had stood, and sat, there, listening to the stories each of the others had told, but Paula was consumed by curiosity, from her Mother's remarks. She had waited until there was a break in the conversation, and looked at her Mom. "What did you mean by "the way I was raised, it was normal for k**s to have sex with each other", and "I thought it was normal for Fathers to fuck their daughters?" Mary could feel the eyes of everyone shifting to her. "I mean that it happened so much, that hardly anyone thought about it, unless the daughter was being abused, or forced into something." she replie… Читати далі

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Misties' Adventures NEW Part 3

Mike bent over so Misti could be set down on the ground, and had stepped over to shake hands with Dave, and to hug and kiss the two ladies Sharon gave him an extremely hot kiss, and whispered to him, "I'm honored to meet you. I hope that soon you'll give ME the meat. I LOVE big men. Especially when they look like YOU. YOU'RE YUMMY!!!" He gave her another kiss. "It would be MY honor. Anything you desire." Carol was a little more direct with her response. He leaned down to kiss her,and discovered that she wasn't that much taller than Misti. She saw the look on his face, and volunteered the info… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures NEW Part 2

Misti,, drawn by the sight of her neighbors lovemaking, finished cleaning herself, and climbed to her knees, resting her forearms on Joe's leg, watching them, carefully. Mr. Hinkle, Jerimiah, or Jerry, as he was known, had a hard grasp of his wife's hipbones, and was driving into her like he was on fire. Her whole body shook from the force of his thrusts, causing her pendulous breasts to swing wildly under her. They were beautiful. They hung only because of their size. Misti had seen her completely naked several times, and had been amazed at how youthful she was. Mary Hinkle was just past her… Читати далі

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The NEW Mistis' Adventures Part 1

The originals were lost, so I am starting over, at the beginning, and, HOPEFULLY, making it BETTER than the first version. Misti was a beautiful lady, to say the least, and as friendly as she was beautiful. She was from Thailand, where she had met her husband. She was a professional dancer in an upscale club, and was the headliner of their troupe. Her picture was on the marquis outside the main entrance, doing a difficult maneuver on her hands, and naked. Many men had seen the picture and came in just to see her. She was, by Western standards,VERY petite. She only stood 5 feet on her bare fe… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures Part 222

Steve and Gloria came home that evening to find that Floyd, Maria, and the two girls were waiting for them. THEY had been home for less than two hours, and still hadn't finished unloading the car. Steve sat for a minute, talking to Floyd, and filling him in on things that had happened at work. Gloria, after giving him a kiss and hugging him, had gone to find Maria. She had been looking for something. The two of them sat and chatted for a few minutes, and Maria had stood up, suddenly, and gone to her closet, and reached up to pull down a photo album. She took several pictures from her purse, an… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures Part 38

It took almost an hour for Cathy and William to get enough strength to take another shower, and get dressed. Cathy was smiling and telling William what she was planning to do to him the next time. "I'm gonna eat your dick till it's sore, them I'm gonna climb on top of ya and ride you like a Hobby Horse. Then I'm gonna sit on your face till you suck all the cum out of my pussy, and make you put it back in. Every last drop! Then I'm gonna think of somethin' mean to do to ya. In the meantime I'm gonna tell Sharon something so she'll give ya what for. William was laughing so hard he almost couldn… Читати далі

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Mistis' Adventures Part 35

They quickly moved their drinks out of the way do they wouldn't get knocked over. Mary had been curious about Billy ever since she had seen him the first time. Jerry had been the same way about Cathy. Seeing her naked out at the farm that day had only piqued his interest. They paired off and, wasting no time, had gotten down to business. Jerry had kissed Cathy, or was it the other way around? They were kissing each other all over each others faces and necks. Jerry was cupping Cathy's pert little breasts and was using his thumbs to tease her nipples. They were much longer than he had noticed,… Читати далі

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Mistis'Adventures Part 34

The elders were so completely worn out from the drive from home and the activities of the very long day that, after a shower, they went straight to bed, and were soon asleep. Dave wasn't far behind them, but Mary and Jerry had come over when they returned, and they, Billy and Cathy were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking quietly. Mary was still excited from Sharon's announcement that she was pregnant. She was making all sorts of plans in Sharon's behalf. Cathy and her had their conversation, while Billy was telling Jerry in detail about the new colt and his entrance to the wo… Читати далі

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